Chereads / Steps of the Dragon Knight / Chapter 18 - Curiosity of a Princess

Chapter 18 - Curiosity of a Princess

Chapter 17 

The knight is nothing if not efficient. Isabella glances to where she now stands. Her dirty training outfit out of place around the opulence of Tekt Glynice's home. Such a sight to see. She acknowledges with a hum of admiration. The former prize fighter turned knight stood in such a lax manner that her...friends were making snide comments at her for it. 

Honestly, what a wonderful thing it is. These women she's sitting with. Michelle Glynice is the only daughter of Glynice Tektdom. The family of Fealts are known for their merchant company that distributes food through the land. A great friend to make for yourself. The orange haired beauty took a shot or two at Zarracen. 

So, distracted by their personal wealth, she cannot see she's isolating someone powerful enough to level this entire building. There is no leash for Zarracen. It took only an hour of watching her to acknowledge that the woman did not have any loyalty to this country nor it's classist system. 

Zarracen knows her worth now. And if she were to go to another country very few could stop her before it's too late. And yet, here this woman is making such an enemy. Isabella isn't known for stopping foolishness because it's better to get bitten once than not at all. However, she's currently courting this knight's favor and she cannot stand and listen. 

Isabella settles the coffee down on the table with a soft clink. She looks at Michelle immediately pulling in the blue-eyed girl. 

"Remind yourself of her rank in comparison to yours." 

Zarracen has a title to her name unlike the woman before her. All she has is blood and nothing to it. She does nothing with her family business but languish in riches accumulated by others while the woman protecting her flourishes in creating riches by battle. By her own merit. 

And because of that she has a rank equal to Margrave. A step from the top. To get to where she is she had to achieve the most in comparison to one's of noble blood. Isabella fondly remembers when the woman took out the rampaging Grand Lion of Sunmen. How many knights did it kill before and oh she went and was back in a day. 

At her father's feet to be granted the title of Ravemoor. And oh, she didn't recognize her then. But she did when she watched her beat to near death a too handsy knight from her old valor squad. She was penalized for it of course but the utter violence was reminiscent of her time in the slums with a powerful red eyed youth with hands too big for her arms. 

And eyes too old to be her age. A time before Isabella was brought to the castle. A time before she could stare down women like Michelle and have them stuttering for leniency as she is now. A reminder who Zarracen belongs to. 

The knight is hers. She just doesn't know it yet. 

The little tea party continues from that stuttering step without a hitch. The women begin gossiping more about what others fiancé's were up to or there own. 

It was honest to godmother exhausting boring listening to them. If it weren't for their siblings and their parents pull she wouldn't have even cared to accept this invitation. She needs to do as much lobbying as she can. 

Celeste chose to throw her hands into counsel work. Even if she loses out on the throne if she does well enough her counsel work will keep her within Ixmtaraza. 

Hallow was blessed with such Empyrean that it was staggering. It's not like Isabella cannot utilize it she just isn't as natural as he was. Her biologically given divine energy chose to attend to her genetic abilities. To her eyes. To her strength and a few other aspects that weren't known to those outside of the family. 

Her position in the family wasn't as it appears on the outside. Oh, she certainly knows that those not of the royal family view her as the weaker link of the older siblings in comparison to the young ones who were not old enough to even take part in the race for the crown yet. 

Those who knew anything knew that the commoners loved Celeste with the RIM and the church due to him being such a conduit for Empyrean loved Hallow. What they didn't understand and what her siblings also didn't understand was that the history of the country was made by individuals with abilities like her. 

Ones who could tap into their divine blood. It's unlikely that she would be married off like Celeste whose divine blood is so weak that she could not cast stars in her eyes. Or Hallow who would be sequestered in the church due to being a good divine conduit. Isabella has carefully crafted allies within dukedoms and graveries whose histories are as long as her bloodline in the creation of this nation. 

She needed these alliances considering her lineage. Dear old father likely gave Zarracen to her to strengthen her foothold. To those without a brain it appeared as if Father announced she was weak. But, why a dragon slayer. Why someone as powerful as Zarracen when most in this country are too weak to even graze her cheek? 

It's no secret that all of the royal family reached tier 5 in the mana arts or the aura arts at a young age. Their experience is boosted by their bloodline and capabilities. That's better than half of the nations fighting force and yet a dragon slayer a tier 1 deigned to be the bodyguard of someone near the peak of magic and a tier 3 sword master. 

It's laughable. The heehawing women in front of her believes it as well. It's clear to see but it's no matter. They aren't what this meeting is for. They are here for a stage. Hopefully none of them die. 

Isabella sends a pulse of Empyrean out. She feels Zarracen start forward from her position in the wall. Most likely sensing the change in atmosphere. The knight is by her side in seconds. She gazes up at her who was looking towards window. 

"It appears some creatures have gotten on to property your highness," Zarracen's normally cool tone is surprisingly concerned. 

Is that worry in her eyes? Isabella wonders. The enemies staged should not be strong enough to overtake her. 

"Can you handle it expeditiously?" Isabella questioned. 

"I'll be back in a few moments." 

Isabella stands as Zarracen leaves the room at a dead sprint that caused a few of the furniture to be ruffled with her quickness. 

"Lunch and a show. How lovely," 

Isabella moves to the window. Her hand twists and the curtains part giving her a nice view of the courtyard below. The guards below were useless in fending off the congnifiends. The sight of the jackal knight tearing through the cognifiends was something. 

She did not get to view when the woman fended off assassins before they even could look at her window. Now she can see it for herself. It was like watching a wild carnivore tear through a herd of herbivores. The sword is her claw and the aura attacks her teeth. 

The useless guards of the mansion stood like statues as they are painted with blood of the cognifiends trying to run away. She chases them down completely. A sigh escapes her lips at the sight. Such a beautiful sight. 

Zarracen standing there in the middle of the courtyard. Blood dripping from her sword. Her shirt soaked in it. She's certainly glad she didn't have her change now. Ruining her nicer clothes with this show would have been horrible. 

"A savage," Melissa an actual Tekta of the Pines tektdom remarks. 

"How lovely?" 

Isabella remarks with a grin. Zarracen waves her sword and the blood splatters on the ground before she sheathes it. Her royal guard looks at her momentarily before walking back into the building. 



Shrieks can be heard as Isabella feels Zarracen comes closer to the room. The others remark how she could not seriously enter the room with all that blood but she does. She leans back against the wall again. And watches them. 

"Shall we continue ladies." 

The talks of gossip quickly vanishes. The women quickly make excuses to leave without being rude to the host and soon enough Isabella is leaving with Zarracen at her heels. 

"You fight interestingly Galt Ahktan," Isabella remarks. 

"You mean I don't fight pretty like all of those who were given a nice school of fighting to learn from," Zarracen grunts. 

"I like it." 

The knight pauses mid step before continuing to keep up with her. 

The two of them depart the mansion to where the carriages are. Zarracen assists Isabella inside the carriage before entering it herself. The magic of the carriage sends them off towards the castle. 

Isabella looks at Zarracen whose eyes are set to stare at the surrounding streets. No need to fill the silence appears. She watches the knight's eyes taking in her relaxed posture. 

"I'm surprised you let me inside all bloody," Zarracen ends the silence looking at Isabella with a hint of confusion. Though the look is covered quickly. 

"You got blood for me didn't you. Besides it was such an entertaining show. Far more entertaining than listening to them." 

"Are they not your friends?" 


"Then why visit with them." 

"To use them later on if possible. You'll find me meeting with several people who you'd wonder why I'd meet given their proclivities. I don't' have the same standing as my other siblings." 

Zarracen nods her head in acceptance of this. She'll learn soon enough. Mayhap the easy way or the hard way. Hopefully, it's the hard way. It'll be interesting watching her floundering in the political landscape that comes with being a royal guard. 

They ride through the castle grounds towards her mansion. On arrival, Zarracen steps out first. Holding her hand out to assist Isabella out of the carriage. A surprise expression mars her face. Zarracen leans closer to her. 

"Do not do that again." The words were said in a threatening tone. 

Isabella smiles widen. 

"Whatever are you talking about?" Zarracen doesn't respond. Instead, releases her hand to escort her inside. 

Fiella meets them in the foyer. Her lips upturned in disgust towards Zarracen. The knight grunts expressing she was going to wash leaving the two women together. Isabella watches her walk off amusement coloring her expression. 

"I'm guessing you both enjoyed yourselves?" Fiella questions with a raised brow. 

"Of course, it was a wonderful lunch. We even got to take part in a show. Sadly, the other women there weren't as into it as I was." 

Fiella blinks and states plainly, "you mean they don't enjoy a bunch of blood splatter with their tea." 

Isabella gasps and looks wounded. 

"Why I do not either Fiella. I just found myself enthralled in the strength of my knight knowing my guard could protect me from even the fiercest of creatures." 


The two of the move from the foyer. As they walk Isabella casts Solus. A spell that blankets the two of them in dark energy. It hides the conversation about something innocuous to those that could be listening in. 

"If you're here I'm sure you've finished investigating her picks completely?" 

"Yes. All of them seem above board. It looks like she's a good judge of character." 

"Hmm." Isabella hums at that last phrase. 

"Things can be hidden though my lady so, if necessary, we'll keep an eye out on them." 

"Good ensure that they have rooms here in the guards barracks. They don't have families correct." 

"Yes, none of them have families. They are all hurting for coin though so there should be worry there." 

"Keep an eye on their financials," Isabella orders. 


"Also work to have Zarracen completely removed from the Valor Order. She'll be my guard and solely my guard." 

"That won't take much. As your guard you are her commanding officer. The only one above her would by Sir Norcross and your father. The filing for to be completely your guard though are slowly being pushed through." 

"What's stopping it?" 


"So, Celeste." 

"She's utilizing the killings done in Arthwa to slow the process." 

"Who's the Researcher in charge?" 

"Moe Bates. It appears that the initial investigation came up with some problems. Apparently, a member from a noble family has gotten involved due to one of the victims being a fiancé of a Margrave's son." 

Fiella answers more than what Isabella asks for knowing she'd rather have the full answer than to pull teeth to get to what she needs. The princess stops in the hallway tilting her head in thought. Moe Bates. 

A no name. She could just kill him to rush the process closed but Celeste already has her hands in the counsel. She's using the investigation to slow the process of her gaining Zarracen as an ally. She's already harkened on to the fact that Father gave the knight to her to bolster her position. 

In her brief talks with Hallow the past couple of days the man didn't even think to suggest such a thing. Instead, the man wanted to know if he'd like her to ask father to take it back. Really, such a two-sided coin a royal guardsman could be, and her brother immediately thought the worse. 

He's not an idiot but he does tend to see on the lighter side of things instead of the undertones beneath. It's why instead of being sent to another country she knows father wants him embedded deep in the church. The empire is partially a holy state with their godly idols technically walking amongst them but really, he should know better after fielding so many backhanded deals with priests. 

"Schedule a meeting with Hallow tomorrow. He can push things through especially since Zarracen hired someone who was once with the church. It might make a few allies within the church to look at her in the better light. The holy men and women on the counsel would then be more favorable to it even if we can't get a few nobles on our side." 

"About that?" 

Isabella looks at Fiella who is now wincing. The princess walks away again as they were near her study. The two of them enter and she throws her charm off to envelope the entirety of the room. 

"She's sort of been excommunicated." 

"How?" Tximuria is no sort of light goddess like those that are also worshipped in the nation. In fact, she actually has a dark history with the gods of this world. 

One of battle and bloodshed that led to her acceptance. How could she possibly get excommunicated from a church where the worst you'd have to do is literally not have schism, blasphemy, and the breaking of sacraments. 

"Apparently, she assaulted High Priestess Vestia during her training to take over the mantle of Barrier priestess." 

"What!? How!? Why!?" Isabella stares at her aide with widened eyes. 

"That's being kept very quiet. I was only even able to get that much from my plant there." 

"I thought you said she was above board. How is this above board?" 

"I was talking about her personality. She still seems utterly devoted to the royal family. Honestly, I'd worry about the others trying to harm you before her." 

"That...that wasn't what I meant. I meant did they all look good." 

"Princess, they are all mercenaries put together to be royal guards by Zarracen Ahktan. An individual wh0 was working their way up to being a slum lord if Grand Knight Ulrk Praer didn't pick her up. None of them look good when you shine light on them." 

"Don't patronize me." Isabella snarls. She calms herself and looks up in thought before speaking again. 

"It looks like it'll be bad regardless of what I do. If the investigation takes too long, then or Celeste tries to hop in a trial kill the so called 'evidence' holders. Also, get me a meeting with Grand Knight Praer I want to get his views on Zarracen." 

"Expeditiously, your highness. What would you like to eat for dinner tonight?" Fiella questions with a bow. 


"Of course, I'll have that right to you then." 

"No. Call for a dinner meeting I would like to formerly meet all the people who will guard me." 

Fiella bows lowly before departing leaving Isabella worrying at her study desk. There was nothing she could do at this point but figure out what the RIM would do with Zarracen and if there was a way, she could head this off before her sister entrapped Zarracen. 

Really? Why is she doing so much for her? 

It would be better to let her wade this herself. If she cannot survive this then the landscape will tear her to shreds. But, she's not willing to see an obvious power slip from her hands.