Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 124 - Day 2 Catch-Up

Chapter 124 - Day 2 Catch-Up

Ambrosia is face down on the table, looking distraught. 'So you have two more members outside of me, and one of them is the daughter of La Llorona? How can I compete against you to begin with? And you really fought against a Salem Witch during a raid? That's quite ballsy to do, fighting with hundreds of Vigilantes fighting against Nazi Witches.'

Dorothy is getting up to leave with Makayla and Olivia, while Charlotte is drinking stone cold tea while Ambrosia turns to see that her tea is still hot.

'Yeah. Quite ballsy on fighting Emma during a raid that I snitched. So again, I have to decline your offer as a new member. And it might be safe to leave here, since there's a dangerous Vigilante coming here.'

'Are you gonna fight this danger?' Ambrosia asks as she grabs her tea.

'Nope. I'm leaving after the lessons. I'm gonna get this done right away, so you're coming?'

'Sadly no. I'm quite finished, since I'm from the 90's, so half an hour is nothing.'

'And I'll endure the long 110 minutes of history catching up to me, alongside with personal interests.'

'Ms. Gardner, may I ask what happens if you do leave here?' Charlotte asks the question.

'Since there's a small town here, I'm just hoping that the Sister's Society and Pink Lightning will play their little fight. I just want to get this over with.'

'And I heard you had battled against a powerful Vigilante, a billboard one too. Rebecca Wolfe if I'm corrected. What happened to that fight?'

'She just kicked my ass. Twice. Then the Wicked Magical Girl came by to aid her in bringing down the serial killer, Bloody Mary.'

'I see.' Charlotte takes a quick drink after they take their leave. 'Well then, Master Ambrosia, we should keep an eye out on Brittany O'Reilly.'

'Why?' Ambrosia looks up at her with a gloomy face.

'So that way we can impress your future leader.' Charlotte's fingers morph into a spider's end after opening up the window. 'Like all spiders before me, including all my other late siblings, we shall lay out traps. And lucky for us, we live in the mountains. Spider's web is quite invisible out here.'

Ambrosia got up. 'I don't know any spider spells. Could you teach me how to make spider webs?'

Charlotte is looking around then grabs a knitting kit. 'Here you go, Master Ambrosia. Many gothic Witches before your Guild came by stating that knitting is the best way to understand the spider's web.'

'Then…' Ambrosia grabs the knitting kit as Serena, continues to play as a cat, slowly walking up to Ambrosia. 'Please be careful, Elwyn.'

'Careful is a spider's way.' Charlotte smiles down at Ambrosia. 'And it's been two weeks since you called me that.'

Charlotte sprayed out the web from her fingers and noticed Serena. 'And Ms. Cat, I had seen enough Familiars knowing they have human intelligence or not. You can stop the act please, as adorable as it may be.' She transforms into her black widow spider and makes her way out to the wild.

Ambrosia turns to Serena, who gives out an awkward meow.

Makayla and Olivia walk into the conference room of the Catch-Up Cabin while Dorothy is talking to one of Beatrice's Shadows then it makes its way back to her.

About to catch up, Karen walks up to her. 'Hey, Gardner!'

Dorothy looks at her. 'Hey, Ms. McIntyre…'

'I'll get straight to it!' Karen slams her hand over Dorothy's head. 'You may have beaten me, Branwen, and Myles, but you still lost to two other Witches, meaning you're part of the losing squad, hence you must give up Johnston to me.'

'When we made that deal, it was just the four of us. Now pardon me, we got some history lessons to catch up on.' Dorothy replies as she goes under her arm. Walking back to her Guild, but Karen held her arm back.

'Hold it there, Gardner! I want a rematch between our Guilds! And I'm still gonna have Johnston in my Guild, and she'll finally acknowledge me as the true leader of the Pink Lightning Guild!'

Dorothy seems annoyed as she pulls her arm away. 'Not interested in another fight. Besides, I'm gonna have one hell of a headache today.'

'It's not a fight. It's a contest between two sirens!'

'If a siren is meant to make me deaf? Then you win that contest.' Dorothy comments.

'It's a singing contest! What more do you need to know?!'

'How long will this take? Because I'm gonna call it early and head straight home for my painful 110 minute lesson.'

'Then you can excuse yourself, just accept my offer and we can be done here.'

'If she wins, can you please stop bothering me?'

'If she wins, I'll disband my entire Guild if I have to!'

'Nothing like that please, I already did that job to the Dark Skies.'

'Then name your price!' Karen angrily goes up to Dorothy's face who seems to be beyond annoyed.

'Just accept the loss then?'

Brianna walked in then rolled her eyes and pulled Karen away. 'Hey! Let go of me!'

Everyone is making their way to the conference room.

Beatrice walks up to the podium. 'I had been informed by Glinda here that we will be encountering Brittany O'Reilly and a group of pissed off Vigilantes either tonight or tomorrow. I'll have my Shadows to take care of them, to delay them or to mislead them. Even though they're still rookies, I can't take them lightly. I'm not in the same league with the Salem Witches, not even close but I am an old Witch that can handle a bunch of newbies.' Beatrice then have her shadows appears with a Grimoire Book. 'Now, time for your lesson, and Ms. Gardner, you wanted to take that 110 minutes of a lesson?'

She nods.

'Then be prepared to lose yourself in that trial. It's not unheard of for Witches to go through 60 years of history but 70 might be a stretch since I can only go up to 60 years. I had lessons that had gone further than 60 years but it caused death at best, or worse, someone else might emerge from my previous clients' claims.'

Dorothy took one big swallow of nervousness. 'And any survivors?'

'They formed a Mercenary Guild.' Beatrice's Shadows start taking them into their seats then hold the remaining clients that have to go through lessons down. 'Good luck, Ms. Gardner.'

The Shadow engulfed hers as it entered into her eyes.

To Dorothy, she's falling deep into the abyss and diving through time itself when she softly landed back to her old home of Oztown, Kansas.

'Alright then,' Dorothy slowly walked up to her home where Beatrice's Shadow was standing at the front door, waiting for Dorothy.

Slowly opening up the front door, it turns into a revolving door to let Dorothy fall down into a trap pit with what feels that she had been pierced through multiple places of her body.

Screaming out of pain. 'Tarnation! I'm still in this part of history?! Should had just picked up the history book for the Vietnam War. I spent five minutes stuck in this damn place!'

The shadow turned into Beatrice herself. 'Five years, Ms. Gardner. Every minute in real time is a year for us in your mental state.'

'Right, right!' Dorothy slowly pulls herself out of the pit, and sees the Vietnam War while pulling spikes out of her. Her wounds are healing.

'First it's the Second World War, then the Cold War, and now the Vietnam War? I think I went through World War Three and Four, back-to-back.'

They start walking through the hell of the Vietnam War. 'Actually, the Vietnam War is somewhat of a sequel War from the Cold War, if you believe in the Wikipedia article about it. Now, time for a lesson from the Vietnam War.'

Dorothy was shot multiple times from both sides, bleeding and blood coming from her mouth.

'I hate going through the pain, is the pain necessary for these lessons?'

'What do I have to tell you, Ms. Gardner?'

'In order to learn from the past, you need to understand their pain. And each shot, a knowledge has come to my mind.'

'Of course. In two years time or in two minutes, we'll be heading to Cuba to witness the Cuban Missile Crisis', but we still go to learn about the 1960. But we will come back here, because we'll be exploring elsewhere in the world during the year of 1960. And by the way, the Vietnam War is a 20 year war, literally half of the 44 years of the Cold War.'

'Is there any positives upcoming for me? Because I don't want to be blown into bits or to dust. I already went through Hiroshima and Nagasaki.' Dorothy is walking over dead bodies. 'I honestly can't believe we can come up with such a destructive force, even without magic.'

'On the positives? Yes. You will get the chance to see John F. Kennedy, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. But I do recommend savouring their lives while you still can.'

'I did get the spoiler alerts for those two.'

'Oh, good! Then no need to explore that bit. Guess you save yourself from a couple of gunshots.'

'But I want to see those two in their prime in politics, I don't understand what they stood for or their speeches. I do need to understand.'

'That can work fine, since you know how they died, that part can be skipped.'

Dorothy is walking over a pound then she tips down onto the water then walks through a mirror, seeing Henry Macmillan preparing for a speech.

'Now it's time to listen to the "Winds of Change" speech.'

Dorothy stood there to listen to the Winds of Change speech.

'Quite interesting.'

'It is.' Beatrice takes Dorothy by the arm then escorts her out of the room then leaves the room to open up another moment of history. Seeing a young Elvis Presley with him singing "Are You Lonesome Here Tonight?"

'Wow.' Dorothy walks up to him. 'What a handsome man.'

'I'm not quite surprised. I even fell for him.' Beatrice giggled.

'This is what I can listen to. Just enjoy some good music. A lot better than what I was listening to, especially Becky's death metal music. Only the slow down bits.'

'That's pretty normal.'

They leave through the door after listening to the song to open through a door where they had entered a stadium of the 1960s Olympics.

Meanwhile, back at Dorothy's room with Ambrosia and Serena, staring at each with Ambrosia having a hard time knitting.

'So, um…' Ambrosia is trying to speak. 'What's your name?'

Serena sarcastically replied. 'Meow.'

'Alright, Meow.'

'I was being sarcastic. It's Serena.'

'Okay, Serena. Um, can you help me with knitting?' Ambrosia held the strings up to her.

Serena looks at it then up at her. 'I'm not your Familiar. I'm my own Cat.'

Ambrosia is confused. 'Then can you please make me some tea?'

'I will not, but I will get a Familiar to do the job for me.' Serena leaps down and goes back into the room, shutting the door behind her, barely as Ambrosia is watching her struggle to shut the door itself.

Serena grabs her own personal phone, sets it up to open it up. She smiles for facial recognition. She texted Darien for assistance.

After a couple of minutes, Darien came through the door, in human form.

'Hello, ma'am.' Darien walks up to the tea set. 'I've been told you need help for some tea. I can aid you with such activity.'

'Thank you.' Ambrosia nods to him. 'And can you help me with the knitting?'

'I'm sorry, I don't know how to do that.'

Ambrosia seems to look down. 'Familiar?'

'Darien, miss.'

'Darien? Is it possible that your Master can let me into her Guild? As a member of the Wicked Witches?'

'Master Dorothy is quite lovely, and peaceful. She is ever graceful, but she has been known to give out a beatdown here and there.'

'I know. I've been on the receiving end of one of her beatdowns. That's why I want to join. To learn how to become a powerful Witch.'

'Well, what can you bring to the table?'

Ambrosia looks at her sleeves. 'Gothic fashion?'

Charlotte came back. 'Master Ambrosia, I have come back. How is your knitting?'

'Still need some work.'

Charlotte notices Darien. 'I'm Elwyn or Charlotte. Either name will work for me.'

'Darien Gardner. Master Dorothy's Familiar.'

'Pleasure.' Both of them shake hands.

'Where is my Master though?' Darien asks while Serena placed her paw on her head.

Back at the conference room. Dorothy continues to feel the pain as she's screaming and tightly gripping onto the chair.

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