Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 113 - Lady Beatrice

Chapter 113 - Lady Beatrice

Beatrice is counting heads as her Wand seems to be, a clipboard?

'Beatrice Alighieri? As in Dante Alighieri's Beatrice?' Ambrosia asked.

'No. I chose that name, and legally changed it. Now, time to introduce myself. I am Lady Beatice Alighieri, originally from Italy. Became a Witch, thanks to Necro Mercer. I run the Catch Up Cabin of North America, where peace can catch up. As much as I would love to talk about my history, and my life, you all can read the brochures in your rooms about my history. Oh! And I was told by the Plague Witches from last night, do not disturb the mountain over there. Or consequences will be severe. Now, any questions before we proceed?'

All of them are curious about the mountain then shake their heads.

'Good! Now for attendance. Guild Leaders Names, and Guilds?'

Shadows melt off to pull the Guild Leaders up to her while presenting a hand scanner that Dorothy had used back at Chicago for the Coven Meeting.

Each one placed their hands on the scanner.

Ambrosia Branwen, Celestia of the Dark Skies

Bianca Myles, Big Sister of the Harlem Heaters

Glinda Gardner, Guild Leader of the Wicked Witches

Karen McIntyte, Thunder of the Pink Lightning

'Good, but who are you?' Beatrice pulls Ambrosia up to her. 'Because you don't seem to fit the name here. The Guild? Yes, but the name?'

Ambrosia palm is burning up as if she's being burned alive.

Dorothy walks up to them, 'Did you go to a Witchcrafter to change your name, legally? Because I had to file another one.'

'What the hell is a Witchcrafter?' Ambrosia said as she's trying to turn but the shadows aren't letting her.

'You don't know?' Beatrice said. 'Then what is your legal name? Because if it's not what is written here, I will take you and your entire Guild to the nearest Magical Officer to sell you out. So who are you?'

The Shadows are lifting up the entire Dark Skies Guild by the throats, even Charlotte.

'Sabrina! Sabrina Stephens!' She reveals.

'Ah, it's right here!' Beatrice let go of the entire Dark Skies Guild, all four members with Charlotte. 'I thought we might have an imposter among us. But if you are going under as, Ambrosia Branwen, like what Ms. Gardner said; go to a Witchcrafter to legally change your name.' Beatrice walked to the back with her Shadows pushing them all till they caught up with Beatrice.

They all reach a conference room with a small stage and podium. Everyone is taking their seats to their Guilds, while the Shadows are taking care of the entire catering and beverages.

'How do you know about the Shadows?' Karen asked.

'Stalking. A lot of stalking and hiding in the dark.' She replied. 'Anyone can learn that, but unfortunately, it's another form of cannibalism, since my Mentor, Necro Mercer had not only made me,' Her body shakes, 'Do things with dead bodies. Calling me a failure and about to leave me for dead, I had to eat bodies. Fresh with their hearts still beating. Recalling all of my memories of stalking people and hiding in the shadows, these shadows become part of me.' She left out a cackle.

That cackle gave everyone a chilling feeling to all of their spines.

'May I ask, how many Shadows do you have?' Bianca asked.

'Hmm?' Beatrice then writes on the clipboard with another Wand, a pencil with a blood deposit at the top like the blood will be part of ink. She starts writing it down, then a number appears after the question disappears. '20 people. That first time was trying to survive against Necro. But the other 19, even as a Witch, you have to survive some moments through cannibalism. But that's why I'm perfect to guide you all into modern society.'

'Why make you perfect?' Dorothy asked.

'It's quite obvious? Because shadows can teach you all about history. Since bathing in blood does let you see through memories, but Shadows have the same effect and you don't have to go through that disgusting process of a blood bath. No. Each shadow of mine, currently updated by killing anyone via shadow death. And each Shadow of mine does have multiple ideologies. If you believe in such an ideal view, I have a Shadow for you. And looking at the Guild Leaders here, you all have quite a unique view. My Shadows can even teach you religious belief.'

Makayla seems to wonder. 'This feels like it could all happen in a day? So why a weekend plan?'

'This process is actually painful. It can rival the Muscle Memory Spell, where the main is gonna linger for a while, if taken all in at once. So the weekend program is more fitting to let you all relax and let the pain go away for a goodnight rest. Your head will be overheated due to the amount of knowledge being passed down onto you. And other education catch up courses.'

'And what about this Spell Knowledge?' Olivia asked.

'Yes. Spells aren't new to all of you, but each Witch is quite different. Just because Almira who's Glinda Mentor, the infamous serial killer Bloody Mary, and I, your teacher, are the Apprentices to the Plague Witch of Death, Necro Mercer, doesn't mean we learn the same magic, and spells. And this is some way of a pseudo school of Witches, but only meant to be a more fast paced method. And at the end of this program,' A book that resembled a Grimoire but a little more casual looking book. One of Beatrice's Shadows gave it to her. 'You, the Guild Leaders will learn a new spell. Nothing too fancy, or dangerous like; "Dimensional Fissure", "Contract", or even "Conscience Transfer", these are nothing more but simple yet spells you all can learn on your own.'

'Why Guild Leaders?' Charlotte asked.

'That is self-explanatory, Leaders get the better treatment. And been decreed by the Plague and Salem Witches from our last Coven meeting. God, Hades went on for hours and hours about reopening the Cauldron Bank.' Beatrice shows her frustration with Helena Hades the Plague Witch of Hellfire. 'The Guild Leader can teach you these Spells, if they please.'

All of the Guilds are talking to one another, thinking they should go with that.

'What about the Grimoire book at the Coven Meeting back in Chicago?' Dorothy asked.

'That book is more for show. Helena would normally bring out the book to be sworn in as the next Plague Witch to join the ranks, and now Salem Witches will be sworn in, with Tokyo being the first of its own kind with both Neo Bruans Army and the Wizards thrones will be open with a different Grimoire book. You Guild Leaders will be seeing what they see when they're sworn in. So these Spells are nothing more but 1 to 2 Star Levels.'

'Star Levels?' Everyone is confused.

'Everything comes in five. And most powerful Witches learn 3 Star Level Spells on their own. It's rare unless you have a Mentor that taught you all the 4 to 5 Star Level Spells, like how La Llorona taught her daughter such powerful Spells.'

'So why aren't they Guild Leaders? Since Gardner here has La Llorona daughter as an underling, and her most powerful member is that 50's girl there.'

'Those kind of Witches are powerful, yes. But thanks to history, they either go mad with power and be easily taken down because they rely on such power, or they don't have that part in their nature. Just because you learn powerful Spells or create your own, you still need to understand the basics. To us Witches, and even those Magical Girls but just the Blue ones. It's not about power scales, it's about knowledge scales.'

Dorothy remembers her previous battles with Becky and Emma, beating them because she had outsmarted them, but also got lucky. 'Then what about Virgin Blood?'

'Those kind of Witches are more powerful than most, due to their Self Healing ability. There's a reason why Virgins are the most desirable beings in ancient times. And even some Witches will protect their virginity because of it, which is their biggest downfall. Go too deep into the vagina till it bleeds, you have taken away their healing factor. But it doesn't mean you beat them. They can still beat you, but now they have to rely on their wits.'

Dorothy and Ambrosia seem to be concerned, but Dorothy signs as if she knows that one day when hers will be gone, she will lose the one thing that had been giving her the advantage, and even her most powerful spells rely on her Virgin Blood to self heal.

'What about singing?' Karen asked.

'Now those are 3 Star Level Spells, since anyone can replicate a singer's voice and even their singing, but those who are naturally gifted songbirds. Like the Salem Witch of Greed, Zoey Guevara. One of her Guild members can use singing as a weapon to hypnotize and even weaponize it. We call them Sirens, named after the name beings. Why bring this up?'

'No reason.' Karen is showing off her confidence while she seems to be smiling happily over the idea.

'So what kind of Spells are in that Grimoire?' Bianca asked.

'Like I said, simple spells that you all will learn. But here's a thing about Spells and how Spells can evolve and devolve. Even in a Star Level status'


'And devolve?'

'Like my Shadows here, any Witch can learn them. They were like the first wave of Familiars. Back then, it was look at a powerful 5 Star Level Spell, but as recent years with those who are looking to innovate, Shadows had devolved to a 4 Star Level Spell, then continue to go down to a 3 Star Level Spell, till I told the Plague Witches about the method, it went up to a 4 Star Level Spell. As for evolution and devolution, the more time you use the spell, it can be more powerful or weaker. It depends on your constitution, the willingness to go forward. My Shadows here couldn't interact with the living beings, but as years go by, wanting to learn more, my Shadows become involved to the point that I can pass down knowledge. For centuries I had managed to kill people with my Shadows, but there's a huge problem there. I need blood. Like how Mary is trying to self teach herself the Conscience Transfer spell for centuries, she started to lack that constitution. Her spells aren't that powerful in the long run.'

Dorothy remembers how hard it was to beat her with Becky's help.

'Those kind of Witches, old they may be, and to Magical Girls, they seem like they're powerful but really, they're just cowards relying too much on power. Your spells will react to your emotions as well, but be warned though; power doesn't inspire, only knowledge can do that.'

'Question,' Ambrosia raised her hand. 'Knowing that you're an actual cannibal, is this Cabin some ploy of trapping us in here and eating us alive?' Asking out of fear.

'I don't eat people anymore. It was a survival necessity. But I had murdered Witches that don't follow the rules here. So to rephrase your question of "if I kill people here?", I have killed people in this Cabin, but no I won't eat any of you. Just follow the rules, and behave. Just remember that.'

Dorothy had a thought about memories. 'Will our memories be involved? Like does your Shadows have the ability to look through our more private moments?'

'Yes, if consented. I do believe in consent, and I'm only here to implant knowledge so you all can catch up. Don't worry about your privacy. So let's discuss what kind brings you all here, and why you all want to catch up? Now let's start.' She chuckled then cackled.

'Past Shadows'

'Math, science, social studies, and English. And like your personality, and Spells, it will evolve into the sub cores of education. For most of you, 20 years of history will be painful. It will be here for maybe 20 minutes or so, but Gardner, who's older than all of you, will have suffered for 50 minutes. 50 years today, then another 50 for tomorrow, and 20 on the last day. And yes, we will be here till you are all finished.'

All of the Shadows read everyone's profile and their choices. They glide through shadow into each person's shadow, and it's like they're moving inside of their body. Eyes blacked, then they start letting out screams and painful moans as they're learning from the past.