Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 105 - The Billboard Standings

Chapter 105 - The Billboard Standings

On the next day, Dorothy is flying with both Serena and Darien. Going home to Oztown.

Serena announced the reveal of the final standings to Dorothy.

'Can you read me Abbie's group too? Since we might end up working with them in the future'

'Sure thing.'

The American Billboard:

#1. Katherine Fitzgerald

#3. Reina Santana

#5. Hannah Kaneko

#6. Calista Morgan

#123. Dorothy Crawford

#125. Lyra Black

#134. Cassandra Black

#200. Rebecca Wolfe

#300. Esmeralda Cruz

The European Billboard:

#9. Sylvia Sammartino

#300. Melissa Barthel


Dorothy is flying towards the continuing construction of Oztown, Kansas, which is having an overwhelming party of having two Vigilantes from their small town, have managed to make it into the American Billboard.

'Yes, 300.' Serena is speaking over from her back while Darien is laying in the Feather Float, napping.

'I can understand Lorona, but Abbie? Since she have brought down the Princess of the Neo Brauns Army.'

'Well, from the reports of the European branch, they're use on fighting powerful Witches rather than the American Witches. So it's quite different.'

'I see. I'm quite surprised that I have manage to reach onto the Rankings. Then again, I wasn't planning on breaking in, since I wanted to bring down Emma.'

'And you have accomplish that.' Serena is highly proud of her. 'And since you have single handedly brought down a Salem Witch, we only have nine more and the Plague Witches! So let take all down in one swoop!'

Trying to motivate her, but all Dorothy can remember is how powerful Emma is and how much she must have gotten as she barely survives against Emma, multiple times. Then she remember how troublesome of lesser Witches, such as the Salem Trails and the Magical Love Guilds had cause her.

'Hold it right there, Serena.' Dorothy talk in a low tone. 'That entire battlefield, that entire town? It went straight to hell after all the shit I had done to it. I wanted to bring down the Neo Brauns, because I thought they would be easy. From watching one of those moving picture shows, where the Magical Girls were fighting Jinxes instead of the main villains, and when it does come to that, it would normally ended in a couple of chapters. They treat it like a big deal, and had ended a bloody war but that wasn't what I had imagine.'

'True, Dorothy. But you got to remember, those TV shows are just loosely based on some of the older generation adventures. And they were limited when to comes to movement. So I doubt they could had gone to places like how you Witches can go to.'

'That reminds me. This October for a Halloween event, I think I will go to Tokyo... um... China?'

'Japan.' Both Darien and Serena corrects her.

'Right! I deeply apologize. Tokyo, Japan. People from my time period, including myself, won't even tell the difference.'

Serena look down at Dorothy and a soft paw strike on the head. 'Are people from your time period really that ignorant?'

'Pretty much, but being called "ignorant" would be a little harsh since it's much more easier to judge the past without living through it. Most I can understand, but some is a clear misunderstanding.'

'What about racism? You seem to be afraid of that Charlotte Wright person.'

'I was gonna go after her, since because from my time period, it was the Confederate that had cause some problems in my family. And when I saw the Last Confederate, perhaps I can fix up something there. But what I had went through against Emma, I need to put it off right now. Not until I, maybe graduate from the Magical Girl Academia.'

'That would be like four years, starting at April.'

'Oh, so, it went back to the Eastern system?'

'Correct. I think they Magical Queens have entertain the idea of giving it the Western system, but it would disrespect the Japanese system as it is the birth place of the Magical Girls. So you got a couple of months to learn everything, but if you want me to be honest with you, I doubt you can be politically correct by April.'

Dorothy had a thought then remembers something that Almira said about Sensitivity Program. She stops at the skies and looking through her pockets but can't seem to find anything that resemble as such.

'I tend to forget that I can never find my smartphone while I'm in this form.'

'Just transform back, your Slipper Wands are also your broom, so I bet you can handle that.'

'You're right. And I bet the others are back home right now.'

Dorothy transform but the Feather Float disappeared, then all three fall down till a quick transformation back to her Angel form, and grab her phone.

Flying back up to her original position, as both Darien and Serena, had clawed Dorothy's face as they're holding onto her.

She pulls out a Feather Float for both Darien and Serena.

'Sorry, Master. I thought I was gonna die for a moment.'

'I too apologize for clawing up your face, Dorothy.'

She sign. 'It's alright, I doubted my Slipper Wands wouldn't work that much, since I overused my Magic from that fight. And seeing Emma's Wand, she clearly would have more fight if I didn't use my new technique.'

Dorothy checks up on her phone to see her texts. Looking annoyed that Almira didn't reply nor read her text, while Lyra had text back that they made it home a couple of hours ago. She scroll from all of her texts with Almira, and found the map location.

'Ah! Right here!'

She pressed it, to be revealed at Colorado, at a hidden cabin that seem to be a ski lounge.

'That looks very lovely.'

'But seem to be chilly for us cats.'

'Well, I originally wanted to go with Mrs. Green, but she disappear somewhere but I don't know where she went. While Abbie is perhaps will find a way to go to Switzerland, since that's their Sensitivity Program seem to be held at. And I don't think both Becky and Lorona won't come since both of them are from this time period. So it's gonna be Ollie and Kayla from here on.'

She taps it to reveal the name of the place; "The Catchup Cabin"

'Cute. So, Serena. You want to come? Darien and Johnny will be coming.'

'I doubt I will fit in, since all the Familiars can transform into Human form. So I might stay with Becky and Esmeralda while you're at the training program. Plus, I can setup the trip to Tokyo, as a learning excursion. So this will be some fun for the both of us.'

'Then I'll start booking our rooms for the program.'

Dorothy seem to be having trouble on her smartphone. Serena looks up with a worried smile.

'You need some assistance?'

Embarrassed, Dorothy handed it over to her. Serena look it over.

'Oh! There is a trip to tomorrow, you three can go.'

'We'll be all might fall asleep, and miss our bus for it. So I doubt it we can make it on time.'

'Alright then.' Serena continue to look at the scheduled then find an opening calendar mark in the middle of September. 'Then how about the eleventh? It's mostly empty booking there.'

'The eleventh? Sounds very lovely.' Dorothy seem to have fond memories of the eleventh day of September from her time period. 'There's something magical about mid September. Sound perfect! Book it!'

'Right away!' Serena pressed it, and start making more booking arrangements for three Witches and two Familiars. Serena is looking at the program selections. 'Ah! There's some political understanding, and even education that can help you catch up to modern Grade 12 level. It said here that all the donations will be going to families who had suffer the events of Nine-Eleven.' This made Serena realized not only the price of the cabin, but also the reason why it's mostly not booked that much. 'Oh!' Looking embarrassed by not realizing one of the most horrific event in America history. 'Right! I forgot that happens.'

'What happens?' Dorothy asked.

Serena gives her an awkward smile. 'You'll fine out.' She select America History Catch-up Course.

She continue to examine the programs, and only one thing had been bothering her. Political views.

'Do Witches actually care about political views?'

'Well, after going through a meeting, I think there are some that do have a certain standing.'

'I see then. So what's your political standing?'

Dorothy seem confused by the question, and try to remember, then finally remembers it.

'Well, what I was told that my grandpa fought in an event called Bleeding Kansas. So I think the Gardner Family would be under the Kansas Republican Party? I think that's what it called. But I'll settled for something new, so give me something neutral at best. I need to understand from all sides.'

'I'm not good at politics, but normally all Magical Girls are always know best, since they believe in such a peaceful world where there's no wars in it. But you Witches, are a complicated bunch. Even your political views continue to travel across time itself.'

'So does that mean you'll keep me under the KRP?'

'Oh, sorry.' Serena press under Democratic button. 'I'll put you under that, against my better judgement, I would had rather put you under as a Liberal but I guess Democrats would suit you much better.'

Dorothy flies and looking down to the ground. 'You know. Seeing the ground from up here, made me think that I would had been one hell of a farmer back in my time period. Granted, I would change a bit, since it's part of life. But I guess this trip will be quite helpful for me. I can finally catch up with the rest of the world.' She cackles.

Dorothy is looking around then a thought came up.

'By the way, Serena, do I have to participate for the upcoming raid? Because I don't think there are other Witches that are from America.'

'No. Professionals, and AWM are already preparing themselves to head off to their destination targets, provided by Hikaru Asuna. Seeing our raid against the Neo Brauns, we were fighting them with Vigilantes. And thanks to this, all Vigilantes are told to be grounded while all of the professionals and AWM will be taking over.'

'So originally, Vigilantes like myself were meant to participate over this?'

'Correct, but thanks to you. We see that Vigilantes are still leagues behind, and lost so many Vigilantes and soldiers over one group.'

'I'm afraid to ask, but they never reported it. How many did we lose? Compare to hundreds of Neo Brauns?'

Serena tug her collar while stuttering the answer. 'At least... a couple thousands. Maybe three? And over at Germany, they lost at least a thousand to their three hundred.'

Dorothy looks at her out of surprised. 'Well, not a very inspiring number to hear, over one victory. A lot worst than the Oztown incident. Was it like 150 to their, maybe from 50 to 75 Witches?'

'200 actually to their 90 Witches, but not a bad not number.'

'Alright, we're home!'

They sees their home, fully build. The building itself, confused both Dorothy and Darien but Serena is oblivious by it.

'Finally! I can finally sleep on my cat tree.'

When they land on the front patio, both Dorothy and Darien are armed up.

'Dorothy? Darien? What's wrong?'

Serena asked out of concern.

Dorothy slowly open the door, then casually spoke up. 'Hello! I'm back...!' Her eyes widen and both Familiars are completely in fear as they're seeing horrors, not what they expected.

There's a massive dining room window with a small garden next to it, and a two story building and a spiral staircase, across the dining room.

Dorothy had left one war, but the consequence still follows back her.

Captain Mia Engel is sitting at their kitchen with Johanna Schulz, in her Vigilante uniform, have Becky, Johnny, Lorona, and Makayla are effected by the Medusa Stare. As for Olivia, her painful groans are heard in her room, upstairs.

'Ms. Glinda Gardner.'

Mia is having tea with a cup prepared for Dorothy, and a sheet of paper in the middle.

'Welcome home.'

She smiles.

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