Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 93 - Dogs and Cats

Chapter 93 - Dogs and Cats

All three Familiars are ready to fight as gun fire and explosions are beng heard from above.

'You two think, you can match me? This isn't even a fair fight.'

Both Darien and Johnny chuckle it off.

'For once, mate. You're actually right.' Darien smirks at Evan.

Evan scoffs them all.

'I meant for you.'

Johnny glares at Evan.

'What brought you down here? We got lucky by planting something.'

'My Master is calling, but I need to be an area where I can teleport. But since...' Evan press his hand onto the barrier then noticed a couple of bricks had been moved then piece it together. 'I'm stuck here, I might just find a way out.' Evan is preparing to fight.

'Such a shame that your Master isn't here to save you. Because no one isn't gonna save you from this fight.' Darien grins.

'Because your kind had cause trouble to my Master's brother. And now my Master's friends. So this is beyond personal to me.'

'This isn't personal for me. This is just work. But you two will know the difference between us.'

They all walk up to each other.

Darien swings first, Evan leans back and grab Johnny wrist who's trying to use the Switchblade Wand. Kicks Johnny then ducks under a punch from Darien, shoulder tackle him onto the wall.

Multiple punches onto the midsection, Darien quick with his cat transformation, to leap over.

Turning around, Johnny cat leaps onto Evan face, to scratch it while Darien shoulder tackle him back onto the wall, then putting something inside of his pants pocket.

Pushing Johnny off, hard. Headlock Darien then knee strikes onto him.

Trying to choke Darien out, then quickly pull Darien up to let Johnny stab him from behind.

Push Darien to the side, haymaker strike onto Johnny.

'Untrained.' Evan chuckled. 'Familiars who can't fight, lead to their Masters death but Irish, you know that. Right?' He smiles as he chuckle.

Darien angrily goes up to Evan to give out a punch, but quickly out match him. He back steps a few slashes from Johnny, then grab the wrist to slam him down with his other hand around the back of the neck. Rolls off of Johnny, to let Darien to overhead swing his Shillelagh, that hits Johnny instead of Evan. Kicks Darien down.

They're getting up.

'Hurts like hell!'

'Well consider that as payback for the knife on the back.'

'Look, sorry, but I didn't know he was gonna use you as a human shield.'

'He's a bloody Nazi! Of course he would use me as a human shield.'

Evan took this time to examine the bricks then sees an SD Cards behind the bricks. Took the time to break them, then place it back.

Evan laughs at them. 'This is quite pathetic.'

Both Darien and Johnny looks at him.

'Both of you can't seem to put aside differences, when it come to a fight. But this is what we get from a couple of felines.'

This antagonized both cats.

'Should we take turns?'

'Rather than hitting each other.'

Evan checks his watch then scoff them off. 'I got time.'

'Just hit this asshole, damn who gets hurt.' Johnny said.

'Sounds good to me.'

Darien swings his Shillelagh. Evan ducks then wrist grab the stab attempt from Johnny. Back kick Darien back, then attempt to use Johnny to stab Darien.

Darien transform into his cat form.

Evan ducks under a potential pounce from Darien, letting him jump over him.

Both Johnny and Darien goes for a high-low strike of Johnny goes for the throat slash swing with the Switchblade Wand, with Darien going for the back leg trip of his Shillelagh.

Transform into his dog form to dodge the strike, then goes for the bite onto Johnny arm. Darien quick to pull the legs back to avoid the bite.

Going for the Shillelagh strike onto the back, Evan transform back then rolls to avoid it.

Standing up, Evan underhook catch the stab attempt. Side punches onto the ribs. Johnny quickly caught the Shillelagh when Darien toss it, then he drop the knife for Darien to catch it in his cat form.

Let go, Evan ducks under a Shillelagh swing, then quickly step back to avoid an underhanded stab from Darien with the Switchblade Wand.

Transform back into his dog form to try to maul the grounded Darien.

Johnny quickly rolls both himself and Evan around to avoid a lethal bite onto the neck.

Transforming back into his human form, Evan stands up then back elbows Johnny off. Kicks Darien face, then Judo toss Johnny towards Darien.

In his cat form, he leaps off of Johnny then goes to the wall then pounced off towards Evan.

Punches towards Darien, he rolls back to the ground, then quickly in Human form to grab his Shillelagh.

Shillelagh swing to the midsection, then goes for the Switchblade swing onto the face. Each strike missed as Evan is quick feet to dodge.

Quickly grab Darien wrist to deliver a punch onto him, then Johnny rush up to go for multiple punches.

Evan leans back for the first strike, then ducks under the other for multiple punches onto the midsection then a spinning back elbow for the surprised.

Looking at Darien getting up, Evan kicks him towards Johnny. Both had transform back.

He laughs at them. 'Are Familiars from weaker Witches are always this weak?'

Both Darien and Johnny walk back to the Anti-Teleport Barrier that they place the SD Card inside the brick.

'I had fought back against real powerful Familiars back in World War 2. Those were the days, where we had decided who was the weak and who's the strong. I support the Fuhrer and his ideas. I had seen the beauty of Buchenwald prisoner treatment. And if it wasn't for Dame Thomas, we would had the full support of the IRA. Granted, we would had put them in their rightful place, back as slaves to an Empire.'

'Then you clearly don't know a damn thing about us Irish.' Darien passed the Switchblade Wand to Johnny, then preparing for the Shillelagh and pulling out his combat knife. 'We don't always bow down to anyone, we fight for what we believe in. We'll fight till one side is done fighting, and sadly, the Nazis had give up on putting up a fight more times than you think.'

'Then you'll rude the day of that comment, because...' Evan acts surprised like he been stop at the barrier, acting like a Mime trap in a box.

Both Darien and Johnny grins at him.

'Hope you enjoy our surprise.'

Slowly look back at them, then he grins at them. Both hands behind him, he took one step into the tunnel.

This made both of their grins to turn to shock.

'As I saying; I will make both of you suffer and tortured like the slaves your race love to produced.'

Darien comment. 'Oh shit.'

Evan walk back while holding his finger up. 'Felines do love those furballs, right?'

'A bit racy, but feels like hair is being pulled from the inside. So no.' Johnny answered.

'Then what I'm about to do might hurt you more than it will to me.'

Evan goes back into his dog form, then he start to upchuck the dogs he had devoured from Chicago. They had become demonic and having some of the bones showing, and eyes pitched black. Then a couple of cats, kittens, and puppies are in the same state. What seem to be controlled zombie state.

Both Darien and Johnny are horrified to see the cats and kittens. Looking blue upon seeing them.

Johnny stutters. 'Wh... what on Earth di... did you?'

Evan stands up and wiping away his drool.

'Us Familiars can learn spells of our own, but in a more unorthodox methods." Evan chuckled. "Unlike those Guides are just there to look cute, us Familiars are far more useful to our Masters than Guides to Magical Girls. As much I would like to maul you, but I'm gonna have you both in my personal quarters for torture.'

'Are the puppies and kittens are really necessary?' Darien asked.

Evan shrugs his shoulders. 'But now, I got to go help my Master.'

The zombie animals rush up to them both. Darien and Johnny are killing the zombified animals, but biting them and unlike other zombie bites, they don't passed down the virus normally.

Kicking and punching their way through.

Evan is confused and doesn't know on why he can't teleport out of the room. He examine the room to see if there's no other brick had been moved. Darien managed to kill some of the zombies, then deliver a punch onto Evan.

Angry, Evan aggressively throws a punch then kicks him back onto the wall. Some of the kittens and a dog are trying to maul Darien down.

Knocking them down, Evan tries to run by both of them, trying to escape. He gives out loud barks in the darkness.

'Don't let him go!' Darien shouted as he's fighting back the zombified animals.

Johnny, in cat form, he chases Evan down.

Noticing Johnny, Evan side slide then goes for the bite. Johnny slides under the bite, nearly dodging it. Then he transforms.

Evan quickly goes for the swing in human form, Johnny catch the swing for standing triangle choke. Then he goes for a Switchblade Wand midsection strike.

Angrily stomp Johnny knee in, then back elbows out of the hold. Tossing him onto the wall then deliver a couple of blows.

Trying to block each strike in a boxer stance, Evan quickly proves to Johnny on how different they are when it come to combat.

'You newborn Familiars aren't ready to fight someone like me, yet.'

After the right haymaker that nearly knocks Johnny out, made him let go of the Switchblade Wand.

Evan grabs the Switchblade Wand, then stabs the midsection of Johnny. Let go then reveal his hand to be a demonically looking claws. Struck Johnny, leaving a claw scar across his right side.

Knocked down, Evan transform into his dog form but has a demonic looking dog, and grew in size. Stomping down on Johnny and about to devour him.

The combat knife been thrown onto Evan left eye, forcing him to retreat and crying out loud from the pain.

Darien is covered in blood and torn up clothes, breathing heavily. 'Those little bastards put up a fight more than I expected.'

Johnny runs up to Darien.

'Nice scar.'

'Now, it's not the time to compliment the scar.'

'Still looks nice. You would bring in all kinds of pussy towards you.'

'Well, the only the pussy I want bring down right now is that Nazi mutt over there.'

Evan is pull out the combat knife, then angrily glares at both of the Familiars.

'You two will pay for that.'

His eyes and blood starting to take form of demonic essence.

'We'll make this easy!' Darien shouted. 'Surrender now, or else backup will come.'

Evan snarl at them both.


Elsewhere, Ursula and Johanna are walking into the barn where Ursula put her captures inside.

Opening the door to reveal nothing but mutilated bodies and moaning in pain while everyone is fighting outside.

Johanna whisper in the soldiers around, but they had been shot down, which Johanna turned but Ursula sniff out on who's coming by.

'Jew!' Ursula smiles as she armed up for a fight.

Both Cassandra and Lyra arrive behind them, both in Apex uniforms.

Cassandra glares at Ursula. 'Before our backup shows up, I wanna take a couple more swings at you, you big ugly bear.'