Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 89 - The Mentors

Chapter 89 - The Mentors

Maria had managed to teleport to Almira's place, thanks to Malvonia.

Seeing both Almira and Marge are having tea party in the garden.

"This is quite odd." Maria walk up to them all with Malvonia is up on her cat tree. "So what made you pissed your pants to return here? But quite Witchy through, since when we're afraid, we go back home."

Almira smiles while holding up her tea. "The She-Wolf."

Noticed her hand is shaking when she said the She-Wolf.

Grabs a tea cup then took a drink but nearly choke due to lack of sugar. "You have sugar?"

Margeret handed it over to Maria. Two teaspoons then a stir.

"So why text me to come over here? Because I too been shitting myself over what's about to happen at Vinyard."

"Vinyard?" Almira was curious. "I never heard of it, but I'm hoping Dorothy will be..." She stop herself as she remembers that she had left her behind. "Hoping the kid isn't too mad about me." Drinks her tea.

"You got the give the kid some free range to hate you. Lord knows how many times Lorona hated me. It's alright to let them vent out once in a while, but seeing Wolfe, I hope she'll protect her." Maria turns to Almira. "By the way, how rough is Wolfe to Dorothy?"

"She's by far more powerful than her, and she does have her rough moments here and there. But she means well. Though from what Dorothy talk about, she got one hell of a punch."

"That's good to hear."

Marge smiles out of glee. "Maybe I should spar with her. Love to see how powerful she it."

Maria turn to Almira. "So why a tea party? I'm quite baffled."

Almira continue to be worried about the overall situation. "There's a few things I'm quite scared of, but after seeing her... I'm just too afraid to confront anyone. And you two are the only people I can talk to right now."

"You said after seeing her? What do you mean by that?" Maria asked.


Marge looks at her, chuckle for a bit then drink her tea. "Frieda Reinhart?" Shaking her head with a smile. "That's impossible. She was capture at the end of World War 2. She died after a dog rabidly ate her alive, it was during a prison transfer. There's no way she could be back after that. Impossible."

"It's possible now after hearing on how she came back."

Marge ate a biscuit. "But I'll amuse you since we're here at your place. Are you sure that this is Reinhart? It could be daughter or granddaughter that became a Witch. It's common practice."

"I'm telling you, Marge. I know Reinhart from the short time I had met her. Raided my home, murder my family without my knowing. Or what left of them at least. This is Reinhart, in person. I can see those glowing red eyes."

Maria grab a biscuit herself. "Alright then. So if this is Reinhart, then report it. She would make a big bounty on her."

Almira awkwardly chuckled. "And how will I tell the MGGA that a notorious Witch, that had died somehow came back from the brink of death? They're gonna ask me questions that might trap me into Witch's questions and compromising myself and everyone else, who know that she's alive. Hell, maybe Amanda Quinn is alive?"

"Don't joke about that." Marge angrily place her cup down. "I killed Quinn myself, there's no way she could come back alive. There's no magic on Earth, or even those Witch Doctors say that zombies are only a temp spell. Necromancing? You have to have sex with the dead for that. But bringing a person back to life, that's impossible."

Malvonia spoke up. "Her Familiar."

Both Maria and Marge turn to her.

"She survives because her Familiar, Evan von Wolfgang."

"That German shepherd? I thought it was Emma's?" Maria ponders.

"No. It was Frieda's all the long."

Marge continue to deny the idea. "I don't think that's the case. No Familiar should be alive far longer than the Master. Are you sure it's hers? Frieda have multiple Familiars, but not one as a dog before. She have wolves as Familiars."

"And I'm telling you now, I haven't heard about this till I saw it for myself." Malvonia turns to Marge, then walk up to her. "And seeing how far a Familiar can save their Master, they found a way. A dangerous way, and if they taught her Apprentices about this, they can continue on living without living their original bodies."

Both Marge and Maria look at each other in confusion. "Original bodies?"

"Correct." Almira pour down some whiskey down in her cup. "Marge, question?" Turn to Almira. "How many Wolves from Frieda have you or any of your Dames have killed?"

Marge sits there and think.

Remembering how many Wolves had attacked the convoy of the prisoner transfer. Multiple Witches are dying from either side, as some of the Nazi Witches are barely escaping with Frieda at the front, before she dies from the German shepherd.

Now she's remembering the Wolves continue to fight back, but not acting like Wolves still till they retreated.

"Now that you had mentioned it. Those wolves did act differently, I thought they were from surviving members of the Nazi Witches."

Maria then remembers the timeline of events. "Didn't Wolfgang and the Neo Brauns high officers reborn in the 90's? Because I do recall that Reinhart had died beforehand."

Marge continues to think as she speaks. "And a Cauldron can't open up without the Mentor opening it up, or the Mentor dying. I just thought they were living from the 80's. I would say they were Apprentices from the other officers, but they confirm that they were turn into Witches by Reinhart."

"Another problem came to me, when Reinhart destroyed my home, again." Almira continue to drink. "She had gain Self Healing."

"Self Healing?" Maria is surprised.

"That is beyond impossible. Besides maybe a Pink Magical Girl that can heal it up down there, but only from sexual assault. Anything else from that, we all given up our virginity when we were all married at one point of our lives. There's no way Reinhart can gain that ability." Marge quickly denounced the idea.

"Well it's true. Her coming back from the dead, I'll believe her on this one too." Almira then grab a biscuit then eat it rapidly. "Mal, tell them how she came back."

She nods. And after a short explanation of how Frieda Reinhart came back from the dead, both have a different reaction. Maria has a horrified expression, while Marge is so angry, she ended up breaking her tea cup from her hand, bleeding.

Marge stood up. "If she managed to come back like that! Then..."

She remembers a time that a Horse being covered in Quinn's blood, then ran away.

"No!" Marge angrily sat down then holding her hair. "I thought that horse that was acting strange. Quinn wasn't known to have a Familiar, but... what if... one of them taught each other?"

Maria turn to her. "What do you mean? We change our look once every hundred years but that's due of killing someone for their blood to paste it down onto our bodies."

"The IRA wanted to be partners with the Nazis in order to bring down England. Both Quinn and Reinhart do have private conversations, at least that's what Reinhart said. She with her Nazi Witches, and the IRA Witches had been partners till both of their Apprentices got into a fight twenty years ago. But this kind of spell, it can't be taught unless it's with a Familiar."

"Even I can't understand it, but it happen." Malvonia said as she's drinking the whiskey tea from Almira's cup.

"But every Spell has a draw back. Most Witches use blast spells, because they're used on being hunted down by either arrows, bullets or even air soft guns. They're the easiest and safest spells to do, but a Resurrection Spell? That's too insane to do, so there's must be a draw back."

Marge leans down. "Alright then." Looks at Almira. "Mira, I'm gonna make sure that Reinhart is gonna die permanently. I'll call my Dames, and give them all a job. Hunt down Reinhart and all her Familiars, and raid Ireland for Quinn and any Horses Familiars. Because World War 2 is over till one of our side loses." She got up then make a call from inside of the house while getting dressed for battle in her WW2 British Army uniform. "I'm gonna bring them all here."

After the call been made, every Dame Witch got the land location then start moving. From house mothers, grandmothers turned into their younger selves, big time companies secretaries, Academic professors, and other blue collar worker. All of them are wearing their WW2 uniforms, and slowly making their way towards Poland.

Marge come out to the three. "They'll be here at the same time. But I gave them all under an hour, half at best." But to her surprised.

"Now this looks like a lovely party." A voice is heard that made all four jump in defensive stance.

Maria are shocked, Marge is preparing herself by holding her Sword Wand, Malvonia is angrily growl, and Almira is completely terrified by seeing who came by.

Frieda Reinhart came by with a few members of her unit from World War 2, and a small army of Wolves. The same Wolves that attack the convoy.

"Oh dear." She chuckle. "What a lovely tea party you have, but I don't see any royalty, nobility, or even the church, but only the rabble."

Malvonia is taking aim at her, as the other Witches are aiming back. "How did you find my Master's home?!"

"There's a reason why we managed to find lost prisoners and give them their punishment."

Frieda raised up her hand then tap the wrist then smiles.

Almira wrist start feeling the pain on her wrist as her numbers are burning up.

Frieda walk up to the four, "I guess we have ourselves an awkward situation." She cackled.


At the Castle Ruins of Germany, Hilda von Kaiser and her Royal Guards with an army of Familiars are setting everything up for the upcoming raid but not for the surprise raid that Dorothy had managed to make.


While at Vinyard, Iowa.

The entire Neo Brauns Army are having a feast at the community center, while outside there's multiple police vehicles with Magical Officers. AWM convoys with multiple Vigilantes. Other members of the AWM are planting the Anti-Teleport Mines. And finally a plane carrier have Dorothy is being prepared to dive.