Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 87 - Vinyard

Chapter 87 - Vinyard

Darien had stolen a vehicle from someone, leaving them knocked out. The van is actually packed and seem to be traveling. He's carrying the traveler bag, then look over it. It has a laptop in it.

Haven't stole anything from him, outside of the vehicle. The same location from their heist, waiting but has a thousand yard stare and have nothing behind his eyes but regrets.

"Hey, Darien." Johnny spoke up that broke his thought. "Sorry." He's holding a bag of cat food and cat litter. Placing it into the packed van. "I'll drive."

Darien sign deeply then tossed the keys to Johnny. Both had enter the van then start driving towards Vinyard, Iowa.

An hour or two of awkward silence.

Darien continue to look out to the window as he seems to be devastated by what happen at his home where he had felt like ha had left Dorothy to die. But also remembers being mauled by and rag doll by Evan von Wolfgang.

"Something wrong?"

Darien turns. "It's..." He can't seem to find the words but knowing what to say. "It's..." He seem to be in pain as he's trying to speak, he grabs his flap cap and twisting it, then start breathing heavily as he's starting to remember being tossed hard onto the tree then watches as he left Dorothy to die in the burning house.

Johnny pats Darien shoulder that made him calm.

"Calm down Darien. I may not understand how you feel, but I do know how it feel to leave my Master behind."

Johnny remembers his last orders from Olivia that told her to run, then being hunted down by the Neo Brauns from the skies and their Familiars on the ground. Teleport back to Chicago in order to avoid the confrontation.

"But unlike you, you had a reason that you just lost your human intelligence as Dorothy is about to die. But for me, being ordered to abandoned without knowing the outcome, scares me."

"I don't know how I could face Master Dorothy without feeling regrets about what happen. As I had been staying in the Vet for nearly a week, all I can remember is that moment repeating in my head. I didn't even want Master Dorothy to pick me up, since I'm worried that I will failed her again. It's a Familiar's job to protect their Master, but I couldn't even do that right."

"But it's also our job to make it right for them. We're bound to them, and our Masters life is our life. No better than a pet, but the difference between us Familiars and pets, is that we can understand our Masters and in return, but pets, it's like trying to talk to a person who's a mute or deaf. So you find a way to talk to one another."

"Do you think that how Malvonia felt when she lost Almira back in World War 2?" Darien asks him.

Johnny sign then ask Darien in return, "How do you feel that Dorothy had lived?"

Darien can't seem to answer it as his mouth stutters.

After a couple of hours of silence, both of them had arrive a the small town of Vinyard, Iowa. It seem there's a couple of houses next to each other, and a couple of barn houses that seem to be in a distance that Johnny can't seem to take his hands off of it.

They saw a small gas station, Darien turned back as a cat.

"Alright, you're a new a cat that need to stretch his legs, so run around for a bit and try to find out what you can."

"Understood." Darien took a deep breath.

Open the driver's door after he stops at one of the pumps. The gas station doubles as a diner stop.

Darien leaps out of the door, then start running out of the distance of the small community town.

"Dax!" Johnny calls out his alias.

Acting like he's stressful, but to both Johnny and Darien, they can feel an overwhelming sense that they're being watched and Witches are nearby.

An old man came by to check up on him. "Lost your cat?"

Johnny turn with tired eyes. "Yes. He's a new cat."

He looks around to see a German Shepherd standing by, then acting casual by looking around to see other German Shepherds, aren't making a noise but staring.

"I'm just moving out of Chicago, and to make my way to my new apartment." Johnny pulls out a couple of bills. "Can I get gas? Please?"

Darien is running around to look around. Acting like a cat, Darien then goes up to a garbage then pick up anything random to eat.

Seeing a couple that seem to be living there for a while, then suddenly leave the house for some reason.

Darien managed to walk into a house then look around to see an open room from the top.

Quickly made his way into the room to what seems to be a young girl's room. But to his surprise, he sees a Nazi symbol hanging behind her working station. Looking up then realize that it's the room of the high officer, Amalia Meier.

There's a stand right next her work station with her awards, and there's an acceptance letter to a University of Berlin for 2024, behind it, there's a small space. Enough space to hide behind it.

But there seem to be some packing as if she's moving.

Pictures of her with Emma, in what seem to be a bit too close to her. A bit too obsessive. Darien looks around to see if he can find anything.

Search and search, but he can't make a mess nor can't leave everything as he left it. Carefully, Darien look up at the laptop to see if she left it open.

To his surprise, she does so but password lock.

Ears pop up, knowing someone is coming. He leaps up to hide himself behind the acceptence letter.

Amalia enter the room, looking over the plans. Muttering to herself.

"I need to get things done. Operation Sheep-Wolf can't be fully go forward till another half a year. Emma may have wanted to make it as early as possible, and convincing her was the tricky part. We Witches got years, so we can keep trying and trying again till we manage to infiltrate the Academia." Amalia is looking over the plans. Looks back at the boxes. "Familiars!"

The couple that Darien saw earlier made their way into the room. Darien assumes that they're posing as her parents for the public eye.

"Why haven't you finished on moving my stuff at Berlin?"

"I'm sorry Doctor. But we wanted to go out and enjoy some time before we all leave in order to prepare for the raid in a couple of days."

"We need to survive our raid back at Germany. And in order to get a head of the other Salem Witches, we have to gain the upper hand. I had to have Princess Hilda to renovate the perfect castles for us. She may have her own castle, but only the Eva can have such luxury castle only money can buy!" She laughs. "And once we rebuild the ruins, they will relive their glorious days and be repurposed to serve the glorious Reich. The Fourth Reich! We'll continue the work, but they will serve the Eva when we win this war!" Laughs manically. "Now take these to my quarters at Berlin, and go help the others to move the prisoners for Ursula's quarters."

"And what if they're dead?"

"Do what dogs tend to do. Devour the meek." She cackles.

"Yes, Doctor."

They leave her room to start their orders.

"Emma!" She twirl on her chair. "We'll finally achieve world peace with this mission that Colonel Reinhart give us. We'll be Queens of the new free world!" She start typing in.

Darien looks over the letter to see what password she puts in: QU33N3MM4

She start placing looking over her desk to see that there's files upon files.

"Then open up the castle of Berlin. We'll reach it, one way or another. I've been at your side when those Brits raided our home and bomb our orphanage."

She turned out to the door.

"Slave!" She shouted out happily.

"Don't call me that you Nazi c... Ouch!" Darien recognized the voice, it was Makayla.

Coming through the door. Makayla is wearing a classic maid outfit. Shocked to see how beaten up she is, and he sees a finger puller where it prevents Witches to snap for their Wands. And a dog collar.

"Slave! I got an important job for you!" Amalia happily said to her which Makayla angrily glares down at her.

"What is it?"

"I forgot to flush the toilet, so would you mind flushing it for me?" Amalia said.

Makayla eye twitches then about to grab her lab coat, but she immediately press a button in her coat to reveal that the dog collar is a shock collar. Amalia start laughing, then heard a noise that made her annoyed. "What are those dogs are doing right now." She leaves the house.

Makayla angrily breathing but slowly turned into despair as she's afraid that she'll be spending her time here as a slave to the Nazis. She's in the verge of tears.

"Kayla." Darien whispered.

She looks around then sees Darien, slowly leave his hiding spot.


"Hello." Awkwardly wave.

Makayla wipe away a tear then rush up to Darien to give him a hug. "I thought Dorothy died."

Darien is being squeezed out, but accepts it.

"I'm sorry that we didn't come by earlier. But Master Dorothy is planning on rescuing you and Ollie from this place."

"What?" Makayla looks at him. "Rescue me and Ollie? How did she found out where?"

"By luck of the Magic Tracer if you believe it. Can you survive by tomorrow morning? That's the earliest time she can get."

"The morning?" Makayla is concerned.

"Yes! She's currently at Chicago right now, and she's giving out a location to this place as we speak. So by the morning, we'll be back to rescue you all from this hell hole."

"No, it have to be by tonight."

"Tonight?" Darien looks at the boxes.

"Yes! Because we're all will be teleported out to Germany to one of the castle ruins by 6 in the morning. We'll be gone, and we might be use to the raid that is coming."

"But Master Dorothy can only muster enough Vigilantes to join, and the AWM won't come unless they have an approval. But with you, we can make it faster."

"No!" Makayla quickly declines that. "If they know I'm gone, and these dog collars have a distance tracker. The more further I am away from here, the more power they will cause. It happens before."

Makayla remembers her first night with Olivia here to see a couple of people trying to run out of Vinyard, but only been stop after a few feet then the Familiars start mauling them alive. Both are shocked and horrified by the outcome. They see the high officers and Emma start cackling in the middle of the night, and Emma start using her newfound Magical Girl powers to fly in the dead of the night.

Makayla looks around then came up with an idea. "Is the safe in my room still there?" She asks him.

"From what I saw, still intact."

She tap her head, then pull a Memory Orb to place it into his mind. Nearly collapse from using magic without a Wand to use. Holding her head, feeling the amount of pain she she had cause herself.

Darien sees numbers of the safe.

"Alright, Darien. I need you to go back to the house, and turn on the GPS tracker that came with Layla's gift." Makayla managed to get up.

"Wait, you have the tracker on you?" Darien then sees the numbers of the certain GPS numbers. "Oh!"

"Right. If you turn it on and put in the numbers, the AWM will be notified and will launch an immediate investigation. And since we're in Iowa, I doubt they have any routes that go down this path for safety reasons. So they'll bring in a small army, once they see how the community is. It's also how my sister can sellout a client if they can't keep their end of the promises."

"Alright then." Darien nods. "And where's Ollie? Johnny been worried about her."

Makayla turn to the forest then point at the barn house. "There. But Schulz will have a small army there, training and using people they kidnap as target practice." Turns to Darien, "So get the hell out of here. We're on a time limit right now."

Darien nods. "Alright." Before he leaves, he remembers something. Transform to human to give her the Kills she have. "You might need something to protect yourself and for Ollie." He then grabs Amalia laptop then place the traveler's in its place. "And might not be the right color or model."

Makayla accepts then cackles. "And these bitches don't even know how to sweep and mop, I doubt they'll be looking for these. And I got a cover for this. I'll use the Doctor's shit then blow it up." She chuckled.

Darien is about to run after transforming into his cat form, but looks back with a curious question, "Kayla, do you hate Master Dorothy for putting you into this Hell?"

Makayla looked down then took a deep breath. "I don't hate her, but I will give her an ass kicking for the amount of trouble she cause me, and for losing to that bitch, Wolfgang."

Darien gives out a soft smile, then runs out of the house and goes back to the gas station, where Johnny had been waiting with cat food with the door open.

"Dax!" Johnny smiles.

Darien gives Johnny a snarl then goes in to eat his food.

Johnny got in. "Thank you for keep me company till Dax here come back for some food."

"It's alright, sir."

Small explosion is heard from the distance.

"What the hell is that?"

"It must be another Amalia project. She keeps having things blown up in her face."

"Alright then. Thanks!" Johnny start driving away from Vinyard.

They drive away till they're out of their reach.

Transform back into his human form then hack into Amalia laptop. "We need to head back home, right now!" Darien said. "We got something to report to Master Dorothy, and submit some evidence."

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