Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 85 - The Magical Love Guild

Chapter 85 - The Magical Love Guild

Glinda and Raquel is sitting at the outskirts of Oztown, waiting for someone. In the middle of the night.

Darien is being held tightly by Glinda, still recovering from his encounter against Evan von Wolfgang, the Familiar of Frieda Reinhart. Johnny is standing next to Glinda and Darien.

Out in the distance though, Becky who's wearing a cloak to hide her identity with Serena at her side. Lorona is laying, pouting.

Raquel is blushing and have her nose plugged tissues. Seeing multiple pictures of Dorothy, in her Magical Vigilante uniform of an Angel.

Wearing white suit with tights and sandles. Her wings are a mixture of gold and white. Complete opposite of her Sleeping Beauty uniform. She's in awkward poses and showing off her lewd side, remembering the uncomfortable feeling of such idea.

Glinda is hiding her face, out of embarrassing positions she have to do in order to see if Valentino will approve of it all.

"I can't believe it! I got to see... Crawford forbidden garden! Such elegance and beauty! And this Angel motif, such a fitting attire be as such. Want to see?!" Held up a photograph of Dorothy.

Glinda turns to act like she's all happy for fulfilling Raquel fantasy, but secretly wanted to strangle her for taking embarrassing photos of her.

"Perhaps later." Respectfully declines the offer.

"Your lost. I can't believe my first submission photos were declined." Raquel pulls out a bunch of photos of more Vigilantes who's posing in much more erotic poses and are teasing to show it all off.

Dorothy is uncomfortable of the situation.

Out in the distance, Becky and Serena are just chatting.

"Can Magical Girls really can't do lewd activities while in uniform?"

Serena is uncomfortable of the topic, but she had to answer it. "Of course not! It's highly illegal, and it disgrace the uniform! Plus if the person who wants to have an intercourse interaction, then go out to a store or a seamstress to make you a uniform for fetish wear!"


Serena also adds, "And masturbation is off limits as well."

This cause Becky to be embarrassed, but not of the topic. "Wait, what! But you know there are some that have needs, right?! Even I have to done it once in a while."

Serena turn to Becky with a disgusted look. "Don't masturbate on the job. Or at least, take off the uniform if you're gonna do such activity."

Lorona then sat up. "But I heard Magical Girls can do that. I think I saw a few having some fun with their boyfriends or girlfriends."

Serena snaps around Lorona then claw her face that she's trying to hold back scream and tears from it.

"It's illegal! And you can lose your Locket if you continue to disgrace the uniform. Masturbation? Most likely a ticket, but like actual intercourse? You might end up losing it!"

Becky isn't listening.

"Can't we just beat her up, and tell us the location of this Love Guild?"

"Just stick to the plan!" Serena shouted.

Lorona continues to pout. "I don't know why I can't have some of those arrests. I'm a Magical Girl too, you know."

Serena angrily turn to her. "Yes, but a useless one though. What kind of Phoenix can't do anything?!"

Angrily pout turn.

Both Glinda and Raquel are looking back at them.

"Like our agreement here, you can keep these, as long Crawford friends get to be part of the Billboard." Glinda told Raquel who seem to can't keep her eyes from the photos.

"Sure. And I can get away, avoid on being arrested. Right?" Turns to her.

"Yeah. Crawford is the woman of her word. She think of other people, and she think that you're a good person. But I think from the other hand."

"Yeah, yeah." Raquel continue to look over her picture, then the previous pictures she had taken.

"I'm serious." Glinda grabs Raquel. "Me and my Guild is only doing this, because I got my friends to save but I'm not powerful enough to deal with the Neo Brauns. So I'm asking her for help."

"I gotcha! Negotiate for our freedom, and we sell out Witches that are much more terrifying than us. Simple, but what's so terrifying about the Magical Love Guild though?" Raquel continue to examine her photos, and other photos she had taken.

"She just want information, and does she bring that?"

"Let's ask her, she's coming." Points out in the distance.

Juliet Valentino came flying by with thirty other Witches behind her, some of are some kind of filming equipment. And the others are holding some boxes, perhaps something in return for the pictures?

And one came by an old school carriage with a single horse pulling with multiple dogs in the back of it.

"A camera crew?" Glinda is beyond confused.

"She's a real professional." Raquel laughs it off. "She believes that real Magical Girls should always have the best quality for videos and photos. She doesn't want amatuer looking videos and photos, and those are only for those who deserve low quality, cheap looking videos." Continue to present her the rejected photos. "To her, these are nothing more but whores just dressing up."

"Harsh." Glinda comments.

"I think these are good." Raquel is looking over them.

Juliet and the rest of her Magical Love Guild had arrive.

She has this professional looking appearance, as if she has a movie director feel. A sailor uniform top, pants, heels, blonde pigtails with a French hat, and heart shape sunglasses.

"Hello!" She spoke so highly.

Walking up to both Glinda and Raquel.

"Ooo! You're the Good Witch from the Coven Meeting, right?!" Juliet is examining her body.

"Correct." Glinda feels uncomfortable about Juliet. "And you're that Magical Girl lover, right?"

"That's correct!" Juliet smiles up front of Glinda who isn't liking her at all.

Raquel passed Dorothy's pictures to Juliet, which made Glinda eye twitches and very uncomfortable by being stared at by someone who find this erotic.

"Very nice, Ortiz! Much better than what you brought in a couple of days ago. Whom are just a bunch of little whores playing dress up. Unlike those that embodied the meaning behind Magical Girls." Juliet seem to be fixated onto the photos with drooling mouth and lustful eyes. She snaps her finger and her production crew are starting to work.

Glinda is looking at the camera crew is setting up shop. "What are you doing, may I asked?"

Juliet turns around then happily explains to her. "Isn't it obvious? I'm setting up a video shoot!"

"A video shoot?!" Glinda is horrified, knowing what they're about to do. "And what are you gonna do?"

"Capture this specimen, and film a scene with her." Juliet holds a picture of Dorothy. "And now I gotta pick out a Familiar to be the star of this scene." Multiple different Familiars from a dog and a horse.

From the distance, Serena heard what they said. "Alright, we need to get rid of them right away!" Angry at Juliet lifestyle. "I can't believe a Witch like this one had managed to hide under the radar. I hope they approve that she had been move up as Most Wanted."

Back at Glinda, looking disgusted as the Familiars transform into their Human forms as they're posing up, and completely naked.

Turn to Raquel, "Ortiz, can you get Crawford? Because I'm sure she'll be waiting around." Glinda said to Raquel who seem to be surprised.

"Alright!" Raquel said then she ask Juliet a question. "Is it possible that I can be part of this scene? Like having dibs first?"

"Ooo! Normally, some Witches want to watch their tormentors suffer, but rarely I get some involve. Sure, but you must have to participate by touchy these." Julie present the Familiars private areas.

Glinda look disgusted as she turned away.

Serena out in the distance is reading what she's saying quietly; screw it, just start and strike both Ortiz and herself down to sell it.

Serena nods, then turn to Becky. "Alright, Becky! You got the green light!"

Becky happily grins. "Okay, new girl." Turned to Lorona. "Go get Officer Harwood while I go my job."

Lorona grind her teeth then walked away. "Fine!" She angrily mutters in Spanish as she feels like she ain't gonna get what she wanted.

Becky launch herself from the distance to land a punch onto Glinda, remembering the feeling of the weight of the punch.

Nearly been knocked out.

Raquel grab her photos then flies away. Snarl at Raquel but ignores her as Juliet is observing Becky.

"A bit muscular, but love the hair and the fur. Maybe one of the Familiars might want to do it raw doggy style." Juliet gives out a childish cackle.

Feeling uncomfortable over her comments.

"And I had seen Vigilantes having some fun with animals before, so time to have fun." Juliet cackled as she walk back. "Lights!" The lights start to light up. "Cameras!" The red light of the cameras turned on. Raise a small ball up in the air. "Action!" A smoke ball.

Juliet grabs her broom while her members of the Magical Love Guild start to run up to her.

"And if you got her pinned down, go for the first peg. First come, first serve!" Juliet laughs while erotically blushing over the thought as she flies away to film the battle, and a potential scene in a making.

Becky turned to the Magical Love Guild to run up to her.

Defending herself, making quick dodges as she delivered heavy blows that knocks them out.

Leaping back to avoid a blast, clawing her upper arms then goes for the slash.

Claws are glowing, "New Moon Slash!"

That knocks the Familiars that are trying to gang up onto Becky.

One of the Guild Witches are trying to strike Becky down, but immediately ducks then leaps around then foot stomps the chest of the Witch. Using her foot claws to use as a human shield as some of sending magical blasts towards Becky.

Tossing her away, then slashes a couple Familiars down.

"You think we're not use on fighting brutes like you?" One of the Witches said, then start laughing collectively.

Becky claws are up. "Then I'll make you work for this prey!"

Vines from underneath her rise up and held her claws down.

"What the...?"

A couple of Witches rush up to Becky.

Overpower the vines by slashing them, then leaps up.

One of the Witches fire a smoke grenade up into the air, and missed Becky on purpose for a gas in the air.

Sniffing it, made Becky starting to feel woozy and losing sight. "What the hell did you all hit me with?"

Juliet is up in the air explanation it to her with a director's megaphone. "It's quite simple; rohypnol, mixed with some pheromones that will make you lusting for something. I prefer the old methods, and got this from a Japanese Witch that had been inspired by those mind controlling Hentai, and had been experimenting with it. I paid top dollar for those for the past ten years." She giggled.

Becky vision is starting to blur as she's starting to feel the heat of her body. Mind numbing, multiple Familiars and Witches are now slowly walking up to her. Shaking her head then smack herself hard, then try to continue to fight back.

During the fight, Raquel is flying away from the action as she's happily singing something in Spanish.

A shadow flies by her, then to her surprise, Dorothy stop her on tracks.


Dorothy have an Angel uniform from the Mythology Locket. Looking cold and have no emotion behind her eyes.

"Crawford!" Raquel flies up to her face, "I still can't believe you let me take these photos of you! And now you came here to thank me on setting up the trap, right?" Smiles brightly at her.

Dorothy place her palm up to her. "May I have those back? Because I feel uncomfortable on letting you have those, and I'm gonna give you one warning. If you don't, I'll arrest you. I've been taking it easy on you ever since the rebuilding of Oztown. But tonight was my last straw. So, what's gonna be?"

Raquel look at the hand then sign. "Sorry, Crawford. I want to keep them, and I had to keep my promise to both you and Glinda. So please..."

Dorothy delivers a Pyrobolum Dragon to knock her out. "Didn't have to come to this, but I guess it has to happen."

Picking her up then flies off to Oztown. Sees Becky manage to handle the group of the Magical Love Guild on her own, then quickly flies to town.

Seeing Esmeralda in uniform, is talking to Officer Harwood.

"Open the door!" Dorothy shouts.

Officer Harwood open up the door, then place Raquel onto Esmeralda.

"You can have this, Esmeralda. You need it far more than me. I gotta help Becky back there." Dorothy flies off.

Esmeralda place Raquel into the police vehicle then turn to Harwood. "Do you have the paperwork?"

Back at the fight against the Magical Love Guild, Becky managed to knock down a few of them but she have tranquilizer darts onto her arm and back.

Barely conscious as one of the Witches are trying to pin her down, but Becky leaps back to knock her out from the tree behind. She quickly placed a chloroform rag onto her mouth.

About to drop, time stop for a moment. A shadow of a person from the distance is walking up to her. At first, she thought it was Dorothy, but to her surprised, it was Mariel Crimson. Much younger, and seem to be annoyed.

"First off, I didn't know this would work but this is new for the both of us." Cackles. "I guess it's time for me to take over." Held Becky's head. "And I gotta keep your body pure and pristine, in order to use your Virgin Blood to heal up. So..." Mariel turned then realize who it is. "Perhaps another time. Call this a miracle, because next time you need access to your Witch's magic, I'll takeover." She cackles then disappear back into the shadows.

Time resume for Becky.

Juliet from above, "Yes! Yes!" Drooling over what's about to happen till Dorothy knocks her out by a Pyrobolum Dragon.

Hitting the ground hard, Dorothy helps Becky by using a Halo Glyph to use it as her Glyph Saws. But unlike the Saws, she have the feeling of handcuffs, she can use the Halos as her handcuffs.

Becky snaps up then start knocking them all back, and down. One-by-one, both Dorothy and Becky manage to knock them all down.

Esmeralda leaps up to their position. "I may not have any abilities yet, but I can still..." She stop to see both Dorothy and Becky had finished the job.

Serena turned around to greet Esmeralda. "Take notes, Esmeralda. These two are real professionals."

Esmeralda seem to be feeling outclass by the both of them.

Grinning at Esmeralda, Serena snarks. "And once we find the allies to storm the compound of the Neo Brauns, maybe Dorothy will make you take her scraps. Like a vulture."

Dorothy looks back at the boxes of information where Dorothy grins.

"Serena!" Dorothy to her who stood up. "Let go find our allies, so let start out recruitment!"

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