Chereads / The Wicked Magical Girl / Chapter 65 - Lunch Time at Garfield Park

Chapter 65 - Lunch Time at Garfield Park

Emma is wearing casual clothes as she's waiting at Garfield Park. She's with Hilda who is wearing a much more lavish clothing as she's seen with an umbrella.

Emma seem to be impatient due to that she wanted to eat, but Hilda is not bother as she's read a tiny book in German. German Fairy Tales.

Unknown to both of them, the Wicked Witches but Lorona are in uniform are hiding in certain locations, ready to jump.

While that's going on, Malvonia is aiming at them but she seem to be busy with something as her cat ears pop up that twitches. As if she knows something up, and it's not the Wicked Witches. Looking around but can't pinpoint where and only birds in the area, but it's long enough to distract her from making the kill shot while Hilda is covering her and Emma's face with her umbrella.

"Emma!" Dorothy happily calls out, while she's wearing her regular clothes and not in her Magical Vigilante uniform.

Waving at her while carrying the pizza boxes, sub bags and a basket from the wine and cheese.

"Finally!" Emma clap her hands together. "Let's eat...!"

During Dorothy walks, Olivia in her Cassandra Black alias swims up and struck Dorothy with her trident but not a lethal blow. Dorothy went through a couple of trees.

"Eva!" Hilda protects Emma from any kinds of potential threat. "What is the meaning of this?!"

Cassandra looks at them in a ditzy expression. "Oh? Isn't she the Neo Brauns Army we had been told about?"

"Neo Brauns Army?" Emma try to be dumbfounded. "Who are they, may we ask?"

Abbie's alias, Melissa Barthel, hand came out from the ground to grab Hilda's ankle.

"What the...?!"

Melissa pull Hilda away, but she quickly passed the umbrella towards Emma.

Unknown to Emma, Malvonia took her shot but the umbrella protected her and unlike bouncing off, it stay onto the umbrella.

In Russian, "God damn it!" Then quickly took another shot but Emma quickly grabs the umbrella and rolled to a safer position with the umbrella protecting her blind spot.

Cassandra continues to be ditzy. "I may not be the brightest girl in a light show, but an invincible umbrella? I gotta say that makes you a Witch. So I had to bring you in. Me and my friends will take you down..."

Behind Cassandra, Dorothy came out in a self defense attack. Going for a kick but during the midair, Makayla who's going under Lyra Black appears in in the air and grabs Dorothy by the legs.

She giggles. "What's hanging?" She laughs then tossed her out of the area then blast her towards Malvonia location but really to get her to transform in secrecy.


Lyra accidentally overshot Dorothy through the buildings and landed in a fast food joint parking lot where she landed on the top of a limo.

Dorothy got up then realize what she just did. "Oh, crap!"

Looking around to see the owner of the limo, an Indian man walk up to her with a couple of takeout bags.

In Hindi, "What is the matter with you?!"

"I'm so sorry!" Dorothy bows at him. "I deeply apologize for me hitting the limo. Just..." She pulls out a card on where to pay the damages with Serena name on it, and her mailing address. "Send me the bill." Dorothy quickly transform into her Vigilante uniform then flies off to Garfield Park.

The Indian man who's the driver enter the back to see the Lost Jewels' Diamond, Saraya Singh, who's wearing such beautiful and elegant dress.

Continue in Hindi while passing her a bag, "I deeply apologize, Lady Singh. It's a Vigilante, causing trouble as usual."

Saraya is completely scared when she saw a huge dent on her limo rooftop.

"Is she gonna pay for the damages?"

The driver passed over the mailing address and Serena's card for the payment.

"After we eat, we shall mail the bill to this mailing address." She eating.

"Right away, Lady Singh."


"I guess we'll have to bring you in, since Gardner there is a small fry." Cassandra said while Lyra giggling in the background as they're putting up a performance. "So you're under arrest!" Cassandra points with a affection smile.


During that is happening, Hilda had been forced onto the streets of Garfield Park.

Melissa pop up with a grin. "Good day, Witch!"

Hilda angrily snarl at her. "And why bring me here?"

"To arrest you, of course!"

Hilda snaps her fingers then out of nowhere, her Wand, a rapier sword handle. Observe Melissa uniform then smirks it off.

"Let see if a little Dwarf can fight?"

Hilda charges up to Melissa to engage in sword combat.

Protecting herself with her war ax then using her muscle memory reflex to combat against a rapier user.

Dancing around Melissa and showing off her foot work, while Melissa blocks the rapier strikes to go for an up and close punch.

Melissa have heavier strikes and swings while Hilda can quickly avoid the potential death blows.

Rolling under a swing which Melissa also rolls to avoid a piercing blow from Hilda.

Wrist grab the rapier hand then caught the other wrist. Going for a headbutt strike, but Hilda leaping knee strike on the chin the then pump kick herself off from Melissa chest in order to get out of the grip.

Hilda backflip then a handstand back into a random seat in order to change her uniform into her German uniform.

"Not bad for a Dwarf, but you're a perfect height when it comes to compare such awful brute to a princess herself."

She smirks as they're locking eyes to one another.


Emma have a sword call upon her then prepare for combat, town guard sword. She change her clothes into her German uniform.

"This is the day you shall regret on facing me. But I'll play around." She gives out a calm smile. "Now bring your best." Emma seem to be loving the idea of a challenge.

Both Cassandra and Lyra rush up to her.

Lyra split herself into limbs while Cassandra swims into the ground and goes around.

Emma is mouth counting as if there's a time limit on something.

Smacking each limb away, then midair twirl while twirling the umbrella to protect herself from another kill shot from Malvonia.

Using both sword and umbrella, her makeshift sword and shield. The sword to combative against Cassandra trident, while using the umbrella to protect herself from shots against Malvonia and Lyra hidden pistols.

Luring the trident in then stomping it down for a spinning back elbow to knock Cassandra down, then she leaps off Lyra limbs then stomp down onto Lyra head, putting her down onto the ground.

Quickly block the next sniper shot with her sword then mouth counting then held Lyra's head up which gives her a comical reaction.

"Woah! Hold your fire!"

Malvonia greets her teeth out of frustration then transform into a cat in order to change locations, but unknown to her, she's being observe from another scoop.

Dancing with Cassandra due to her lack of long weapon handling skills. Emma is playing around with Cassandra then toss the head onto Cassandra head for an improvise headbutt.

Kicking the umbrella up to protect herself from another shot, knowing where it's coming from.

Malvonia angrily growls. "Shit! How the hell does she know where my shots are coming from?" She looks around but can't find what seem to be the likely source.


The Alegrias are watching from the rooftops. They're seeing Cassandra on the defense while Lyra can't seem to get a hit on her regardless on how many limbs she have flying around her. And Malvonia can't land the kill shot.

"Mom, why can't I join in?"

"Because you aren't ready to go into a fight. If you're the one being chased then yes, as a Witch. But as a Vigilante? You're out of your league."

Serena agrees. "All you can do it leap. Outside of endurance, you have no way to defend yourself. So just watch and observe. You might learn from it."

Lorona is frustrated after knowing that she can't do anything to aid.


Cassandra angrily leaps up and pull the scales out of her legs then try to fishnet catch her.

Emma looks up then grins as she magically enhanced her sword then cut the fishnet in half.

Angrily tossing her trident down, attempting to capture her but like the fishnets, it's also been cut in half.

She smirks with confidence while both Cassandra and Lyra are annoyed and frustrated, "Are you two really up for this?"


Melissa toss her war ax onto a tree, but was attended for Hilda who continues to dance like a ballet performer. She leaps off the war ax then back flip back to her feet.

Angrily grabs her war ax then she throws her war ax again.

Confidently dodge, but Melissa dives into the ground in order to pop out from behind to grab the midair to go for a strike from behind.

Quickly realized what she was doing, Hilda looks behind. Backflip but got cut from the tip of her nose.

Double backflip then a corkscrew backflip back to her feet. Pulling out a powder mirror to notice a small cut on her nose.

In German, angrily, "You bitch! How dare you scar the German Princess and the Princess of the Neo Brauns Army?!"

Melissa smiled then chuckled. Replied in German. "Sorry, Your Majesty. I kneel to no Princess, especially one from the Neo Brauns Army."

Angrily glares at Melissa while breaking her powder mirror in her hand. "Then I'll make you kneel before me, brute!"

She rapier points at Melissa.

This made Melissa feel a tight constriction and against her body. Trying to move ahead but can't move, but only going down to one knee then bow her head.

With an Aristocratic laugh. "Guess you're kneeling for me after all!"

A magic blast went from her rapier to blast Melissa dead, but quickly block it with her war ax. Her Locket was the only thing that got hit while Melissa been sent flying. She destroy the Locket.


Hilda was caught off guard by multiple Vigilantes that came by.

"Let kill this one, and one of us we'll be on the American leader board!"

Hilda prepare herself in a fighting stance then leaps towards them for combat.


Hitting the rooftop with the Alegrias, mid transforming back into her regular form.

"Abbie!" Lorona rush up to her.

Hits Lorona head, "Name's Melissa, Esmeralda."

Sitting up then look around her Locket but it's not nowhere to be found. She looks at Lorona's Mythological Locket.

"I'm gonna borrow that one for now."


Both Cassandra and Lyra are annoyed that Emma haven't break a sweat as she seem to enjoy her time. Grabbing a cheesy meat lovers pizza.

"You!" Emma points at Cassandra with her eaten pizza slice. "You had ruined such a great day for a picnic. I'm gonna carve you up first." She rapidly eats her pizza whole then wipe herself up by using her shirt as a napkin. Emma grabs her sword then change her casual clothes for her German uniform. "Time to face your end."

"We haven't even started yet!" Dorothy's voice is heard from above.

Diving down and stand in between of them.

Facing Emma face-to-face as she's prepare for a fight.

"You're under arrest, Emma von Wolfgang. So either come with me peacefully, or else."

Emma finds this threat funny then gives Dorothy a grin. "Or else what?"

"Or else I'll bring you in by force."

Dorothy's arms are cover in flames with both Cassandra and Lyra are backing her up.

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