Chapter 4 - Up Next - 2

Shosuko Kuze, yokai war veteran, finds herself forcibly swept up by the whims of her yakuza family after accidentally killing a member of the Umi Alliance. The Kuze Clan, faced with the choice of going to war or betraying their own blood, take up their arms. There is a brief silence before all-out conflict breaks out, giving Shosuko a tiny window to learn what it really means to be yakuza.

「Shosuko Kuze」- Yokai War Veteran

「Kiara Kuze」- Kuze Clan Head

「Oka Shibusawa」- Kuze Clan Lieutenant

「???」- Umi Alliance Lieutenant.

「???」- Kuze Clan Lieutenant

「???」- I-C

「The Batter」- Umi Alliance Head