"Hey, Rocky! Wait up!"
Even after hearing this, Rocky did not ease up his pace. He walked unhurriedly along the hallway of the T-Vino Island medical school, seemingly lost in his thoughts. It had been just about a week since he had resumed his classes after taking a small break from school. The puzzling reaction from his Principal was still fresh in his mind, though, as he could feel the subtle difference in the treatment he then received from his tutors and professors.
'It's been an overwhelming few weeks!' Rocky thought with a sigh. In essence, that was just an understatement. Rocky was already mature for his age, but the few incidents that had changed his home overnight pushed him even more up the maturity threshold.
Rocky had gone from a schoolboy getting an allowance from his dad to the person who shouldered the financial burden of his home; not that he had to earn that money, but being responsible for that much money could be a whole burden on its own!