Chereads / A random pokemon journey / Chapter 305 - Spar

Chapter 305 - Spar

In a funny way thanks to these gloves I could be considered one of the most dangerous people on the planet who wasn't a pokemon god. Not to say I wasn't already but if you were to strip away all of my other special aspects and left just my aura and these gloves I would still fall under that list. Satisfied with my new conduit weapons after hours of practice to acclimate to them I called it a day. I made Tauros and Pidgey tacos for dinner and of course a fruit smoothie for Tank since his species were herbivores.-

Naturally this meant that I used a lot of food given the size of my pokemon and their love of good food but I was rich so the burden wasn't really anything I had to worry about since I bought my ingredients in bulk. Making the tortillas was a bit of a challenge since I couldn't exactly use human sized ones for this and had to make the dough and cook it on a large flat stone I raised with my ability. Cooking the meat and toppings such as onions and tomatoes was also a bit of a challenge but I managed.-

The next morning Roark sought me out bright and early while I was sparring with Hades. My ghost was a particularly tricky opponent to spar with as it tended to go for overwhelming tactics and cheap tricks that kept me on my toes. As a formless pokemon Hades could manifest many limbs from many angles by extending his ghostly form which made it hard not to get overwhelmed as a result. Without my aura senses telling exactly where it had these limbs I would have been as I dipped, parried and countered the rush of ghostly limbs striking at me with little pause between them.-

"TY!" Gaia called once the five minute time limit I set passed and Hades retracted it's form back to around it's keystone while I panted heavily and wiped the sweat off my forehead. "That was quite the spectacle. Do you do that everyday?" Roark said as he walked over under Hades sharp glare. I flicked my finger sending out a thread of aura that grabbed my bag from the side and pulled it towards me. "Not everyday and not always with Hades. I regularly spar with all of my pokemon other than Yani who prefers not to be involved in any sort of violence if she can help it." I explained as I took out a water bottle and towel.-

"I see, is there any real point to it though?" he asked curiously. I shrugged "Depends on the person and pokemon really. In my case I do it because it brings me closer to my pokemon for them to see me putting in just as much effort as them in my own training. Also because it's the only way I can go all out against an opponent without fearing that they'd die or get seriously injuried. Can't say for others though." I said as I toweled away my sweat and rehydrated.-

"Closer to your pokemon by training just as hard as them? What an interesting idea!" Roark said with an intrigued look. "It's probably not for everyone. It's a serious commitment and one that will take it's toll on your mind and body if you aren't careful." I warned seriously. I meant it too as depending on how hard you train your pokemon you might flat out cripple yourself if you didn't pay very close attention to your bodies limits.-

He nodded "I assumed given how intense your own spar was. I can also see that you went ahead and turned to ore into gloves already despite knowing it may have been wanted to be returned to the region that lost it." he said with a disapproving look. "I had no intention of handing it over to begin with. It was lost for at least a century given the box it was in and I found it so it was mine, just that simple." I said unbothered by his look.-

"If you never intended to hand it over why let me look into the background of it then?" he asked confused. "Reputation. If there was any doubt at all that it was stolen then that would make me a criminal or at the least an accessory to a crime and that sort of things leaves a serious stain on ones reputation. Sure I may no have a very positive reputation given my way of handling criminals and assassins but all of that was at least accepted as wrong for the right reasons. Blatant thievery though would be wrong for the wrong reasons and would ruin my credibility."-

"With you verifying that the ore was considered lost however it suddenly becomes a game of finders keepers which not even the league could make a compelling argument against. Unlike the region that would want it back I am ACTUALLY going to use it for something making my claim to it stronger." I said with a grin. "You've played me for a fool then." he said bitterly at this revelation. I shake my head "Not at all, you did you duty as you saw fit and I merely understood how it would help me. If anything you played yourself by being too serious about the subject." I said honestly.-

"I see. It was Sinnoh by the way, the region that lost it originally a century and a half ago. Mined right here in Oreburgh in fact." he said with a sigh. I'm not surprised at this given the nature of this town. "For what it's worth I will be putting these gloves to work helping deal with the criminal problem." I said and he did seem to take at least some solace in that. "Well enough of that I came to see your team actually. Size them up for myself." He said putting on his usual smile.-

"And?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. "They are even more impressive than I thought. Just being near them has goosebumps raised on my arms. I'm no stranger to powerful well trained pokemon but yours feel different, more dangerous." he said seriously. "I image they would given how other than Yani and Cratos all of them have claimed lives before and are trained to kill their opponents. You are likely picking up on this from their leaking aura's, in fact I'd wager that if I were to let my own aura leak you'd get a similar sensation from me as well." I explained frankly.