Chereads / A random pokemon journey / Chapter 302 - Hot blessing

Chapter 302 - Hot blessing

This meant that this woman had met either a very powerful or very old Heatran AND managed to get a blessing out of it. Heatran were notoriously ill tempered so this was quite a surprising piece of news though not impossible by any means. No two members of the same species were the same after all and there being a Heatran that was more reasonable to deal with wasn't that hard to fathom. "You must have stumbled onto the things lair, they don't travel far from where they are born usually." she said and I nodded.-

"Found a cave that lead to a lake of lava that it lived in, the rest should be fairly clear." I said with a shrug. "Whatever the case you've got my attention if nothing else, what are you here for?" she asked casually. "I need a master blacksmith to work alongside a tailor to create a conduit weapon. A pair of gloves specifically. The process is a bit annoying however so fair warning there." I said honestly. "I conduit weapon in the form of gloves you say? Can't say as I've ever heard of that one before. I assume you've got the materials already if you are here then?" she asked and I nodded.-

I pulled out the chunk of life iron and she looked almost aroused as her gaze fell on it which was a bit weird. "Ah how I've longed to get my hands on some of this stuff! Museums got some but the stingy bastards won't let me buy it from them, something about historical value!" she said without breaking eye contact with the chunk of ore in my hand. "Any particular reason why you wanted a metal that should be useless to you?" I asked confused.-

She wasn't an aura master and besides the silver and red tinge her aura had from the Heatrans blessing there was nothing all that remarkable to her as far as I could tell. "It's my blessing, a bit of a trick that Heatran played on me if I'm being honest. See the way this blessing works is that I basically have a body like that of a Heatran, metal and fire. The catch here is that like a Heatran I have to consume the stuff just the same. Upside though is that any metals I eat I gain an innate understanding of, you can see why I became a smith thanks to that." -

"It's how I became a master so young too, a bit of skill on top of this innate understanding and well here I am. I've tried all manner of metals rare and common but that one has been out of my reach for the longest time, I want to know what secrets it will whisper in my ear." she said honestly. I had to admit that while that blessing was a bit double edged it was certainly the best thing for a smith I could imagine.-

First up it gave the innate resistance to fire and heat that the legendary species itself held, you know the same one that bathed in lava? Second it gave a body highly resistant to physical trauma as Heatran had metallic bodies. Finally it gave an innate understanding of any metal consumed. All together and even with the downside of being very expensive to sustain this blessing was more boon than bane. Though a big issue here was that the weaknesses of a Heatran likely transferred over as well and that meant electrical, ground, rock, water and fighting type energies sucked to be around.-

"If there's any left after the conduit weapon is made you can have it as payment if you'd like. I know that at most there will only be a small amount left that is nearly useless to me once the process is done." I said and her eyes lit up. "Deal!" she said eagerly. With that taken care of I set up a time for our cooperation as it was a bit too late to start today and I needed to inform the tailor as well. The requirements to create this conduit weapon type were quite clear that it had to be done all in one go which meant the metal needed to be turned into threads AND woven into gloves in one continuous motion.-

Honestly my part in the whole process was the most difficult as I had to continuously supply aura to the metal from start to finish. This was not only external emission of the stuff but prolonged external emission which took serious control and pacing. Honestly speaking if my aura hadn't evolved like it had and my stores grown I might not be able to do it.-

Now though I had a very different problem that was also related to those same things. My aura was WAY fucking stronger than any other aura masters in history and I wasn't sure how'd that effect the process. In theory this was a good thing but I wasn't sure what the final product would end up as since with the nature of my aura it could very well be created with new unknown uses that the usual glove conduit weapons lacked. 'Problems for later I suppose.' I thought as I walked to the tailors shop. I arrived just before closing time and gave the tailor the schedule I had agreed on with the smith.-

The tailor didn't have any issue with that as he mostly made things when ordered or did repair work. I headed for the pokecenter after that and grabbed a room there for the night after feeding my team one by one since I didn't have a lot of room to work with. The next morning I rose before the sun graced the lands with it's presence and headed to the blacksmiths shop where she and the tailor were chatting as they waited for me.-

"You sure you can handle the heat, my forge never dims you know?" the smith asked seriously. "I was fine in the lair of a Heatran so I'll be fine in your forge." I said calmly. "If it's all the same i'll wait out here until the thread is ready, heat might ruin my hand if I waited in there." the Tailor said and I saw no issue with this.