Chereads / Anurak, Let Me Love You! / Chapter 2 - Should I tell him?

Chapter 2 - Should I tell him?

Since Sunny-Uni is an elite private school, most students live inside the school, and those who don't, have their means of transportation. Therefore, the first car park to be encountered in the school is used by mostly visitors and the staff, including non Administrative.

Eshin entered the park and made a call after parking. Soon, a tall, broad-chested, and good-looking guy with a gentle demeanor walked out of the supermarket in the park. As the young man approached, Eshin came down from his car and signaled Anurak to do the same. Anurak quickly parked properly and started undoing his helmet as he watched his cousin and the man exchange pleasantries.

"Eshin, you are late!" The man complained while shaking Eshin's hand.

"Traffic was bad and those stupid bumps on the way here didn't help matters." Eshin then waved to Anurak. "Anurak, come over here," Eshin called out to Anurak who was just a few feet away.

Rolling his eyes, Anurak walked closer. He put his palms together and greeted the stranger with a small bow. "Sawasdee krab khun.*"

"This is Anurak! He is all grown now." The man responded in excitement. "Sawasdee, Anurak." He continued.

"Anurak, this is Sud. He is my friend." Eshin started the introduction. "You have met him before but it was so long ago, I don't think you will remember."

"I do," Anurak replied. "I was already 10 years old."

How would he not? After his mother's death, Anurak who back then blamed everything on his father didn't want to stay with the man. A few months after he started living with his father, Anurak stole some money and ran away from home. He traveled down to Bangkok alone on a train. When he got to the station, he made a call to Anuty Cahya and this guy was the person who came to the train station with Eshin to pick him up. A few days later, Aunty Chaya was nearly arrested by the police for kidnapping. After that, he returned home with his father and never came back.

"What? It was so long ago and you were a baby too. How can you possibly remember that?" Sud exclaimed.

"It was Easter and you came to the train station to pick me up. After that, you both took me to a children's park to sightsee, play and do horse riding."


"I can't believe this!"

Both Eshin and Sud were shocked by the details.

"He remembers." Sud nodded with glittering eyes. "Now I see why Bright wouldn't stop boasting about his super-intelligent little cousin." Sud complimented.

*It is common for Thai people to have a native name and a nickname. Eshin's nickname is Bright and only his friends call him that. He tried several times to get Anurak to call him 'Bright' but just like every other member of their family, Anurak preferred to use the native names. Even for himself…

"Okay. We should start going. The faculty of science is on the other side of the school. This site is for Arts and Commercials." Sud explained."

The two grownups entered the car while Anurak mounted his bike. They exited the park and made their way back to the roundabout then left it behind as they entered the other side of the school compound. Similar to where they were coming from, there is a park. But this time around, they didn't stop at the park. With Sud showing the way, Eshin left the main road and maneuvered through a couple of smaller roads before arriving at a tall, white building with a signboard that reads; 'Faculty of Engineering.' They entered the car park beside the building and parked their car and bike under a large canopy before joining a ceaseless progression of feet on a walkway that leads into the building.

Sud and Eshin walked side by side, while Anurak followed behind like a docile cat.

"They sure can stare in this school. P'Eshin, is there something on my face?" Anurak had to ask his cousin because since they got on the walkway, a lot of people kept looking at him. Both boys and girls.

At 5 '8 with an oval face bordering on oblong, Anurak qualified to be called pretty. He wasn't just pretty, depending on his style for the day and haircut, Anurak can effortlessly switch from pretty to cute without losing his masculine aura or feminine vibes.

Anurak's greatest attraction is his eyes. He has golden-hued brown cat eyes with a vivid hint of blue around his pitch-black pupils. Anurak's eyes are always looking sober, gentle, and alluring. Because of this, he generates an air of arrogance and yet a casual stance.

Then there is his small mouth with full, pouty, pink lips. Nothing like those lips filled with steroids though. His pouty lips are naturally formed and suited his slightly long face. His eyelids are the common Asian eyelids with tiny swells under the eyes, but it only made him more cute. Even though he has high cheekbones, he wouldn't appear cheeky until he smiles. When he does, a single dimple on the left side of his face would appear and this gives him an alluring, seductive, and bright appeal.

His jawline is sharp and his hairline is full and bell-shaped. Anurak has no facial hair except for the hairline that traveled down and stopped just after his earlobes. Not that he has grown anything significant, but Anurak plans to keep the hairs away. Anurak started shaving three times a week the moment he noticed that he was starting to grow facial hair a year ago. He isn't a beard person.

His skin is pale, almost white, cool on the eyes, and smooth to the touch. It is spotless with a silky sheen.

Even if one isn't attracted to a pretty face, the earrings Anurak wears wouldn't fail to attract attention. Anurak loves jewelry. Back at home, his father fought him hard because he was always wearing a stud in his left ear. Now that he is in Bangkok and Eshin has assured him that apart from near-nude attires, Sunny-Uni accepts all other types of dressing and accessories that can complement the standard white shirt and black pants that students are obligated to wear in Thailand schools. — Anurak has gone all out, stocking up on cheap earrings, studs, chains, bracelets, and so on.

Today, being the first day in school and wanting to start with a cool flare, Anurak switched his stud to the right ear and wore a dropping earring in the shape of a studded pyramid in the left ear. Not only that, he was fully dressed in his red and black power bike safety gear with only the helmet missing. Anurak looked like a bike race superstar about to mount his ride yet has the guts to complain about people staring at him. Being fully geared up, his swag was on full display. So how could people not look?

Eshin and Sud chuckled at his complaint.

"Should I tell him?" Sud asked Eshin with a smug.

"Not yet. Let him find out by himself."

Anurak paused when he heard them.

What are they talking about?

He quickly grabbed Sud's shirt and tugged at it. "Phi, what is he talking about?"

"Nothing." Sud shrugged but kept the smug smile on his face. Anurak started feeling uneasy. These two childhood friends were known to be sly. He can still remember some of the pranks they played on him back then. But unless they tell him what was going on, Anurak really couldn't figure it out by himself. He took a deep breath and focused on walking. He would just ignore the stares and take things as they come.

Anurak wasn't someone who gets scared or upset easily. Living with his unpredictable father had taught him that anxiety wouldn't get him anywhere. It will only cloud his judgments.

P'Eshin and his friend can't plan to mess with me on my first day, right? If he dares, he knows I will snitch to Aunty Cahya and he will be in trouble. So what's there to worry about?

From the walkway, they entered the vast hall-like ground floor of the building connected to the walkway. The ground floor is an open space that can be accessed from a fleet of stairs in front of the building and by the two sides too. One side of the hall is filled with tables for two, tables for three and four. While the other side has a line-up of long benches attached to long tables. Separating them is a three feet walkway. There are also 45-inch LCD TVs attached to the ceiling at strategic spots. From whichever side you come in from, you will face at least two TVs.

On the right side where Anurak and others came in from, there is an escalator with students and staff members standing on it, either going up or coming down. Some had stern looks like they were lost in thought while others were either pressing their phones or talking to their friends.

Anurak looked up and saw people staring at him from across the glass railings of the floors above. The unconcealed surprise, lewd gazes, and curious stares upset him. He didn't mind girls undressing him with their eyes like that. What creeps him out are the men.

What are they doing to me in their minds right now? Eeewwh!! He wouldn't mind if they appreciated his good looks. But the lewd ones annoy him a lot. Even though he isn't new to this sought of gazes, getting used to them is another matter.

*Sawasdee Krab Khun: Good morning. (Sir/Ma)

"Krab" in greeting, is used when a male is the one doing the greeting. If it's a female doing the greeting, it will be "Kha" e; "Sawasdee Kha."

*Krab: Okay/Yes/Alright. (When used as a single word.)