'What those be?' She questioned cautiously in her mind but curiosity flashed in her eyes.
Minutes passed without interruption before the faint sound of movement broke through the stillness. Suddenly, the lights began moving towards her with increasing velocity, accompanied by small, high-pitched noises. These mysterious sounds echoed in the quiet forest, adding to the eerie atmosphere already present. The source of the commotion soon became apparent as the lights approached, revealing the source of the chattering audio.
Despite being unable to discern the origin of the speech, the air around her hummed with unfamiliar words and alien concepts. Strangely captivated, she found herself straining to understand this language foreign to human ears. Whether it was the call of nature or the siren song of some arcane force, she couldn't say. All she knew was that she hungered to grasp meaning where none existed, her mind struggling to decipher this cryptic melody.
'Those sound like….!' She moved back slightly, unsure to run away or stay firm.
But then, from every direction, the lights converged upon her position, each emitting excited shrieks at the sight of her figure. "A woman," they exclaimed joyfully, forming tight circles around her body as though embracing her within a dome of dancing stars. Their energized energy sparked her senses, causing her heartbeat to quicken and her breaths to become shallow gasps. For the briefest of moments, she stood transfixed under the spell of their celestial beauty.
"You are fairies?"Her voice barely above a whisper due to the surreal scene unfolding before her very eyes. The diminutive beings resembled young girls, their forms almost translucent like delicate crystals caught within the light. Each possessed graceful features with slender limbs tapering off to mere points before meeting smooth curves leading up to their exquisite faces. They wore no garments save thin ribbons of misty vapor fluttering about their diaphanous skin. Every fairy appeared identical, save for variations in color schemes adorning their flowing tresses. Their lustrous locks cascaded down their backs in gentle waves. Even without visible breasts or genitalia, their bodies seemed to pulse with life. In fact, everything about them radiated vitality as if they drew sustenance directly from the living world.
"A woman in the Mountains alone?" Surprised, one of the creatures spoke out, its tone laced with astonishment. Its companions shifted nervously, and the humming grew louder before pausing altogether.
"Perharps a warrior?"
"Not such, her clothing is rather mysterious!"
"Yes! After all, we would be dead!"
All of the fairies chatted around her with piecing gazes, all the fairies scrutinized her appearance and inspecting every detail from head to toe.
"Ah…Hello?" She greeted as her look at fairies. Suddenly aware, the fairies halted their aimless movements and stared at her inquiringly.
"I am lost in these forests….or mountain? May I have assistance to the city in the mountain below?" She asked warmly with hidden happiness. The fairies glanced at each other and smiled peculiarly, sending shivers down her spine.
"Of course! Of course! We can help you down the mountain but tell us, what is your name Madam?" Simultaneously, the fairies exclaimed with joy and radiance etched upon their countenances.
"Oh forgive me, my name is Maisie Henderson…."
"Maisie Henderson? What a strange name you have!" Surprise registered on their faces as they emitted an audible gasp, "What region are you from?"
"I….rather not say, but you can tell I am new to this region…" Maisie said with apologetically.
All of the fairies nodded and waved their hands to her, telling Maisie to follow them. With a smile, Maisie followed them deeper into the forest. The group of fairies led Maisie further into the enchanted forest, filled with secrets and wonder unknown to human understanding. As they journeyed together, Maisie couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging amidst their company. Their laughter and playful antics lifted her spirits and brought an air of childlike innocence to the otherwise darkened forest. With each step, Maisie felt drawn further into the magical atmosphere, her imagination running wild with fantastical images of what lay ahead. Despite her fears, she eagerly followed the fairies towards whatever adventure awaited her in the mystical woods.
Maisie kept her thoughts to herself, following closely behind the fairies who moved through the forest with ease. Though the path took them farther from civilization than she would have liked, she trusted their guidance implicitly. Her own memories began to flood her consciousness as they traveled ever deeper into the woodland, bringing with them feelings of nostalgia for experiences long forgotten. Eventually, she found herself wondering whether she might uncover some lost recollection during this unlikely excursion.
"Say, have you saw my book Mom?" Emerging from the upper floor was a youthful male individual sporting raven-colored tresses.
Appearing from within what might have been the culinary quarters was a adult youth possessing elongated hair tied up in a tail. She exuded cheerfulness.
"Your book is on the glass table Dear." She pointed with her finger which caused the lad's brows to furrow and an air of perplexity to settle over his visage.
"Jeez mom, why are you taking my books without asking again?" Speaking aloud as he transitioned into the sitting room.
"Why not? The books are surprising interesting….specially for someone like you in your age."
"Yeah, yeah. Well, if you want to read them you can just ask tho." Raising his head from his reading material, the adolescent directed his attention toward the lady, donning a subtle smile.
"Thank you dear, I will ask you next time….by the way, why are you reading all of these books by yourself? Don't you want to play with your friends?"
Unanticipatedly, the features of the juvenile took on a somber demeanor as she assumed a vacant expression void of any discernible sentiment.
"They…..Why would I be playing instead of reading these amazing books! After all, one of them recommend me to read so…"