Chereads / Hick’s Harem / Chapter 26 - Chapter 25: Elsie Learns About Last Night

Chapter 26 - Chapter 25: Elsie Learns About Last Night

I woke up to an empty bed, my eyes cracking open as the early morning sun washed over my face. Clara must've raised the blinds and normally I'd be super pissed about someone interrupting my sleep but for some reason, l felt way more rested than usual. Stretching, my back cracked and a yawn leaked from my lips.

Getting out of bed I headed toward my dresser, my hands grabbing a pair of boxers, a wad of socks, a Metallica shirt, and a clean pair of blue jeans Clar had just washed. The denim was still warm from when it was in the dryer. Stepping into the hall I walked across the living room as I dumped my clothes across the couch. My feet led me toward the kitchen, a heavenly smell coming from there.

"Hey Clar, what's for—" I froze, my body stiffening in the entrance to the kitchen. Clara had bent over to open the oven, the smell of fluffy golden biscuits hitting my nose. Instead of licking my lips at the delicious smell, however, I was far more focused on what my little sister was wearing or really what she wasn't.

The pink apron I got her for Christmas last year was cinched around her waist in a little bow. Her sun-kissed back was exposed, the pale flesh where her bra would go included. My eyes trailed across her plump ass, her pale cheeks exposed except for the little black strip of fabric between them. She turned to look at me, her hands setting down the tray of buttermilk biscuits on the stovetop. A deep blush had settled across her cheeks, her turned body allowing me to see the side of her boobs. Her perky nipples poked through the fabric of her apron, and the pink color was blemished with flour dust.

"H-hey, Ethan, I-I was just making biscuits and gravy hehe." A nervous chuckle punctuated her sentence, her eyes fighting hard to continue making contact with my increasingly skeptical gaze.

"Right, so why are you naked, sis?" My words caused her to flinch, her eyes immediately looking down at her provocative outfit like she'd only now just noticed she was naked in front of her brother.

"I-I woke up a little later than usual, slept really good too." She murmured, her body turning around to prevent me from seeing most of her skin. Now I just had to contend with seeing her nipples poking through the fabric and the cleavage the low-hanging apron revealed.

"You slept good as well?" I asked, and the girl blushed harder.

"Uh yeah, I was kinda wonderin' if we could do it again tonight. I slept really good, better than I have in years!" I felt like I was missing something to this puzzle, the girl looking almost desperate to stay with me. My eyes once again looked down at her half-naked body, her arms wrapped around her chest as she gave me a bashful look.

"Sure." A relieved smile grew across her lips, my heart thumping in my chest at the pretty sight. Clara really is beautiful. My dick seemingly agreed as it tented my boxers. What followed was me doing an awkward shuffle to the kitchen table so I could sit and hide my growing boner. Clara blushed even redder at the sight, her hands quickly fixing me a plate of my favorite morning meal.

After polishing off breakfast, taking a shower, and Clara getting dressed we headed for the trailer door. The blond hesitated behind me, the creaking door opening to reveal nothing. There was no sight of Sadie, and all that was left was a note hastily scribbled on the back of a Pleaser's receipt.

'I realize that an apology is nowhere near sufficient to make up for how shitty of a mother I was to you guys. Actions speak louder than words and I need to show you guys how much I've changed as a person. For the time I think it is best to give you two space, but if you'd like to get a hold of me I am currently staying with an old friend right now on Cox Drive. She says she's got extra work on the weekend and that means more money~!

Love, Mom

P.S. If you two need anything Clar's got my number so don't hesitate to call.'

Crumpling the paper in my hand I tossed it to the side, the paper bouncing across the wooden boards of the porch. Clara looked at me with a raised eyebrow, her eyes trailing the paper as it finally rolled to a rest in front of the old rocking chair.

"What was it about?"

"Nothin' important."


"Boys are we ready for tomorrow?" I whispered as Ms. Anderson was currently going on a lecture about plot structures. Ricky was fighting to keep conscious, his hand propping up his chin slipped as he jerked awake. Normally Camilla would've laid into the boy but all she did was give me a glance.

"If you're asking if we have everything to fleece people for the football game then yes. Last night we bought up all of the ponchos at the Dollar General and after offering David a 10% cut of the money he agreed to hide the umbrellas in the back. Did you take care of it on your end?" I nodded at Billy, a small smile growing on my face at how devious he could be. His parents are right, Ricky and I are terrible influences on him. He used to be such a goodie two shoes but now he was the brains of the operation, his intelligence allowing my craftier nature to reach its full potential.

"Yeah, I set one of our stocker carts in front of the umbrella rack. Kyle knows what's up so we won't have to worry about him moving it. I also moved the poncho rack to the back of the store on the opposite corner of the bathrooms." There were only two stores in Munford proper, that being Huck's and the Dollar General. If the supply for rain gear in those two stores disappeared you'd have to go all the way to Wallstone to get it.

The same type of people who'd forget to bring a poncho with a 60% chance of rain are also the type of people to show up too late and be able to drive to Wallstone. If you're thinking it's a small demographic then you've obviously not seen when it rains while you're in a grocery store. Lines of people wait for the rain to pass because they didn't bring an umbrella or anything to stop the rain from soaking them.

'What about the booze?' Ricky's crumpled letter landed in my open palm, the text scribbled in a newly formulated code Billy had come up with. Ricky was looking at his cheat sheet in his notebook and so was I, hopefully, we didn't end up spelling out 'Be sure to drink your Ovaltine!'.

"I've got a girlfriend who's 21, no need to worry." Okay, maybe I was bragging a little too much. Billy rolled his eyes and Ricky shot me a warning glare, a smile growing on my lips at his jealousy.

"We saw the post, in fact, everyone in school knows about it." To punctuate his words a good portion of the class was gawking at me like I was an escaped circus freak, and some were glaring like I'd killed their families.

'Yeah, she's hot and you're not so expect a lot of shit for it.' Decoding his note, my eyes narrowed at the blond idiot. The pencil in my hand left my fingertips as it nailed him right in the nose, the man hissing as he rubbed it.

"They can talk all they want to, it doesn't mean shit if they can't back it up." I looked up at Camilla giving her lecture, her ass straining against the navy blue and white skirt of her sweater dress. Mature women are nice too, especially when they have thighs as thick as hers.


(Elsie's POV):

"Okay, class everyone get into pairs of two for crunches!" Mr. Krabs barked from his seat on the front row of the bleachers, his eyes narrowing at a few of the lazier boys and girls groaning. He was a tall and skinny man in his mid-forties with a full head of salt and pepper hair.

P.E. In Munford High was Co-ed, and that invariably meant that the boys always gawked at the girls. The issue compounded when you had a massive pair of boobs and a cute friend with long legs and an amazing ass. Clar and I shuffled over to the corner of the gym, the side opposite the equipment room.

Our P.E. clothes consisted of a purple pair of shorts and a white t-shirt, my shorts in particular went around mid thigh. For poor Clara hers were more like booty shorts as the school seemed to have a one-size-fits-all approach when it came to girls. My eyes caught sight of a particularly heavy-set girl straining the elastic waistband of her shorts to their breaking point, one overextended movement and we'd all be treated to the sight of her bare ass.

"So how do you wanna do this?" Clara's words snapped me out of my musings about fat asses and tight shorts, my eyes landing on her shirt that was about two sizes too big for her. If the school went too small on shorts then they went way too big on shirts, some of the girls looked like they were wearing dresses.

"I don't really care," I shrugged my shoulders a small smile growing on my face. "It's not like I'm opposed to touching your body or letting you touch mine."

"…I-I'll help you first." She stuttered her words, a pink dusting of a blush spreading across the bridge of her nose. Her blue eyes were decidedly pointed down at her cheap white sneakers, the scuffs and stains making them more or less off-white. Something was up, and I was going to get to the bottom of it.

"'Kay." I sat down on the wood floor of the gym, goosebumps spreading across my skin at the cool sensation of it. Clar squatted down, her legs spreading as the tight fabric of her shorts pressed against her groin. Her slender arms held down my feet as I put my hands behind my head. My back rested against the cold floor as I raised up, the familiar burn of my core beginning in earnest. Coach was a real bitch during practice so I and Clar were definitely sore.

"So how'd last night go with your dad?" Her question made me grimace, my body pausing its ascent as I crashed back down against the floor. My eyes glanced over at Mr. Krabs, the man was busy staring at the ass of one of his 'favorites' meaning I could get away without doing anything. Heck, most of the kids here were just quietly chatting, the occasional crunch was thrown in just to keep the man from barking orders.

"Not good, he's obviously pissed that I'm showing interest in a guy, and of course town gossip means he thinks E is some hardened criminal. Until mom gets back Sunday I won't be able to stay the night." I groaned, my interlocked fingers tightening around one another as I raised up for another crunch.

"That sucks." She muttered, a hint of disappointment showing on her face as she scowled.

"So, what's up?"

"…Mom's back in town."


"Yeah, she came up on the front porch beggin' to be let in but I wasn't having it so I texted Ethan and he rushed over as quick as he could."

"How did he take it?"

"Pretty good actually, I mean not for Mom, he tore into her pretty good but it definitely could've gone worse."

"Then why were you so twitchy this morning?"

"…Because I may have used her showing up as an excuse to ask to sleep in Ethan's room."

"Details, now." I sat up fully, my eyes narrowing like an interrogator about to get a confession. Clara was fidgeting badly, her fingers wrapping around her bicep as she rubbed her arm up and down.

"C-can we take it somewhere more private?" She asked as she glanced over at the group less than fifteen feet away. Whatever it was she wanted absolute privacy, and that made the suspicion in my stomach grow.

"Mr. Krabs, me and Clara need to go to the restroom!" I yelled, the teacher casting a glance at us before briskly nodding. Male teachers always gave girls leniency when it came to bathroom requests because if they pressed us further on why we wanted to go we could pull out the period card. No man wants to sit through the awkwardness of forcing a girl to admit to the entire class that she's on her menstrual cycle.

"…you're way too bold when he's not around." Clara muttered as she offered her hand to me. Taking it she pulled me up from my sitting position.

"Of course I am, because this is the real me. If I didn't constantly have to filter myself to prevent me from telling Ethan that I loved him then I'm sure I'd talk to him like this." What I left unsaid was that it wouldn't just be a love confession but also me asking him to fuck me hard. For every 1 nonlewd thought I had there were 2 dirty fantasies involving E and Clar playing in my mind.


The closest bathroom was the one they used for the gymnasium when they had games, we had walked in and immediately occupied the handicap stall. Clara leaned against the rails lining the wall, and I myself pressed my back against the purple stall door.

"So you slept together?"


"And did you two do anything or was it just sleeping?"

"…I-I may have done something."

"You, not him?"

"H-he was asleep."

"Oh wow, what happened to not wanting to fool around with him when he's out of it?"

"Shut up, it's different."


"He was having a dream about Abby."

"So what did you do?"

"I-I j-jerked him off."

"Wouldn't that just make him like Abby more?"

"No, originally I planned to just let him keep humping at my stomach. We barely fit on the bed and I couldn't escape because he wrapped his arms around me but in the middle of his dream he said a different name."



"Damn, I'm jealous." I glared at the girl blushing like a tomato. "Next time you do it, please Facetime me."

"W-what do you mean next time?"

"Clar, I know you liked doing it, and I know you'll ask to sleep in his bed again. If you keep doing this it will subconsciously implant you as someone he sees sexually. We can use that to our advantage."

"B-but why do you want me to Facetime you?"

"Because I want to be included in the fun, the thought of fingering myself as you stroke Ethan's cock is really hot. He's big isn't he?"


"Don't worry Clar, I'm sure I can make it worth the effort~!" I licked my lips, my eyes drifting down the lithe body of my friend.

"God, you're such a little pervert."

"Pftt, you like it." With my last parting words we returned to gym class, a noticeable pep in both of our steps. I couldn't wait for tonight!