Chereads / Rise Of The Unremarkable Mage / Chapter 86 - Justice,Truth,and Faith

Chapter 86 - Justice,Truth,and Faith

Within the courtroom in Zellar moments before.

"Wow, Zellar is a very unique region. It's different than Aiz" Faith states. 

"This courtroom as well mana in here is dense. No, I would say is nullified" Luna remarks.

Ceaser attempts to summon his hourglass.

"I can't feel the earth no more. Nor the movements of people" Bianca says. 

"Won't work in here this entire room besides that back section where the three chairs are magic is nullified. As soon as you entire that section mana can be used. It's the place where my sister conducts her trials and allows her to use her magic" Issac points out. 

"Not even our weapons can be called this place is something, Their guards are even loaded up with some type of riffle," Rose says. 

"Judging from the looks it appears to be pure mana," Luna says.

"Pure mana?!" Faith speaks aloud. "OOf sorry" as she covers her mouth.

"I agree on the way that it's intertwined within the gun. I say these mages learned how to convert their mana somehow and charge them into guns" Bianca says. 

"So kind of like how we infuse manas within our weapons," Rose says.

"On the dot, I didn't even have to say a word good job ladies" Issac speaks. 

"Nothing less from the Court of Mages" Albeck remarks as he continues to examine the room. "Hmm" 

"What's up Albeck?"

"You said that your sister conducts these trials but am see three chairs there"

"Well you see"

"Good afternoon students of Aurora Saint Academy" a male voice speaks.

The group turns around. To be met with three Captains and their respective lieutenants. 

"Captain Caldwell it's a pleasure to meet again" Luna speaks as she extends her hand.

"Hello again students," Captain Kaneda says cheerfully. 

"Aibara please tone it down"

"Little too strong there Captain but it was a great way to introduce yourself"

"Of course Sanada the only way"

The third Captain steps forward A woman with rectangular glasses, bob-cut black hair, light blue eyes a black coat, and a black dress. 

"I believe we haven't met before. I am Estella Paige Captain of the 8th Squad. And this here is my lieutenant Claudia Emmet"

"Pleased to meet with you all"

"Luna am sorry about what happened to Axel and the others. I maybe could've done something if I were here" Alekzander speaks.

"It is alright Alekzander they were very experienced foes with overwhelming power."

"She's right not even three Captains could stop them. Well, it's just due to that hot chick with the shadow magic-"

Captain Percival covers his mouth "Too much from you today". He then turns to Luna "I am sure that you are aware that a search party-"


"They're here," Issac says. 

Valerus, Edward, and "Owen" walk through the courtroom and head to their seats.

"Valerus" Bianca says.

His eyes then brighten seeing the sight of his friends. 

"He does look just like you Captain Marko" Estella Paige thinks to herself. 

"May the trial Begin"

"As you may know, this room is specialized and designed to nullify magic starting from the accused onwards. So no funny business here. Furthermore, if anyone in this room decides to get a little "emotional". Our guards here will have no problem "removing" you from the vicinity" Johanna speaks. 


Johanna looks at the "Truth" seat to the right of her. Then she looks over to the "Faith" seat to her left.


"What the hell"


"Issac is this what you were talking about?!"

"Am sorry"

To the Aurora Saint student's surprise, two more Johannas appear in the vacant seats.

"How is Valerus going to overcome this?!" Faith demands grabbing at Isaac's collar.

"Listen I know this looks bad right now but you have to trust my sister" he explains.

"Faith I think we should listen to him," Bianca says.

"Ms Alexander" Percival demands.

The room goes silent.

"Is there a problem in the courtroom" Johanna speaks chillingly.

"N-no," Faith says softly as she calmly takes her seat.

"I know this seems unfair but do have faith and trust in us" Faith Johanna speaks politely and calmly. 

"The only person that I can trust is myself no other. Hence the reason why we are set up like this" Truth Johanna speaks crossing their arms.

"Their personalities seem completely different. Such a unique magic" Luna says to herself. 

"Continuing on I call up the unknown mage"

"Owen" stands up from his seat and slowly walks forward in a hunched stance towards the three seats. 

"Now dear child what is your name?"

The boy remains silent with his eyes pinpointed to the ground.

"Let me" Faith Johanna slowly gets up from her chair and approaches the boy.


She stops in front of him and kneels so her eyes can meet his.

"Hello, my name is Johanna Di Angelo what's yours."

Johanna pears into the boy's eyes as they are dead with no life.

"What's the matter if you can't fix him let's move on to the next-"

Faith Johanna puts her hands up. "Give me some time Truth. Let me be at use this time" as she then reaches for "Owens" hand with her two hands clamping them in between his in a praying position. 

"What is she doing?" Rose asks.

"Isn't it illegal to touch the accused"

"It is for most cases but when it comes to the Faith being the one touching them its passed. You'll see why. It's a magic that I haven't seen in a while"

A bright orange magic circle appears around the two.

"Owen" gets engulfed in this light.

It then subsides.

"Now tell me what is your name?" Johanna asks once more.

"It's Owen. Owen, I can b-barley remember how I came to be here"


Phantom Order RESCUE TEAM

Sir Vincent Agnes 

Jack Solaris Squad 2 Captain

Cecil Morgan Squad 3 Captain

Cecilia Morgan Squad 3 Luitenant 

Javin Landres Squad 6 Captain

Okina Tenmu Squad 7 Captain

Phantom Order Memebers


Bloody Queen(Alice)



Grandmaster (Shin) 


Valerus Marina Trial 

Luna Divine Solace 

Faith Alexander

Issac Di Angelo

Ceaser Bellamore

Rose Providence

Albeck Reigns 

Bianca Roche 

The Federation 

Captain of Squad 4 Percival Caldwell and Luitenant Alekzander Hart 

Captain of Squad 5 Kaneda Aibara and Luitenant Tetsuo Sanada 

Captain of Squad 8 Estella Paige and Luitenant Claudia Emmet 



Axel Freidman 

Ezekiel Agnello Leo (The Roar)

Jericho Pearson 

Jonathan Fultear

Eliza Salavar Cancer (The Shinning)

Samson Oxford Tauros (The Unstoppable) 

Ashe Colburn Scorpio (The Toxin)

Phantom Order 


Melody (Tay Le Flore)

Silent Step (Selene)

Stormbringer (Perseus)