The Greater Forest of Aiz
"There we are preparations are now finished," Colt says in a good mood standing by the lake with a book in his hand.
"You know there has to have been an easier way to get it, plus why did we need this specific one?" Fox says tiredly on the ground soaking with water and wringing his clothes out.
"Maybe next time you should go try catching it," Colt responds flipping to one page in his book and placing his 5 fingers on it. A magic circle appears on the book along with a gust of wind that quickly dries the two.
" Catching? No count me out. You are way better off doing that than I am. I'll stick to my assistant role. Thanks for drying us"
Colt then closes a book in his hand and holds it under his right arm. "You welcome"
"Aww, what happened to the Fox that was acting all cool in that office just moments ago?" Eva asks as she jumps from the tree.
"You didnt do anything."
"Oh really if am not doing anything then how do I already have a trace of the three missing underclassmen"
"You do Ava?!" Colt asks drying himself off.
"Yup," she taps the air with her thumbs as if she tapping a glass window a faint mana trail can be seen in the sky.
"It seems to be pointing west of here."
"Boundera," Colt says. "Alright, then we are going to be traveling by air something fast. Hmm, how about a falcon" Colt opens his book and skims through the pages. "Ahh, there it is" He places his hands on the page.
Colt pushes down to the Earth as a giant falcon appears from the book. Colt then closes a book in his hand and places it in his pants' side pocket.
"Here we are."
"Argh can't we go with something land-based like three horses, or something other than flying?" Fox's tone changes as if he were a little child begging not to go see a scary movie.
"Fox I know that you are afraid of heights but if we are going to save them we're going to need to get there as fast as we can"
"Avas right Fox we have too. Also, we all sacrificed something from a mission that went around full rotation. First, it was me for that one mission where I was the decoy"
"Then it was me for was the crux in that mansion mission where only women were allowed" Ava adds.
"Now it's your turn to be the main part of this mission and do the hard work," Colt says smiling.
"Okay," Colt and Ava get on the Falcon.
"Yeah! Cmon man"
"Just sit right here between us"
Fox with his shoulders down sits in the middle of Colt and Ava.
"Also can you place your illusion magic to make our Falcon blend within the sky"
"Alright," Fox places his hands on the Falcon.
"You'll be fine Fox,"Ava says massaging his shoulders.
"Yes, you've been through worse," Colt says.
"Just make sure you dont vomit all over me" Ava warns him.
Fox quietly whimpers and cries to himself.
"Woah this is quite the amount. There was no need for this much ma'am" Ashe responds carrying a basket of food that almost blocks her vision. A mixture of fruits, vegetables, meat, bread, all sorts of food you can think of.
"No take it dear you did well for protecting us and keeping us safe for the time you three have been here and freed us for that-. Ah never mind that just enjoy the food just little thanks for all that you do.
"Thank you and this is just a little gift for my thanks" Ashe reaches in her pocket with one hand while the other carries the basket. "Here you are" Ashe pulls a diamond placing it into the lady's hands.
"Lady Scorpio this is"
"Take it it's the least I can do"
The old shop lady bows "Thank you very much. Do you need any help carrying the basket?"
Ashe waves her hand "There is no need this is light as she steps out of the shop."
"Thank you again enjoy your day"
"You as well Lady Scorpio. Let Lady Cancer and Sir Tauros know I bid them good fortune"
"Will do!" Ashe waves back.
"Now where did those guys go?"
A commotion of laughter occurs from a nearby shop.
"Ahh, that's where they must be" Ashe hurries to the shop.
"Alright you guys time to head to-"
"aAAAHAHAHA GET IT OFF ME GET IT OFF ME" Jericho yells as he attempts to remove a giant knight helmet that covers his entire face.
"I WAS WARNING YOU TO READ THEM" Jonathan screams as he attempts to pull the knight's mask off.
With the store owner panicking.
"Haaa" Axel stands near the corner with his new pair of glasses shaking his head.
"Hey, what happened?!"
"Ashe. Oh do you need help with that"
"It's fine I got it what happened here?"
Moments Before.
"Alright, this is the place.
A store filled with optical lenses and glasses lined up upon a wall. 6 Rows of 12 unique glasses. Each one is suited to fit everyone who wears them. The bottom two rows are different colored and have unique black lenses. Crystals and other jewelry are in a designated section of the store, with another section having optical enhancing potions, books on spells, and other objects involving sight.
"Ah Sir Jonathan you are back early from your mission"
"Yes Yes I am"
"And you brought guests what can I do for you?"
Jonathan arrives at the counter putting both his elbows on the counter "This guy without the stupid coat needs a pair of glasses"
"Stupid coat?!"Jericho says.
"Ah, I see. Go on pick on anyone you see on the well but please be wary of the ones on the bottom two rows. Make sure to read what each one can do"
"Thank you, good sir. Come on" Jonathan guides Jericho and Axel through the store. Jericho helping Axel.
"Everything inside this room involves eyesight. There are potions, books, and other objects that shouldn't be touched. Like that-"
Jonathan points out a mask encased in a clear box with black writing on it.
"You can feel the mana coming from it?"
"What is this feeling?" Axel says.
"A cursed object" Jericho responds.
"Precisely good" Jonathan responds. "One of the cursed objects from the Overlord of Curses themselves. I heard people say they've been called by a voice asking about their future when they find out who it is it's the mask. They said those who wear that can see everything from their future. But once you place it on you may never take it off. It eventually will drive the wearer into madness and make them commit crimes it can only be removed in one of two ways. Have one of the other Overlords take it off or death."
"Then why is this such an object here" Jericho asks.
"Oh simple tourist attraction. The previous ruler had an attendee that had it and I well you should probably know what happened to them."
"Well moving forward pick out your glasses Mr.Student Council President"
"Ugh it's still hard too"
"Here lemme pick one out for you," Jericho says as he inspects each one. "Ah a simple one should be fine here"
Jericho hands Axel a simple pair of glasses.
"Thank you" Axel takes it and puts it on. "Wow this is a good or maybe better than my other one"
"Also dont worry about those breaking like the other one. They said it'll need a very powerful blast to break those. They also go these over here." Jonathan points at a small section right next to it holding a little glass vile.
"What are those?" Jericho asks.
"Contacts. A new invention that allows a person who needs glasses to not have to worry about breaking them. It also always the user the ability to see people's mana telling whether they are low or not"
"That looks interesting maybe I shall take one just in case," Axel says as he examines them and picks one out.
"I wonder what these glasses on the bottom do" Jericho looks at the glasses on the bottom two rows. As he slowly picks up and reads one "Night Shades" what the heck? What am I going to see pitch black"
He puts them on.
"Hey I wouldn't just put them on without-"
"What. Why is it so dark? I can't see. I can't see. Why is my head heavy? What the heck have I got blindd! What's this"
Jericho flapped his hands frantically trying to find out what happened.
"HAHAHAHAHAAH" Jonathan bursts out laughing.
"Can you please help him?" Axel says while walking toward the front of the store.
"Alright. Hey come over here. Lemme get it off you.
"Where are you"
Jericho knocks down a shelf of glasses.
"Uhh did something fall? Where"
"Stay still Mr Knight" Jonathan attempts to grab at him trying to remove the glasses that turned into a helmet.
"aAAAHAHAHA GET IT OFF ME GET IT OFF ME" Jericho yells as he attempts to remove a giant knight helmet that covers his entire face.
"I WAS WARNING YOU TO READ THEM" Jonathan screams as he attempts to pull the knight's mask off.
"We'll be fine let's go outside" Axel walks out to the main street. "Yes. We dont know those two" Ashe says as she follows.
"There is finally off" "Who would wanna buy that?!" Jericho says in an exhausted voice. "What the hell I thought that was nightshades or something," he says.
"Why would you think that?"
"Look at that label" Jonathan inspects it. "Oh it says "Knight shades" not "Night shades" the "K" was scratched out.
"You wouldn't want it? It suits you" Jonathan asks. "I wouldn't be able to see" "But you're a knight." "Not all knights need a helmet. WELL NOT ONE THAT SIZE"
"Am so sorry sir let me pay for the expenses" Jonathan reaches down his pants pocket. "Here you are" Jonathan pulls out two diamonds from his pants.
"Sir Jonathan you didnt have to"
"Well my apologies for this guy"
"Am so sorry sir for what I did"
"Sounds like you two had fun," Ashe says in a playful manner.
"Thank you for the glasses," Axel says.
"No problem" Jonathan responds.
"So off to the palace?" Jericho asks.
"What's wrong" Jericho scoffs at Jonathan.
"Oh dont mind him He was just wondering if he's going to be receiving a warm welcome or get chewed out. Ain't that right?" Jonathan looks unimpressed "Oh quiet"
The group heads off to the palace in the middle of Boundera.
Federation Squad 1 Barracks
"Before we officially start the meeting I have one special guest to join us. Come in"
An older man walks in with his held up high. A tall man with a medium build. With short black hair tied in a ponytail, brown pupils, wearing an all-black suit, black tie, and carrying a rapier.
"This is Vincent Agnello he will be joining us in this meeting because it is the rescue mission to save the captured facility and Student Eriko Agnello."
"What of the students that were sent elsewhere?" Javin asks.
"Aurora Saint Academy has sent the Trifecta Three to safely retrieve them and bring them back home"
"Captain, Colt Lyon the student we met is part of that group; his team is good at tracking down and finding people" Alekzander whispers to Percival's ear.
"Our main focus is infultraing the main base of the Phantom Order and rescue the captured mages."