"The Silent Step"

With the time I spent with them was very fond.

I could not forget the mission at hand.

I felt bad for deveining my peers. Taz and Ariana please forgive me but this is what I have to do.

Although I enjoyed sneaking around. Seeing the secrets of this place is... very intriguing to say the least. I shall share this with my fellow Phantom Order members. Perhaps is a way to have the tides in our favor? Nonetheless, my side of the mission was a success. Tay did very well for her first big-scale operation. 


I just wish that the idiot blade could please be quiet for a moment. He reminds me of the young students that I watched over. So young and talented. I just wish his attitude was a bit more mature. 


He comes from a well-suited family and a former... I shouldn't speak anymore. 

Perhaps another time.