Looking at the Colosseum from a bird's eye view.
The Headmaster and his attendees sat near the top of the Colosseum looking down.
In the middle 4 screens are being used by projection magic mages to project the battle going on to those who sat farther away from the arena in the Colosseum.
Moving progressively lower the middle section was occupied by the outside citizens while the lower section was given to fellow students and staff.
The style of the Colosseum from bottom to top was heavily based on the founder of Aiz Aurora Oriana. The first three stories of the building's exterior were surrounded by 60 arches, each half-column serving as the focal point of an arch. Measuring 4 meters in width and 6.95 meters in height, these were the biggest on the lower level. They measured 6.35 meters in height and the same width on the two higher floors where the Headmaster Box was held.
There are two main entrances grand entrance to the Colosseum. The North and the South. With 70 entrances. 60 statues throughout the arena of founder Aurora Oriana. Statues of the Seven Overlords Placed on the North Side. The arena is rectangle in shape surrounded by a body of water.
Outside the Colosseum.
The five council members stand facing each other.
"Woah more people showed up this year than last year" Issac surprised looking around.
"Most likely due to Valerus, Eriko, and Ezekiel participating" Axel claims.
"Drawing attention to us is not a good idea we should be wary of what may come," Luna says.
"We'll be fine" Faith dismisses their worries"
"You say that now Faith but look what happened before. You have to be more careful please." Luna says with an endearing look.
"You worry too much Luna it won't happen again. Trust me"
"Hello Council" Ariana Heldam greets the council members.
"Ms Heldam good morning," Axel says.
"A lot of people showing up huh today"
"Yes, we were just discussing," Luna says.
"Indeed I have one question for you guys who do you think will win the Magus Exam"
"Hmm hard to say," Faith says.
"I'd say all 8 participants have the chance to win," Luna says.
"If I were to choose I'd say one of the twelve stars," Issac says.
"Although I would like to pick the Twelve Stars Jonathan Fultear"
"All interesting selections. Am wondering because me and my fellow teachers have a game where-"
"Ariana let's go, are we supposed to be up there by now," Taz Fuldre says.
"We dont want to make the professors and Headmaster waiting," Celeste Carmen says.
"Ah yes, we do need to go. Well talk to you later student council enjoy the game"
"Pardon the interruption we shall have more time to talk about this later"
"Goodbye my dears" Celeste waves at them.
"Faith? Something wrong"
"N-nothing, I am just probably overthinking something" Faith brushes her concern as she marches forward. "Can't be. No" She says to herself as she shakes her head.
"Wait a minute Axel why did they say we can chat after? Arent we sitting with them in the Headmaster's box?" Luna asks as they walk together. "No, we're not. The headmaster said that the first-year teachers and the rest of the professors are to be together"
"Strange But didn't the previous council sit with them?"
"I do not want to defy the headmaster's orders. However, we have our designated section on the opposite end of the Collesuem."
"Luna it's going to be fine" Issac reassures her with Ceaser giving a thumbs up. "Okay," Luna says as she looks at Faith with a concerned look.
"Ceaser, may I ask one more time before we set foot in this Colisum your premotions have may come around?"
Ceaser shakes his head.
"Alright let us head on inside"
"Aww wanted to chat a little more there"
"Well we sorry we have to be up there"
"Pardon me I have to use the restroom"
Celeste walks away.
"Taz dont find it strange?"
"About Celeste, she was never one to show interest or intrigue in something the exception being this year. Especially during the closing moments of the second stage"
"You're thinking too much into it Ariana. She's probably just as amazed as we are because of the students this year"
"Yeah your right"
"Plus the twelve stars aren't the only ones that are talented"
"That's just a bias cause your students are in it," Ariana says playfully.
"Ha we shall say who will come out as the victor"
"Am back let's head on" Celeste says.
"Celeste who do think-"
"The Twelve Stars will win"
"O-okay" Ariana looks at Taz as he shrugs his shoulders.
"So this is where our little section is," Axel says.
"Right between the second and third level" Faith remarks.
The five take their seat.
"At least our chairs are comfy and the way the sun is positioned we'll get blocked"
"Wait what that" Luna points in the opposite direction.
Right below the Headmaster's Box was another designated section.
"Another section?"
"We're here, " Ariana says as she enters the Headmaster's box. "Wooah were up here"
"It is a nice room"
Celeste remains silent.
"You three welcome. Let us enjoy the stage from here" Headmaster Alfred Dawkins says.
"Mages please step out of the room." Colosseum attendant mage says.
We follow the elder mage as we make our way to another area. The noise and the rumbling from above make me anxious and excited.
As we turned a corner we met with the girls standing on a circle platform.
"Please stand on the platform and wait momentarily."
We all waited for on the platform.
Noises came from above.
"Let's go" Ezekiel jumped up and down while the others looked calm cool and collected.
"Good day to everyone who has shown up and Welcome to the third stage of the Aiz Magus Exam" I am Professor Lop and the person sitting next to me is Professor Randall Deximar the art Professor. "Hello everyone" "Today we will be your announcers for this great stage-"
"They making a show out of this"
"Of course they are. This event is being watched all over in the four regions. Am sure the teams in Boundera and Zellar will be watching closely as well" Jericho remarks.
"From what am hearing, we are the last region to make decide on their team for the Aiz Magnificent Games. Which I do find odd because Aiz is normally on top of their game" Jonathan remarks.
"Let them watch we'll beat 'em anyways."
"Haha you have to make the team first Twelve Star," Jonathan says.
"Why you-"
"No fighting or else you're disqualified," the Colosseum attendant mage warns the two.
I glance over and Rose who is mad pissed and laser focused. I can feel her mana from here as Bianca and Eriko stand beside her.
"Let us quickly introduce some special guests. First, we have three Captains from the Federation of Mages Squad 4 Captain Percival Caldwell, Squad 5 Captain Kaneda Aibara, and Squad 6 Captain Javin Landres" The three Captains wave from the designated section in the lower part of the Colosseum.
"There sure are a lot of people" Javin remarks.
"Be ready look out" Percival.
"Dont worry I have my speed clones at each entrance of the Colosseum if anything happens they'll report it to me or I'll feel something in my mana" Javin looks at his arm.
"Ahh dont worry too many guys let's just enjoy the show," Kaneda said acting like a fan eating food and drinking a beverage.
"The two Captains turn back to face the stage"
"This is necessary?" Luna asks.
"It seems to be now"
"Also guests from the region of Falos
1st Star Aries (The Strength) Xi Yu Hang
9th Star Sagittarius (The Arrow) Rowen Dupree
10th Capricorn (The Blast) Ai Katsuki
Headmaster William Elcanvera"
The four of them take their seats below in the other reserved section across the Colosseum.
"What!?" Axel says.
"Why would they do this?" Faith says.
"Axel we have to question the Headmaster. We were not told of this" Luna says.
"Shit this was a bad idea"
Three Captains are here I thought to myself.
"Now everyone let's bring out the eight participants who made us past Stage 2"
The platform raises as we get lifted up light begins to hit us as we are all blinded by the roars and lights of the Colosseum. As I look around the arena is shaped like a box. As I examined Close "Water?" the arena that was in was surrounded by water.
"First from Class 1A Albeck Reigns, Jericho Pearson, and Jonathan Fultear," Lop says.
"From class 1B Twelve Stars Valerus Mariana, Ezekiel Agnes, and Eriko, Agnello" Randall speaks with enthusiasm.
"Finally from Class 1C Rose Providence and Bianca Roche," Lop says.
I look all over. I sense my mother's mana. I look to the right of me. She waves as Sir Vincent is beside her.
"Rose!" Sunneta, Lily, Bella, and Azalea's hair can be seen in the first row sitting in the same section area as the student council.
"Good luck everyone," Faith says.
"Now if everyone can turn their attention to the screens the matchups will now be named"
A blank 8-person bracket appears.
Names flash.
Jonathan Fultear vs Rose Providence
Valerus Marina vs Albeck Reigns
Ezekiel Agnes vs Jericho Pearson
Eriko Agnello vs Bianca Roche
"Well well well," Jonathan says.
"Our first match shall be Jonathan Fultear vs Rose Providence. Other participants, please wait in the waiting area" On the side on the ground level, there was a section separated from the rest where we could wait. They provided chairs, beverages, and food while we waited.
"Val this matchup," Eriko says. "Yeah I know what a coincidence"
"Let's see how good Jonathan is," Jericho says. "Hopefully Rose will be alright," Bianca says.
"The overseas of these matchups will be Professor Kazarian Kayneth the Magic Defense Professor!"
"Okay the rules are simple knock your opponent out or knock them off into the water. There entire body must be dumped into the water. We have nurses on standby"
"Alright is everyone ready?!" Randall yells into the mic.
"God hes so loud" Kayneth shakes his head.
"Alright guys begin"
"The first bout is on its way"
"I'll let you have the first-" Jonathan says with his arms up.
"Seriously?" Jonathan says in a tired voice.