Chereads / Flat-Brim Samurai / Chapter 41 - Flat-Brim Samurai Chapter 41

Chapter 41 - Flat-Brim Samurai Chapter 41

Flat-Brim Samurai Chapter 41

After a little bit of meditation, Apollo heard a disembodied female voice over the intercoms say ,"Matches are starting, contestants, get ready for combat". The man from earlier guided them to their respective spots and told them when they were going to fight. He also told everyone ,"The rules are pretty simple, 1. No weapons 2. No killing and 3. Listen to what the referee says. If you do not have a current match please rest up and feel free to observe other matches." Apollo listened with intent as he prepared his mind for the heavy toll he was about to take. Cias and Devan got into the seats they were assigned and talked to each other about who they thought would win.

So the matches went off without a hitch, but no matches yet were seen with Apollo. Fierce battles between judoka, karate, wrestlers and boxing practitioners were displayed for intrigued fans. Many bet on the outcomes because the backing of their organizations had a lot of money. The trio looked around to see a bunch of rich looking people with mannerisms to know that they were bad people.

Cias eyed them thinking (I really just want to punch them, looks like it'd be fun). The way they threw around money made him angry, like throwing it away for fun. Cias, even though he wasn't the nicest of people, hated those who didn't use their money for others when they obviously had a ton to spare. The greed of rich douchebags annoyed him. Cias thought of himself in front of a burning building that was supposed to be theirs and felt relief in thinking that this would be justice.

.. A harsh silence hit after the applause from a match, then an announcement was held over the audience ,"IN THE NEXT ROUND APOLLO MUSASHI, THE FLAT-BRIM SAMURAI WILL BE FIGHTING THE GENIUS, PRODIGY AND MR. HOBB'S ONE AND ONLY SON NICK HOBB!!!" Apollo walked out of the hallway into the stadium, booing all around him. Nick came out of the other end and cheering all from the first seat to the last echoed through the coliseum. Apollo looked around feeling the sound of roaring fans within his chest and thought (I know Noah's the one I'm after, but this is going to be fun).

The announcer shouted ,"PLACE YOUR BETS BECAUSE THIS MATCH WILL BEGIN IN 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 GO!!!" Nick walked towards Apollo saying ,"Look who's new here, I guess someone doesn't know to stay home!" Apollo, confused now, stared at this comic book villain wanna be. Nick then activated his power, revealing power that his body did not show at first glance. Apollo, shocked by this, immediately dodged a high speed blow. Nick Used Art: Ki Blast to send a ball of ki used as a projectile out of the palm of his hand. Apollo dodged again, curious to see where this would go.

Previous to his travels to the colosseum, Apollo learned how to conceal his presence with Art: Conceal presence and covered his true power. Nick, not knowledgeable on this said ,"I guess you're too weak to take a hit like a real man." Which instead of making Apollo angry made him laugh ,"If you can hit me, then I never deserved to win in the first place HAHA!!!" This made Nick absurdly angry and revealed his energy to a higher extent than from the beginning.

Apollo using Art: Sense Enhance to be safe noticed something, a necklace onto which runes were inscribed. Once Nick approached, Apollo didn't take a second thought before snatching the necklace, breaking the chain and pulling it towards himself. The great aura that was there a second ago disappeared without a trace. Nick's father widened his eyes thinking (There's no way that he noticed that, AND THAT WAS AN ENHANCED CLASS ARTIFACT OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY!?!). Nick looked at Apollo surprised and frozen still with fear ,"H H How did you know, my father paid so much money and I got so many people to implant battle techniques into me. How did I not win?!?" Apollo looked at him, bored saying ,"Next time you decide to fight someone, make sure you fight them with the strength that you've earned." Apollo then brought his hand to Nick's forehead and flicked him to the other side of the arena. This display of strength frightened many in the audience, mesmerized at the power he exhibited. The referee shouted ,"I CAN'T BELIEVE IT, THE NEWCOMER HAS DEFEATED NICK HOBB, THE WINNER IS APOLLO MUSASHI!!!" Apollo slowly and methodically stepped out of the arena. It was silent except for two people who started shouting. Cias and Devan screamed Apollo's victory for everyone to hear ,"THAT'S MY FRIEND!!!" and ,"YEAH APOLLO!!!" Apollo smiled at having won his first match with an overwhelming victory, but there was only so much time before he had to face real threats.