The dark eyes of Storm peered at me before enlarging. He quickly closed the door behind us after lifting me into his arms.
It was dark in his room. I curled my neck against Storm's chest since he was warm because there wasn't much light in the room other than the small candle by the bed. He was really friendly. It gave me such great comfort. I wanted some heat.
Storm brushed my cheek and then my lips. I merely cuddled up to him because I needed the warmth.
He scolded, "What happened to you, Aoife? You are ice cold!" and put me on his bed. Storm covered me completely with blankets before standing up. I clung to his hand and begged him not to go.
I cried out, feeling much colder now that his body heat had left. "Please don't leave me," I pleaded. Storm regarded me from below with much anxiety.
He caressed my palm and said, "You need a healer. I think you have hypothermia." I allowed the warm sensation to wash over me.