You leave the gym together, Vicky pausing to thank Jim at the door. He tries to recruit her to his 'wolf pack' again. She declines. You get a feeling that this is a conversation they're both used to having. It runs on well worn tracks. Easy and comfortable.
Once she's escaped, you both start walking slowly towards the den.
The sun is low in the sky, the haze of the city turning the clouds a murky orange. You feel a pang of regret as you realise you won't be able to see the stars this deep in the city. They are so clear and bright in the forest on new moon...
"Thank you for coming with me today," Vicky says. "It was good practise."
You laugh. "That's one word for it I suppose."
"There is some other stuff I could show you, if you wanted to come work out with me again some time. I know a lot of grapples, and kicks. Most of it is only really useful when fighting in human form but I've developed some of my own moves which are great for a half-wolf form and—"
A howl cuts through the air.