Chereads / The God of Magic's Secret / Chapter 18 - Sky’s Might

Chapter 18 - Sky’s Might

The battle had barely begun a few minutes ago, and I was already regretting having this idea. I knew the adventurers would be at a disadvantage, but I didn't imagine it would be for that much.

In the first assault, Cornelia had created a fire barrier in front of the deathsickles that were further back, leaving the one in the vanguard separated. The latter received attacks from Lindia and Utera, but they could not break through his defenses.

The deathsickle countered with its sharp blades, and if it hadn't been for the shield of Utera, who quickly covered Lindia, the two would have been split in half in the first attack. However, Utera's shield was left practically unusable.

Before Cornelia could give the order to retreat, the two creatures that had been left behind the barrage of fire broke through so easily it seemed they hadn't done it sooner because they simply didn't think it was necessary.

Sensing that the huntresses, now prey, were still alive after their partner's attack, the two deathsickles quickly crossed the battlefield and positioned themselves behind the adventurers, blocking the only escape route.

Incredibly, Nili was able to dedicate several arrows to both of them in the middle of their relocation. Though it was useless in the end, the elf simply wasn't able to break through the natural defenses of the deathsickles.

While this was happening, the deathsickle that was already fighting had attacked the two magic knights with another slash of his blade and, this time, completely destroyed Utera's shield, leaving a deep wound that crossed her diagonally. If it hadn't been for the priestess Mardy's quick spell, the magic knight would have died on the spot.

Lindia had counterattacked just as Utera fell, but the beast, using incredible reflexes, had dodged the spear that had charged from behind it and kicked Lindia into the air.

Deathsickles were blind by nature, but they could understand their surroundings and were far better than bats at it.

"Lindia, Utera!" Cornelia cried desperately. And shot from her hand a fireball that went toward the deathsickle, but the creature dodged it without complications.

Nili also accompanied Cornelia's attack with an arrow she directed with the wind she herself created. This attack hit the target, but the damage was negligible for the deathsickle.

However, as insignificant as the damage was, Nili was the only one who had been able to do anything during the battle, and that was also noticed by the deathsickles.

With agile movements, one of the two covering the exit reached where Nili was and pounced, launching a slash with its sharp blade.

But the elf surprised again with her agility, and while dodging the attack, she did the impossible; she shot two arrows in an instant, one in the head and the other in the neck.

Even though the arrows hit the target, they still couldn't pierce the deathsickle's thick skin, and it understanding that there was no danger, insisted again. But, after the last attack, Nili was left with a bad stance and couldn't react; the blade fell on her.

"The blades can't go through my robe, but damn, it hurts." Just before the blade reached Nili, I had gotten in the way and was able to stop the blade by crossing my arms as if they were a shield.

I wouldn't have been able to make it on time, but thanks to Nili jumping close to me, I only had to move a few steps. Although my boots can be incredibly fast, I can't say the same for my reaction skills; this was definitely a miracle… But not from the Goddess!

"Argy Del?!" Nili had closed her eyes, preparing for the worst, but after not feeling anything, she opened them only to find me stopping the creature.

"I'd like to talk, but honestly, I'm reaching my limits." It was hard for me to talk when all my strength focused on holding the deathsickle's blade. "Look down at my feet... There is... no need for arrows."

The elf looked where I indicated and found a splendid silver bow adorned with exquisite reliefs. I had thrown it to the ground like garbage in my haste. It was the artifact [Sky's Might], and it was a perfect combination with Nili's Gift [Wind Master].

"Fast!" I yelled, already starting to get desperate. Who would have thought that after some days after avoiding a conflict with simple thugs, I would find myself in a ten thousand times worse situation? But I can't complain too much because I was the cause of it.

Nili rushed to take the bow, but when it was in her hands, it separated in two, and a blade appeared in each half as if the bow wanted to imitate the deathsickle. But the reality was that the artifact [Sky's Might] was not just a bow. It was also a double sword.

Fortunately, Nili was also a good swordsman, and as an adventurer, she was quick to react, delivering a deadly slash at the monster, who got cut as if it were butter (and not the one in the freezer; we already talked about that, that one is quite hard).

"I have never used two swords simultaneously; thank Ephereia only one was needed to finish off the monster..."

"Ahem, Epheria is the reason that monster exists in the first place… But that's not important right now! Quickly combine the swords and form the bow again."

The other deathsickle had pounced on Cornelia; the spellcaster had resisted with a compact shield formed by fire, but it hadn't done her much good, and she had already lost an arm.

At the same time, the one fighting the magick knights had pierced through Lindia and had her suspended in the air. If it weren't for Mardy, Lindia would have already left this world, but the magic knight, wrapped in the priestess's magic, desperately tried to free herself from the deathsickle's blade.

Realizing the group's situation, Nili quickly complied, and the swords joined to form a bow again.

"Tighten the string as if nocking an arrow."

"But I can't use magic!"

"Don't worry, I'm connected to the bow; I'll take care of the magic this time. You just need to focus on your archery skills."

Nili nodded and nocked an imaginary arrow. Instantly, the elf's fingertips began to glow, and the imaginary arrow turned into one of shimmering white light.

My intention is that in the future, Nili can create wind arrows powered by her Gift [Wind Master], but for that, she needs to become a magic knight and be able to use magic in her own way, that is, with her own magic aptitude.