Argyros Dandel, the white-haired, silver-eyed figure in front of me. Of course, I am talking about myself while naked in front of a standing mirror. Why am I naked in front of a mirror? Simple, anyone would have to order his thoughts after spending a hundred years sleeping. And in front of the mirror, I can also ensure that nothing in me has changed.
It's a little ritual I've been doing for the last ten thousand years. I must say that I have improved quite a bit since I first used the [Morpheus's Pillow] artifact for over a week. Looking at an overwhelming amount of dreams is on my list of no recommendations for a healthy mind.
Fortunately, this was the last time I planned on sleeping with it for that long. At least, I hope so. I have slowly and painfully increased the amount of magic I can accumulate, that is, my magic capability, to a level that I really feel confident with. Many would think I was exaggerating, but someone must experience the apocalypse in the flesh to understand me.
I went to the window of my room and observed that it was a beautiful sunny day. Below I could see the lush forest I had chosen to hide in for these hundred years still survived. My tower has measures to avoid being detected and defensive magic as well. But still, I'm glad that nothing happened to the forest.
I hadn't finished thinking about it when a bird collided at full speed with the gigantic arched windows of my room. If I knew how magic works, I could modify this artifact to avoid this type of accident. But in my defense, birds crash into any kind of window. It's not just because they can't detect the tower!
My attention focused on the artifact in question, and I used the skill that allowed me to understand and use everything related to the world of magic [Appraisal]. In front of me, the words that gave me the basic details of the tower formed.
[Infinity Tower]
{Rank: S}
{Minimum Magic Required: 200}
{Currently Used Magic: 1000}
When I started using this artifact, it could not be called a tower, it was only one story, and its diameter was no more than that of a small cottage. Over time, and as my magic increased, I found that the more I could share, the bigger the summoned tower was.
Five times more doesn't seem like much, but it's not a proportional increase. Most magic is taken by the original summon. And you have to think that the magic capability of an average human is just about two hundred magic units. For one artifact to use a thousand is already impressive enough.
If I wanted to keep increasing the size, I could use more magic, but honestly, with the hundred floors of the tower, it's enough. There are only twenty floors with functions that really interest me. Besides, it already gives me a little vertigo. I would live on the lower floors, but the main bedroom always appears on top… And it is the only one of the bedrooms connected to all the tower floors.
After joining my hands in prayer for the poor bird (of course, it was just a gesture, I have nothing to say to the damn goddess), I headed towards the huge round bed in the center of the room. To be honest, I would have liked to move the bed towards a wall, but with each new summon, it appears in the center, so I gave up after a while.
Today is an important day, and I'm not just referring to the fact that I woke up after a hundred years; that was already commonplace. No, today is important because I was finally planning to reintegrate into society… It sounds like I was in prison.
What I mean is that the years of increasing my magic capability are over, and I can finally focus on really studying and understanding magic. After ten thousand years of advancement in the matter, I imagine that humans have developed it to a level that will allow me to create magic and modify my artifacts. That is my hope, at least.
It's not that I haven't studied magic at all in my years of being awake. But there is not so much I can do on my own. I am not the Einstein or Newton of the subject, and my hope is that such geniuses have appeared in the world during this time.
Although, there are things that I myself have been able to verify using the artifacts. I mentioned earlier that I now feel confident with the amount of magic I can generate. But that was not the ultimate goal.
One of the things I have verified is the existence of "divine magic," but in order to use divine magic, I needed a gigantic magic capability first. And I had no other way to increase it than by waiting for the years to pass.
When I finally reached the center of the room, I got ready to dress in the clothes I had prepared on a curved nightstand near the bed (the main bedroom occupied the entire tower floor, I had been walking all this time).
I don't know who thought designing the room like this was a good idea... Well, all the Goddess' Gifts were generated through magic; there is no one to blame for the design other than magic itself. Apparently, large spaces are sumptuous for magic's tastes, and the bigger, the better.
Anyway, returning to more relevant issues, among the items that I had prepared were four artifacts. I already learned the hard way to never go out without protection. And I'm not talking about condoms.
[Eternal Mystery]
[Diamond Silk Garment]
[Boots of the Freezing Wind]
[Blue Phoenix Ring]
I won't go into detail about each artifact yet. But it should be noted that [Eternal Mystery] is a black cloak, and [Diamond Silk Garment] was in the form of a white robe. I didn't choose it because it matched my eyes, but I won't deny that it helped a lot in the decision.
Once dressed, I started the long walk towards the magic circle that served as an elevator while I thought about how much my life would be simplified if I could control my own artifacts better.
Therefore, I must stop abusing [Appraisal] and learn how magic works from its foundations. If I had to explain, my situation would be like knowing how to drive but not how to modify your car, let alone build one from scratch.
But as I mentioned before, my primary motivation is divine magic. And to create divine magic, I need to become the god of magic literally, not just in name. With my own church and believers... Ugh, A difficult task for an introvert.
But that's the third step! A problem for my future self!
What do I need believers for? Because believers bestow the power of life itself, which in turn is the foundation of divine magic. Of course, I'm not talking about human sacrifices; I'm not the goddess. A little energy every day is enough.
Anyway, back to the present, the first step was to increase my magic capability to a level where I could use certain artifacts perfectly. That step was happily completed today.
Closing my eyes, I checked my own stats with [Appraisal]
[Magic: 40,010]
The second step is to understand magic perfectly; for that, I am going to start my journey today. My goal is to find a place where I can learn even the basics that will allow me to study divine magic and artifacts on my own... Always helped by [Appraisal], of course. I already mentioned that I am not a genius.
Although I plan to meet Ephereia in the future, it's not like I'm going to declare war on her. Maybe it will end with that, but at least it's not in my plans yet.
My wish is simply to be able to control my own destiny without being at the mercy of some crazy new god who wants to destroy the world at will. And that also includes my immortality.
Thanks to [Morpheus's Pillow], I haven't gone crazy. But living forever can become a curse, and I definitely want to be able to do something about it if it happens.
By studying magic, I hope to be able to better control, modify, and combine the artifacts I have in my possession. But, to completely remove a Gift, I need to complete the third step of my plan since only divine magic can destroy divine magic.