Liyue's Existence was in an utterly dark space, her mind full of panic.
What should she do? What should she do?
Inside her own body, her senses were extremely powerful, and even from where she was, she could sense the invader's Existence. It was a woman and a particularly striking one with a devilish countenance. Even though Existence in itself was transparent, the personality, ideals, and everything just seemed right there for sight.
She could see her.
The Invader waved her hand, and mirrors manifested around her; Liyue's gaze trembled at the sight of her family—Li Yao, Yue Li, Ruo, and Hua Feilan. They were all playing ball; she loved to play that too, and they were talking animatedly about… her. They were conversing about the surprises they could give her for her breakthrough.