[Sorry for the late chapter today but i had to repair my PC and that took longer than expected sorry ! But now it work so i can read the manga again !
(Also i'm not good at describing how something work so don't expect explication from me i just wrote from what i know or what i found on the internet)
Good chapter to you all]
Goku woke up "Whhaaa....what happened ? And why am i naked ?"
"You don't remember a thing, do you ?"
"Anyway you're naked we should find something to cover you !" Bulma said looking around.
"No need !" I said and pointed to Goku and used the knowledge i got from the wish to make him new clothes but not something to complex since it's my first try.
Everyone was shocked and asked "How did you do that ????"
I explained with a smirk "The wish i made gave me a lot of knowledge about KI and since they sometimes use KI in magic i also learned some magic !"
Everyone 'What's KI ?'
"Were's my Noï-boï?" Goku asked and yamcha responded "Probably in the ruin of the castle !" And Goku runned to find it.
"Now what ? We won't be able to search for the Dragon balls for another year, so i guess it's time to split up ?" Oolong asked everyone.
"Yeah i guess you're right..." Bulma responded looking at the sky thinking about her wish for a boyfriend.
I approached her and pulled her closer to me and said in her ear "You don't need the dragon balls anymore ! You have me !" She blushed and smiled then i kissed her.
She returned the kiss and looked at me with hearts in the eyes
Oolong was disgusted "Keh ! Peh ! Peh ! Pehh !!"
Goku came back with his Noï-boï and asked me and Bulma "What are you doing ?"
"We are kissing ! It's something you do when you like someone." I responded him and kissed Bulma again.
"Anyway we are all going to the city ! Wanna come with us ?" Bulma asked Goku who responded with enthusiasm "No i'm going to grabdpa Kame sennin's house to train ! I wanna get stronger and be as strong as Kuruma !"
"Oh well that's a shame." Bulma said before asking Oolong "Oolong, what about you ?"
"Are there a lot of girls there ?" Oolong asked and i rolled my eyes but Bulma responded "Oh, yeah ! But since you're perverted and unpleasant to be around, i don't think you'll be very popular."
"You don't have to say that much, dammit !!!" Oolong shouted angrily as i laughed but he accepted anyways.
And something bothered me was that Yamcha decided to follow us too that's annoying but if he don't touch Bulma that should be ok.
Before parting away i approached Goku and Hugged him "Take care little brother !" He returned the hug and and said "You too Kuruma ! I'll train and one day i'll be as strong as you !" I smirked at his word before going in the plane Yamcha deployed from a capsule and Goku Called his Kinto-un.
[That's the end of the chapter ! What will happen now ? You'll see it in the next episode of Dragon ball Z ! Don't forget to rate the book (only if you want of course it's just that i want my book to be rated and i forgot how many rate i need for it to happen😅)