Chereads / Dragon ball R / Chapter 2 - The Destruction of Planets Vegeta

Chapter 2 - The Destruction of Planets Vegeta

[Author notes : i based the story of the Saiyan with elements of the movie of Bardock and DBS Broly]

When i woke up everything was still black but i could hear someone talking.

'Don't tell me i'm born again !' i thought not wanting to live this.

And i was right to not want to be born again since it hurt like HELL ! Fortunately it only lasted a minute !

After enduring the most pain i ever had the person that took me by the foot after putting me in (thing you put a baby in after he is born (I don't know what it is)) looks like a green lizard.

[image here] —>

After that the lizard guy took a device (the scouter) and pressed a button on it before saying. "Only 10 Hahaha, he is weak ! Like all Saiyans !" "Shut up ! It still hurts i think there is another one !" A woman's voice said with anger.

After hearing that, I fell asleep from the pain.

When i woke up i was in a pod with liquid in it and was breathing from a tube.

'Now i gotta wait 2 years until me and Goku are sent to earth that will be boring !'i thought while thinking about what i will do once on earth.

'Do i go along with the story and let the timeline like it is until DBZ or do i change it to just do whatever i want ?' 'Sometimes it will be easier to go along with the story to get what i want without a problem so i will go along with the story but will still change things that i don't like. Like Bulma. She only got shitty boyfriends so i will be the best for her ! of course i'm not a simp but a woman needs to be treated kindly not like Vegeta did by just insulting or ignoring her or like Yamcha did by cheating on her all the time. Well i still want more than just one woman but not a million like a novel protagonist so i will at least tell her beforehand if something happens with other women but that doesn't mean i won't do whatever i want !' my thoughts were interrupted when i saw a tall man with spiky hair and a little kid with long spiky hair looking at me. I recognized them they are Bardock and Raditz, my father and big brother, they talked but i couldn't hear them because of the liquid in the pod i was in.

After a while they headed somewhere else and i was back to my thoughts 'Since ROB said he will seal my KI until i can use it properly i can spend my time training it without worrying !'

After that i spent my time training my KI manipulation in my body and i'm quite proud of myself.

I can detect the Ki of every creature on the planet now.

Feeling my own KI was easy since it's something I didn't have before being reincarnated so feeiling it was not that difficult.

The difficult part was sensing others KI and it took 3 month for me to do so.

Now i only need to wait one more year.

——1 year later——

[Bardock POV]

"Bardock... Bardock !" said a Saiyan to me waking me up.

"What ?" i responded.

"We're almost to Planet Vegeta. It's been a long time, huh ?"he asked me with excitement.

"Yeah..." i replied not caring.

"What do you suppose this is about ? Ordering all the Saiyans to hurry and come to Planet Vegeta ! Apparently, that Frieza bastard ordered it !" he asked me.

I told him to take off his scouter because they would've heard him.

"Look over there ! That's Frieza's ship. You don't think it's strange ? If he just wants to speak to us, he doesn't need to bring us back to the planet; he could just use the radio and if it's to give us new weapons, there's no point in hurrying to gather us together. There really is something fishy going on here !" i thought out loud and continued. "Conquering planets and selling them has always been the livelihood of the Saiyan race. Then Frieza's father, Cold, subjugated us by force and placed us under his rule."

"That was a long time ago, right ?" asked me the other Saiyan.

"Do you think we're getting along well now ? There aren't any Saiyans that like Frieza. And Frieza feels the same way about us, Saiyans. Right now, the Frieza force has grown larger. They could probably get by even without us, Saiyan around !" i told him.

"Y-You're not saying he's planning to exterminate us, are you ?" the other Saiyan asked me.

"I'm just saying, maybe." i answered before heading home.

"Yo, i'm home Gine !" i said loud enough so she could hear me.

"Bardock !" Gine said with joy.

——Some hours later——


i woke up because i heard someone crying and i realized that i was in a space pod with Goku who was crying i saw Bardock and Gine looking at us.

"If Bardock is overthinking the matter, we'll come and get you right away, okay ? And always take care of each other alright ?" Gine said with tears running down her cheeks.

"Survive no matter what, you two !" Bardock added before the space pod launched and sent us in space on the way to planet earth.

[World POV]

"Huh ? Lord Frieza i detect 2 low power level that are escaping the planet, should we destroy them ?" Zarbon asked lord Frieza.

"let them go it's not two saiyan that will save planet Vegeta so they are not important !" Frieza responded not caring at all but also not knowing that these two will be the ones to kill him almost 25 years later.

[That's the end of this chapter still a little short but i really want to start the original story so i made it as short as possible while still explaining enough for you to understand what is happening but the next chapters will be MUCH longer (at least 3K words) and they will vary between 3K and 5K words so don't worry they will be long enough to explain as much as possible while still advancing in the story but tere will be some chapter that will be short and those will be the one with flashback or when the MC explain something about is everyday life]