Chereads / The Rejected Wife Of The Indifferent CEO / Chapter 38 - 38. Someone is stalking me!

Chapter 38 - 38. Someone is stalking me!

"Let her in," Lixin mumbled, waving his hands at Skyler, permitting him to bring her in. Skyler excused himself, swiftly carrying out the boss's order. In a little while, Skyler came in, and by his side stood a tall young lady. She had on her body a cherry-red spaghetti-stripe evening gown. She shut the door right after Skyler had left. "Miss Tang, what brings you here?"

Lixin was a little friendlier this morning, so naturally, Songyun assumed that he was pleased to see her. She pulled out a chair for herself, sat down, and crossed her legs. Her high slit exposed her thighs to the air. Lixin chuckled.

"It has been long since we saw each other. You have grown. Songyun started smoothly, trying to please him with her words. Ordinarily, Songyun was a person who sweet-talked many people into doing things for her, and her tricks worked on them easily. Thinking Lixin was part of those categories that enjoyed it when people buttered him up, she gave it a try.

Unfortunately for Yun, it was hard to detect any emotional change from Lixin. His face remained stoic from the beginning, when she opened the door, up until now. He ignored the sweet pleasantries.

"Miss Tang, drop the pleasantries. We are not that familiar with each other. Lixin brashly snapped at her. The office atmosphere became cold and unbearable for Songyun. Demeaned by his words, she stopped the praising and went straight to what she came here for, which was to ask him to withdraw his control over the Tang mine. "I see," he replied, keeping Songyun in suspense. He did not agree to drop his control over the mine, nor did he say he would not take over it completely. For that, Songyun was trapped between the deep blue sea and the burning hellfire. Awkwardly, she poured herself water from the jug and sipped on it.

Songyun took it as an opportunity to check out his office. It was far from being top-notch quality if there was any word to describe it. With a 34-foot white porcelain French window next to his desk and a balcony some distance away from the window, the office was well-ventilated with as much air as it could need. And then the furniture, so breathtaking, Songyun commented internally, fixing her eyes on the unfazed Lixin, who focused himself on the document he was reading.

He was less concerned about her existence. Songyun felt a bit insulted by him, but again, she would not reveal she was upset. One thing out of a million she had learned after taking over the Tang umpire and its property was to never give in to rejection from a client. It was not significant how she got their approval; all that mattered was that she won in the end.

She always won.

Songyun peeked at Lixin again and became upset again. He hardly spared her any glances and kept his head lowered into the document. She called out his name, and no response came in.

Please reconsider my offer. The Tang Group is nothing without the mines. Lixin nodded his head aloofly, calling in for Skyler to escort her out of the building, which he did swiftly. Before coming back into the company, Skyler scratched his head awkwardly, wondering why she had worn something so revealing to a business proposal. Was she trying to seduce the boss?

Disgusted by her way of handling business officially, Skyler waved goodbye to her and went back to Lixin's office through the private elevator. He pulled open the door and collapsed on the chair next to Lixin's desk.

"My young master is so handsome that he is attracting married women. He praised, handing it over to Lixin's appearance, which kept bringing women of different status, age, and figure free of charge. There was no day he had not found women either stalking him or booking an appointment all in the name of seeing him.

"Do not allow her legs to enter here again. See that chair?" Lixin lazily pointed at the chair in which Songyun had risen a few moments ago. "Replace it and do the same as the carpet. Everything she sat on or laid hands on should be gone before I come back. He said this while a nostalgic grin appeared on his face.

"Where are you going?" Skyler sprung up from the chair, smiling at Lixin's ruthless nature. As anticipated, the young boss was able to see through her smiling disguise and spot her true nature. This Lixin was truly worthy of the title! Skyler commented, heading out to complete the task as quickly as he could. "Should I drive?"

"No, Mingxia would not like strangers. He indifferently shot back at Skyler, who agreed with him but paused when he was about to leave. He looked up at Lixin's stoic face and became elated. It appears that Lixin and Mingxia had upgraded their relationship; does that mean he needed to contact the marriage bureau for an appointment?

"I got it," he sheepishly responded, finally taking his leave.


"That was quick! How were you able to raise a million dollars within a week? Su Mei, elated by the good news, sparkled as she ran her hands through the new furniture in the room. They were neat and, most of all, from good, quality brands that dealt in such. She swirled herself in the chair, laughing and pulling her legs up. This building was their new company.

What was more interesting was that it was owned, built, and designed by a retired, renowned American architect, Pavli, and when it was auctioned for sale, Lixin bought it for her. To him, a billion dollars was trivial, as she recalled what he said. Mingxia blushed, recapping the moments of this morning. Her face reddened upon seeing her lips on Lixin's cheeks. She had not thought much about it until after he left the estate when she realized what she had done.

… She just kissed Lixin!

Although it was a kiss, Yuming kept on teasing her when she was told about it by Suyin. Well, a day with those two made her happy. How much she wished it could continue like this for the rest of their lives. Su Mei gawked at Mingxia's change of emotion and yanked her to the seat. She sat down and assumed a lecturing face.

"Do not tell me you have grasped a big shark. Unless, where else can you get such money to afford it here? Mei remained skeptical about this mystery man who had helped them out of the blue. She had no doubts about Mingxia's integrity and just thought it was from her savings. "Those who were fired by Mengyao have been contacted. We can start by putting up job advertisements and then begin our screening. We need to get the best lawyers if we are going to surpass the reputation Icy Co. had."

Su Mei changed to her serious mode. Based on the statistics and Mingxia's strong will, it should not be hard to surpass them before the month runs out. It was a challenge they both gave themselves. Mingxia set up some of the documents and then headed out, with Su Mei taking a downturn to the train station.

As soon as she walked out, someone began to follow her closely. Mingxia became alert, walking quickly, but the man was smart enough to pretend not to follow her and then continue when she did not look at him. He had on his body a total black pair of shirt and trousers, and a mask covered his face. He kept on trailing her, and Mingxia became weary of him.

Slowly, she reached for her phone to call Lixin; sadly, his line was busy. Fear gripped her heart as the man in black hastened his steps. She had no other place to run; she was cornered. On her left, right, and front were men dressed in black. As soon as she was about to surrender, a black-tinted car parked beside her. Mingxia nervously looked away, thinking of more ways to run. The man from inside wined down the window, and a gun was pointed instantly at her head.

Drop the weapons. An old man seated at the back lazily said He smiled at Mingxia and brought out his sleeveless arms. She confusedly stared at him. "Xiao Ming, come to Grandfather."