Chereads / Quickie Marriage / Chapter 2 - Chapter Two

Chapter 2 - Chapter Two

An arm tightened around her waist as a warm body pressed in closer behind hers.

Frankie's dreams were definitely becoming more detailed, and maybe desperate for the real thing; it had been so long since she'd shared her bed with a man. She leaned back as her subconscious started providing her with some tantalising images and sensations.

Soft lips pressed against hers after slipping a gold band around her ring finger.

Those same lips seeking out the sensitive spot along her neck and clavicle, as fingers teased their way under her dress to play with her nipple.

Arousal shot through her, wetting her pussy. She always loved nipple play, her dream-heavy body undulating as she encouraged her fantasy to keep going.

A heavy, rock-hard erection ground against her heat a couple of times before those magic lips pulled off her nipple to travel down her stomach. She threaded her fingers through soft, blond hair to have something to hang onto as her legs were nudged wider and that fucking amazing tongue dragged over her clit. "Fuck yes," she moaned encouragingly.

Her chest heavied as her dreamed sexy sensations spread all over her body.

"I'm so close... Almost," she mewled, her body arching into the tongue and fingers that were playing her so expertly. "Ngngh, oh god. Yes! Yes, I'm coming," Frankie gasped, her orgasm washing over her and lighting every nerve ending up.

He came up to claim her mouth, sharing her taste, as his cock slid inside her. "You feel like fucking heaven," he growled between kisses, pulling out to thrust back in deep.

She gasped, "faster."

Her lover set a punishing rhythm and she loved every second of it, her leg wrapping around his hips so he'd hit deeper. One hand gripped her hip tightly as his lips kissed her everywhere, before slipping between them to finger her as well. "Tell me you're close," he grunted before his teeth nipped her neck. "So fucking close," she assured him, moaning when he slammed in harder. Her second orgasm hit, her inner muscles clenching and milking him into his.

"Fuck!" he roared as his rhythm faltered and he filled the condom after one, two more thrusts.

She couldn't help the soft whimper that escaped, every sensation feeling so real.

"I could wake up to this every morning," a very real voice murmured against her shoulder, making her aware of the erection pressing against her backside.

"What the fuck?!" Frankie jumped, trying to get away and almost falling out of bed in the process. She turned to look over her shoulder, realising there was an actual man in bed with her. A man she'd met last night. A man who, upon hearing about her dilemma, had proposed to help her out. A man who was wearing a gold wedding band on a certain finger and was in the same bed, distinctly without clothes. Her head thumped as the alcohol still in her system reminded her how much she'd drunk last night, enough to get married to a virtual stranger. "Did we...?"

Levi held up his left hand and seemingly shrugged. "Yeah, pretty sure we did."

Frankie stared at him for another heartbeat and suddenly realised that not only was he naked, so was she. She yanked the sheets up to cover her chest, hoping he'd do the same. But he didn't seem to have the same hangups about being on display, so she quickly arranged the sheets to cover his imposing, and very distracting, morning wood. "What were we thinking?" she groaned as she hid her face in her hands.

He gave another shrug, before throwing the sheets back and getting up to head to the bathroom, his glorious buttocks drawing her from her hiding place until he closed the door behind him.

Levi looked at his reflection in the mirror, noting the satisfied smile on his face, which then turned into a full-blown grin. Last night had been the wildest night in his life. Granted, parts of it had already escaped his memory, but, damn that girl was hot. And now, apparently, his wife.

If only he could remember her name...


No, that didn't sound right. She didn't look like a Fergy.

Well, fuck, most chicks didn't like it if he had sex with them and then forgot their names. And he hadn't married those. He scratched the back of his head. He couldn't regret his decision, because the sex had been fucking awesome. Flashes of her moaning and her grinding on him made him hard again. He fucking loved thick thighs. Man, he wanted a repeat.

Yeah, that wasn't going to happen, he knew that, even though he started to brush his teeth just in case. He'd seen her face and recognised the look of regret; he'd seen that often enough. Not that he cared. It was a shame, though, he'd love to sink his teeth in that ass, suck on those tits some more.

Levi stuck his head under the running faucet. He usually didn't bring women to his place, he liked to leave before the night was over, not deal with the mess most mornings brought.

"Oh crap," he heard her groan from his bedroom and he sighed. This was already far too messy for his liking. She needed to go. He heard movement on the other side of the door before it flung open and she looked at him through the mirror. Her blond hair was a mess, her makeup was all over the place, and (unfortunately) she'd wrapped a sheet around that delicious body of hers. "I can't find my phone. Do you have my phone?"

Levi turned around, not at all bothered by his lack of clothes or the fact that water was slowly dripping out of his hair onto his torso, and her eyes widened for a split second. "I don't have it on me, but you're welcome to search me," he said with a smirk, glad to see her bite her lip before she narrowed her eyes at him.

"No thank you." She hesitated for a second, seemingly contemplating her options, and he wondered what was going on through her head. But then her face cleared up and she looked at him again. "Get out," was all she said.

"You know this is my bathroom, right?" he told her even as he moved out of the way.

She ignored him, looked at her reflection in the mirror and almost pouted. "I look like shit." Levi wanted to protest, tell her she still looked hot, even in her hungover state, but she'd probably think he was just being polite. She didn't know him well enough to know he was never polite. So, he shrugged and walked out of the bathroom. "And I don't even have time to go home and get changed," he heard her mutter.

"Unless you want me to join you in there," he suggested, nodding to the shower, thinking morning shower sex would do her mood some good.

"Yeah, not a chance," she replied. "And we need to get an annulment."

"Alright, was worth the shot," Levi shrugged, winking before he closed the door.

"What a jackass," Frankie mumbled to herself as she turned on the shower and stepped under the warm water. Her head was pounding. How the fuck had she ended up in this situation? She really shouldn't drink so much. She was so lost in her morose thoughts that the sound of the door opening made her jump. "What the fuck? Get out!"

She knew he'd seen her naked, but drunk sex didn't count. And she was very much sobered up right now.

"Relax, it's nothing I haven't seen before. Like half an hour ago," he said. She couldn't believe she'd found him charming last night. What a jerk. "I figured you might need a towel. And I brought you a clean set of clothes."

"Oh... thanks, Levi," she mumbled. Maybe not a complete jerk, then.

"You're welcome... uh..."

Did he seriously not remember her name? "Frankie," she said, through gritted teeth. She'd been right the first time; he was still a jackass.

"Yes, you're welcome, Frankie."

She waited until he was gone before she grabbed his shower gel and started scrubbing her skin clean, not entirely unaware that the smell made her stomach flip in a good way.

Focus, Frankie!

Her parents were going to enjoy watching her in the state she was in. They already thought she was incompetent. And she was supposed to meet them for brunch to talk about the requirements for her inheritance.

With that, she turned the shower off and dried herself off. She inspected the clothes Levi had left for her. She found a black skirt and a white t-shirt. Everything was a size too small, but it would have to do. She'd rather wear something too tight than smell like last night's bar. But she wasn't wearing some random girl's underwear. Why did he still have those? Gross... Just to be sure, she smelled the t-shirt and was glad to find it smelling of laundry detergent. At least he'd washed them. Maybe she could sneak into her old bedroom and see if she still had underwear there. Otherwise, commando would have to do.

Frankie found a brush to quickly run through her hair and figured it was the best she'd be able to do. Taking a deep breath, she left the sanctity of the bathroom, cautiously peeking around the room to make sure he wasn't lounging around naked still. But the bedroom was empty and the smell of coffee and breakfast was starting to spread through the apartment. The blonde cautiously made her way through to the kitchen and bit back a laugh when she saw him doing some sort of cool 60s dude headbob along to the music as he made eggs. She watched him until he became aware of her presence. "Thanks for the clothes," Frankie said, not knowing what else to say.

"Sure thing," Levi nodded and pointed to the kitchen stool. "Take a seat, breakfast is almost ready."

Levi wasn't sure what to do next, his wife clearly regretted everything that had happened. And while it was true that he didn't normally have someone stay the night or whatever, he didn't feel right just turfing her out either.

"Would you... eh... would you mind... coming with me to my parents before getting the annulment? I don't have time to get the annulment done first," Frankie said, clearly uncomfortable.

He gave a shrug. "Sure," he nodded. "Though I'm guessing I won't be introduced as your new hubbie?" he asked, seeing the blonde with his new favourite thunder-thighs shake her head vehemently.

"Definitely not," she confirmed verbally as well.


"So tell me about mummy and daddy dearest," Levi suggested as he started toasting some bread.

"I'd really rather not. I feel like I've probably already told you too much," Frankie reacted, seeming a little like a stick-in-the-mud.

God, he loved girls that seemed so prim and proper and were dynamite in the sack. His dick still didn't seem to grasp that there wouldn't be any repeats happening as he started plumping up at more flashbacks from last night. Not helpful, he told his second head with an internal groan. "Okay, whatever," he shrugged nonchalantly. He couldn't force this girl to tell him anything she didn't want to and, after the annulment was sorted, he doubted he'd see her again any time soon.