"YOU DARE TO BLASPHEME THE NAME OF MY GRANDFATHER! I SWEAR ON MY, SANDILE'S HONOUR I WILL END YOU. " he finally snapped, before he wanted to beat Bricksoe half to death for his insolence but now he wanted to destroy him. His power swelled releasing a domain of suppression around him that threatened to flatten the youngsters nearby. This was the will and intent of a superior person.
No wonder he is arrogant, he is actually somewhat powerful.
Bricksoe calmly studied him as if the situation had nothing to do with him. Only a few people had wills strong enough to not be affected and that was the other two officers who came with Sandile, Bricksoe and the silver haired young lady with cold eyes.
If he was in his right mind Sandile would have realised that his power had zero effect on the young man in front of him, in fact it seemed to avoid Bricksoe but he was not in his right mind so he unsheathed his sword ready to fell Bricksoe.
"Quite a strong will for one your age but you are still young, know your place." Before he unleashed his attack Bricksoe finally gave him his full attention and his lazy abd uninterested expression vanished. What followed was_____
Impossible! How can one have such an oppressive will the ground is shaking, the air is heavy and the walls are cracking j-just who is he?
Katrina could not believe it, she was not the focus of Bricksoe's will but she felt like she could not move, no her instincts where telling her not to move. She felt as if just one movement will lead to her demise as she like everyone else was bathed by Bricksoe's indomitable and tyrannical will. This time around no one was unaffected some students passed out even the one with the cold gaze was heaving because of difficulty of breathing. Sindiso who had just been healed and had just regained consciousness was KOed for the third time. As for Sandile_____
How can his will be like the Patriarch's its___impossible___ to withs__tand.
He lost his will to fight his body shuddered under the strain and he dropped on his knees before losing consciousness too like his younger cousin.
"Please___Stop." Katrina pleaded, she was nearing her limits too after all she was a healer and her will and physical power was not that strong just her abundance of the RADAS force.
"Please forgive me." Bricksoe withdrew his will and the atmosphere finally returned to normal.
The silver haired girl who had managed to hold on finally collapsed like her classmates the moment he withdrew his intent.
She is still stubborn I see.
He smiled lightly at the silver girl who eas unconscious.
I guess I overdid it a little.
He thought as he turned to Katrina.
"Please forgive me I seem to have shown you something unseemly and added to your workload. Please take care of these two and tell them that what makes a man are manners when they wake up."
"N-No its not a problem." Katrina's voice was high-pitched, a tinge of fear could be heard from her voice even though she managed to hide it well it did not escape Bricksoe's notice who gave a regretful smile.
"W-What about the others? Don't they need help?" she glanced nervously at the partially destroyed room full of passed out new recruits. She was a singularity and as much as her system was focused on healing her power level was way above the students and her strong suit was her mental fortitude, seeing as she received that much damage mentally then imagining what these poor children had experienced made her shudder but contrary to her suggestion.
"Nope, if they are to be part of my team they have to have mental fortitude that can withstand this much pressure otherwise they will be useless." He rejected her suggestion.
'Huh? Just what or who is he planning to fight, the patriarchs?'
She really could not fathom facing any foe that could produce a will manifestation that strong, fighting under that much of a mental burden was nothing short of suicide because a person would hardly be able to utilise even a third of their full prowess. As if seeing through her thoughts Bricksoe smiled slightly and patted her head.
"I like you child, what did you say your name was again?" his gesture and question looked out of place because as much as he was the taller of the two their looks showed that he was the younger.
"Errmm I am Katrina my Lord, Katrina Khayelihle Moyo." She bowed her head slightly and introduced herself timidly, whilr normally she was a kind and peaceful person she was never that passive as to allow someone younger than her to act like that towards her but after looking at Bricksoe and witnessing a glimpse of his power she felt it only right to do that.
Moyo huh? What do you know, she is a descended of that feisty woman Siatra. How did she come to have a descended that is so amicable I wonder, talk about the apple falling very far from the tree.
Bricksoe grinned in acknowledgement of how unpredictable life could be. Bricksoe prided himself in being able to handle almost everyone in his sphere of influence but the Lady Siatra was one of those few he had a hard time dealing with.
"Katrina, what do you think about joining my unit?" He tossed that question suddenly without a change I expression as if he did not realise how bizarre it was, Katrina was not only a scion from an esteemed household but she was also a captain of her own squad so to put it bluntly Bricksoe's question was very inappropriate.
"Pardon?" she was confused as to be expected, after all as a powerful healer of renown and taking her background into consideration there was no way someone should have been able to ask that of her, Katrina was kindhearted so she did not thrw her weight around but she had enough influence to order people with two ranks above othat of his not to mention an army of bodyguards that attended this military facility who were disiples of her noble clan. She really was a powerful figure but someone she hardly knew had just asked to make her his subordinate on their first meeting for that matter.