sabella strolled down to the daoor which leads to the aisle. she heared the loud thud of a trumpet which signifies that her groom has arrived . Moments later a soothing music followed it. The door opened .....she drawled in a sharp deep breath and started walking down the aisle . All eyes were on sabella the second princess of Beston, the most beautiful and gorgeous princess.

Her slender figure made her absolutely elegant as she strode dowm towards her throne.

she reached the king and queeen and bowed her head, they both acknowledge her .

She let her eyes roam around the guest and her gaze met with that of her sister. She could tell that Nella was extremly happy for her,She gave her sister a pleasing smile before she walked down to her throne were she would be sitted. Sabella intended to get a look of her husband to be but she couldn't even move when a maid drapped a veil over her head. That's according to customs and traditions. She couldn't see through the veil. The veil is so thick.

After a moment of silence the king stood up and pronounced:

"I king of Beston now hand over my daughter, the second princess of Beston, princess Sabella to the princeof Halira , Prince Drake Zindreign aa husband and wife, any objection should be stated now or never ...

As the king stated there was a few minutes of silence, the time ticked by and...

I OBJECT....a loud ranging voice was heard, Sabella's instinct kicked against her chest...

This is the voice of khem Kingston, before sabella could fully register what was going on the king spoke again: kindly state your objection

Apologies my kimg but I'm also in love with the second princess of Beston and i ask to be her groom and her husband..

And i also object , the first princess of Beston who is also a warrior princess, princess Nella stood up from were she was sitted...Apologies my king but i object to the proposal of Khem,on behalf of my sister the second princess of Beston, princess Sabella that khem would not marry princess Sabella.....Nella objected .

There was silence in the room which did not last for a minute. The voices of the guest echoing in a loud murmur about the scenario going on.

SILENCE.....The kings voice thundered loud inside the hall;anymore objection...?

Yes my king ....I object that princess Nella objection should not be heared little but rather unheared....khem said.

And who are you to ask my father ,the king not to pay heeds to his daughter.... That's disrespectful khem, you know it and everyome knows what type of a man you are, you've done it to me before and I'm sure the king wouldn't let it happen again.. ...Nella concluded.

The hall was silent.

Sabella who was sitted was extremely happy gor what her sister had said to support her.,wjen she felt a somewhat warm hands an her and she was pulled up from her chair and was guided to walk towards the king.

i agree my king.....
