Two more days later, Aisha was able to walk around without Maya's help. Immediately the first thing she did was call Neel to sign the contract, they had talked about that day. The contract had been ready for days but Aisha didn't get time to discuss it with Neel as Aditya hardly left her side. But now that she was way better than before, Aisha convinced him to get back to his work. Yesterday was his last visit to Aisha's place. Now, they will probably meet on the day of their marriage.
Like always, Aisha sat on the balcony sipping on her tea when Neel arrived. He sat next to Aisha and drank the tea after Maya filled up a cup for him. "I didn't notice this last time. But this is a very refreshing tea." He said.
"One must contempt their anger to be able to notice their surroundings."
"How are you?" He asked ignoring the meaning behind what she said.
"I'm good. That's why I called you. However, you didn't even come to meet me."