The next day, when the baby woke up, he saw two people: one is around his mid-thirties with a black hair and from the looks of it he is in a hard core warrior, and the other is an old man more than sixty,both of them gives of an energy that I never experienced in my privous life. From their conversation, the baby came to realize one of them is his father, and another person is his grandfather from the looks of it, he is noble. When he looks into his father's eyes unexpectedly, a fear strokes into him and he thinks those are some scary eyes. When his father realizes the baby is looking into his eyes, he says with a smile you are as brave as your older brother.
Then suddenly his grandfather asked what you were going to name him. Then they heard a tender voice: "Dhanush, my son's name will be Dhanush, said his mother. Grandpa said that's a nice name. After a few moments have passed and there are few relatives who have come to visit him, from their conversation I gained some basic knowledge about my family.
I am the youngest, and I have an older brother, I he is the one that I met yesterday and a sister. I didn't see my sister, and one of the best news i ever had is that my father is ruling this area, that makes me a noble that means I can lead a comfortable life, It seems we are wealthy that means I can lazy around the rest of my life. I named that thing in my head Gogle; it doesn't like it. But I don't care.
A year has passed and I want to train and use magic; she says I am too young and my body is to handle it. Damn this baby body! I want to grow up fast.
I have been hearing from maids about my brother his face is so bright and active he is the perfect charming prince every woman could think of, he reflects nature itself in him, and now he is stealing all the women from me when I grow up I should have a serious discussion with him about this matter, and one of the things pind my attention is that due to my brother, all magicians in the kingdom are going crazy due to what he accomplished. He is a genius who opened the 3rd chakra when he was only seven years old. They say even the king himself came to visit him and encourage him. wait for me brother,If he can do it, I can too.
after a few years.
I have been trying for a year; I didn't even open the first chakra. I don't have any talent. I am the worst. It hurts. Even with the help of her, I can't manage it.
How the hell did my brother do it?
shut it.
It's been five years since I've been practicing. With the pressure points, I gathered energy for each chakra one by one, and I finally opened the 3rd chakra and got cot by my family. They are celebrating, my brother gave a party for 3 days nonstop throughout the entire city, and I am happy about that one thing bothering me the king that he didn't come to visit. There were many nobles who attended, like last time they tried to get close to me and my brother, and the worst part is my brother thinking I am a portage. When he says that I had an odd feeling with the help of her, I opened three stages now, but without any help, he did it when he was seven, and not only that he has another talent that is in archery if my father didn't use magic, but my brother would also be on the same level as my father, and that was a crazy amount of talent. and worst part is he is always surrounded by girls I am jealous of him because, still now, I can't even manage to form a circle to perform magic. I am just full of energy, but I can't even give it any forum. I can't even sleep thinking about all this. I don't know how long it will take for me to become a pro, but
I do not give up