Chereads / IT'S JUST A CONTRACT / Chapter 5 - My way

Chapter 5 - My way

✨Zailah's POV✨

I get a call around 4am this morning saying there had been an explosion in one of our factories located in china the previous night. I put a call across to Kris asking him to dig up the person responsible for the explosion and book a flight over to china.

I stay there until they finalise on its reconstruction plan and budget, Now it's time to go after the idiot trying to ruin me. Honestly I find this kind of funny, the idiot isn't even some big shot... it's the lowlife son of a small group that has lost all its momentum. Once the final meeting is over I take two of my men and head out. I haven't even gotten proper sleep in days, I feel both irritated and pissed but of course I can't afford a break if I want this to be over soon.

We arrive at Thier hideout after a one hour's some uncompleted building that's at the brink of collapsing and we head in. I try to open the door to the only room that's locked but it won't budge,but as one of the guys I'm with tries to break the l door I stop him and knock instead. I knock a few more times before the door is finally forcefully opened by a half drunk man who looks like he's in his early twenties,as soon as he see's me though his eyes fly wide open and he scrambles backwards,pulls out a knife from his back pocket and charge's back towards me, I dodge his attempt and the bodyguard behind me punches his nose dizzying him a little which gives me the opportunity to disarm him and knock him out. I leave the unconscious guy to my men. While they tie him up I return my gaze to the rest of the gangster's who stare at us with pulled out dagger's and guns pointed towards me.

NOTE: I have no literal understanding of the mandarin language and all the Chinese texts were provided by Google translate so please pardon any mistake of the mistakes you might find😪🤲 THANK YOU😊

"Gāisǐ, tā lái zhèlǐ zuò shénme?"One of the guys at the table says

(shit what's she doing here?)

"Wǒ zěnme zhīdào? Hā!"The guy in front of me replies.

(How am I supposed to know?huh!)

'Good thing I'm multi lingual'I think to myself before proceeding to enter the room

"Ó! Nǐ yào jǔbàn yīgè jùhuì, nǐ jièyì wǒ cānjiā ma?"I say as I sit down and pull out a cigarette from the pack on the table.

(Oh! You're having a party, do you mind if I join?)

They don't respond but keep Thier guns and knives pointed at me,so I chuckle and say

"Nǐ lěngjìng diǎn hǎo ma? Wǒ lái zhèlǐ bùshì wèile hé nǐ zhàndòu"

(Calm down will you? I didn't come here to fight you)

They pass glances within themselves and turn their gaze back to me

"Wǒ zhǐ xūyào yīxiē guānyú nǐ lǎobǎn de xìnxī, jǐn cǐ éryǐ."

(I just need a little information about your boss that's all)

"Nǐ bǎ wǒmen dāng shénme?"one of them says with a look of disgust

(What do you take us for?)

"Nǐ xīwàng wǒmen gàomì nǐ de lǎobǎn?Nǐ fēngle?"

(you expect us to snitch on our boss? Are you crazy)

"Hǎo ba, cóng jìshù shàng jiǎng wǒ hěn fēngkuáng, dàn zhè bùshì zhèlǐ de zhǔyào wèntí. Nǐ de lǎobǎn gōngkāi xiàng wǒ xuānzhàn, suǒyǐ wǒ bìxū jiēshòu tā de tiǎozhàn, jǐnguǎn wǒ yǒu nénglì zhǎodào tā, dàn zhè xūyào gèng zhǎng de shíjiān, wǒ zhēn de bù xīwàng zhèyàng. Nǐ kàn, wǒ yǐjīng hǎo jǐ tiān méi huí jiāle, wǒ bùnéng zài děngle, suǒyǐ qǐng bāng wǒ yīxià, hǎo ma?"

(Well technically i am crazy but that's not the main issue here. Your boss openly declared war on me so i have to accept his challenge and even though I'm capable of finding him it'll take longer and I seriously don't want that. You see the thing is i haven't been home for almost days now and i can't wait any longer so just help me out here,okay?)

"Jué bù" one of them says and charge's towards me


Just as his dagger is about to collide with my stomach I grab his wrist twisting it and hitting his shin

"Hēi, nǐ bù zhīdào zhè tào yīfú shì shèjì shī shèjì de ma? wàn yī nǐ huǐle tā zěnme bàn?"

(Hey don't you know this suit is designer? what if you ruin it?)

His colleagues start shooting at me so I use him as a shield,I always wear a bullet proof vest just in case but there was no way I was getting my brand new suit ruined. That wish crumbles though because the left sleeves stiil gets torn along with my arm. Just then back up arrives and a shoot out ensues, I sight one of them trying to escape to I chase after him. Just as I make a turn at a corner he stabs my left arm. 'seriouly?two injuries on the same arm?'He tries to run again so I shoot his calf and as he's trying to limp away I shoot the other calf.I humor myself a little by watching him try to crawl away slowly walking behind himI dragging him back to the Main room and have one of the bodyguards take him back to the the car with the first guy I knocked out.

"Take them back to the warehouse and make sure they don't escape, I'll head to the hospital before heading back."

🌸Night of the same day🌸

"Hǎo ba, nǐ hǎo"I say with a bright smile as soon as the two men wake up

(Well hello there)

I receive a glare in return though.

"Ó, lái ba, bié zhèyàng"

(Oh come on now,don't be like that)

"Nǐmen bìng méiyǒu gěi wǒ liú xià rènhé qítā xuǎnzé."

(It's not like you guys left me any other choice)

"Wǒmen gǎnjǐn zǒu ba, nǐ juédé wǒmen lǎobǎn huì ràng nǐ xiāoyáofǎwài ma? Wǒ quèxìn tā yǐjīng pài wǒmen de rén lái zhuī nǐle"

(Let us go go immediately,do you think our boss would let you get away with this? I'm sure he's already dispatched our mem to come after you)

I sigh in exasperation pinching the space on my forehead between my eyebrows.

"Měihǎo de! Jìrán nǐ xuǎnzé zhèyàng wán, wǒ jiù gēnzhe wán, bìjìng tàngē xūyào liǎng gèrén."

(Fine! Since this is how you're choosing to play I'll play along, after all it takes two to tango.)

"Wǒmen wèishéme bù cóng nǐ kāishǐ ne?"I say pointing to the guy tied at my right while getting up and heading to the table on the side.

(Why don't we start with you hm?)

I pull out a chainsaw and a hand drill and head over to the guy

"Nàme, nǐ gèng xǐhuān màn sù ránshāo háishì yìng hé"

(So, do you prefer slow burn or hardcore)

Instead of a reply I get spat on, I nod slowly and return to the table to drop the chainsaw.

"Nà wǒmen jiù ànzhào wǒ de fāngshì zuò ba, màn man lái."

(We'll do it my way then,Slow burn.)