Vienna's POV
We sat in silence for a while , till he finally spoke up .
" You do know the marriage is scheduled for next week right ? " He asked and I nodded .
" Is it convenient for you ? I could always have it moved ", he said . " I mean I'm not even ready ", he mumbled to himself .
" No it's fine , the only concern I have is that we barely know ourselves ", I cleared my throat " all I'm trying to say is that you never know , I may or may not be the ideal bride you dream of ", I said . I didn't really care , and though I wasn't really the type to daydream about marriage and love as a teenager , because I had better things doing , I still didn't want this type of marriage , living with a total stranger , with no idea of each other . Moreover getting to know each other better might get the marriage called off , because who would want to get married to me ?
" If you're free tomorrow then we could go on a date , I have some office work , but I would be done by six tomorrow , and if you're free I can come pick you up ", he suggested .
" I really don't have the time for that , I have better things to do ", I said , but it came out more rude than I meant for but I didn't care anyways .
" I don't want this either , but my dad already planned this , and he doesn't like it when people make his money go to waste ", he responded coldly
" I'll try my best ", I said , disappointed at myself , but I didn't have much options .
" Oh and before I forget , here ", he cleared his throat " will you m-marry me , um ... " He said , forgetting my name .
" Vienna ", I reminded .
" Yes , that's right . will you marry me Vienna ", he asked , standing next to me , too arrogant to kneel and propose formally . I eyerolled at that .
" Yes ", I said , rethinking my entire life's decisions and choices . He took out a silver ring with a sapphire at the centre , and slid it down my index finger .
" It probably isn't that good , but sapphires are my favorite gems and also it – ", he stopped abruptly " nevermind what I was about to say ", he added .
" No it's fine , I like it ", I said .
" Oh , that's great . Let's go inside and join the rest of them ", he said .
And he got up , taking my hand slowly as if waiting for an expression . I would have pulled my hand away , but I understood that he was only trying to give them the impression that we were so in love . How funny ! It would be really silly of them to actually buy it .
We walked into the living room , all eyes staring at us . My eyes met Avanna's and was she greener than a pea ? A smile crept it's way onto my face .
I walked over to my mom , sitting next to her , and Dante sat next to his dad where he was .
" So is the marriage on ? " Francesco asked .
" Yes ", Dante responded .
" He asked me to marry him ", I whispered to mom , faking the excitement . I just wanted her to see me happy , so that she could be happy as well .
" Wow Vee , that's good news ", she said .
" Look at the ring , it suits my hair colour ", I said and she stared at it in delight .
" It's special and beautiful , just like you ", she said , and I turned the ring around my finger , I had noticed that Avanna was busy watching us , so I had to give her a reason not to look away .
* * *
I opened my room door and mom was standing outside . Seriously ? It's normal for her to be up by that time , but did she have to disturb my sleep by knocking on my door this early ?
" Good morning mom , come in ", I said , and she came in .
" Morning Vee , your room is a mess , and your face ... did you get enough sleep ", she said and I simply sighed , typical mom .
" I'm fine mom , and how could I get enough sleep with you knocking on my door by five thirty in the morning ",
" Did I disturb your sleep ? ", She asked softly , sitting on my bed .
" No , you didn't ", I said sarcastically sitting down too .
" So what do you want to talk about mom , what's wrong ? " I asked , and she looked down , playing with the hem of her dress .
" Well concerning your marriage with Mr Ricci's son , I just thought I'd tell you not to make a fuss about it , and just do what your dad wants , hopefully everything would be fine , oh and try to respect your husband and his father and do their wishes ", she said , making eye contact with me at the end . But at this point , my head was a complete mess .
Who did she say I was getting married to ? Mr Ricci's son , well I knew who I was getting married to , Dante , but I didn't know he was Dante Ricci , only the son of the most powerful , merciless and dangerous mafia . Seriously ? Francesco couldn't get to killing me himself , so he wanted my in-laws to kill me . Really ? So how was this going to work , now this just made the whole story clear .
Dante Ricci , the charming first son of Mr Ricci , know for his temper , and heartless nature , toyed with girls , and never had a girl on his bed more than once , except his mistresses . So I was going to get married to not only a skull crusher , but also a womanizer , well technically that's how the stories had it .
" Wait , hold on mom , Dante Ricci ? you watched Francesco arranged my marriage with Dante and you didn't say a word ", I said , standing up from my bed , running my fingers through my hair .
" Vee , there wasn't much I could do , and seeing as you two got along well yesterday , I thought maybe it could workout , moreover you know your dad never listens to me , he'd only blame me for all your mistakes ", she sobbed and I sighed , turning to notice her now teary eyes .
" Mom ", I said , walking over to her and holding her in my arms .
" Don't cry mom ", I said .
" Vee , promise me that you would marry Dante no matter what , do this for your mother Vienna , if you don't Your father – "
" Francesco ", I corrected
" Vee ", she scolded " he'd make my life a living hell , worse than it already is . Left to me , I wouldn't let you marry that monster as well , but I know he can protect you , and hopefully you might find happiness with him , please Vienna ", she pleaded , and I nodded .
" I promise mother , now can you stop crying ", I said wiping her tears .
Soon she left my room , and I collapsed onto my bed , staring at he ceiling , I shifted my gaze to my engagement ring which was in my nightstand . Thank goodness mom didn't see it there , I put it back into the drawer after staring at it for a while . One thing I was certain about was the fact that I didn't want it on my finger. It felt like fire burning my skin , it was so sickening for me , and I didn't want to remember that I was engaged or who it was to .
I went back to my bed , laying down again , staring at the ceiling , thinking of when and how my life became this terrible . I heard my phone ringing but I ignored it , I didn't want to do anything , I didn't feel like thinking , it felt like my world was crashing down . I didn't want to get married , because my freedom , I couldn't get tasks , or hang out with my friends , or drink at the club as often as I want , I'd have to put on the charade of a perfect wife .
My phone rang again , and I turned to it furiously , with the intention of throwing it to the floor , but then I saw who was calling , Maximo , I answered the call , and he informed about the details of some new mafia that was speedily become our competitor . I rushed into my toilet , and brushed my teeth , I took a shower , then I grabbed a tank top and my black hoodie , and black pants . I wore my white sneakers , and went downstairs , luckily no one was in the living room so I quickly went out with my car .
I stopped in front of the bar that Maximo had told me about , then I used my hoodie to cover my head , and put on my shades , then I got down from the car , walking into the bar . A middle aged man held my waist , and I gave him a dirty slap , pushing him a way from me , disgusting , how could he touch a woman without her consent .
I climbed the staircase , up to the exclusive session of the bar , apparently that's where the deals where done , I simply say on one of the bar stools , observing everything that was going on , there were some strippers dancing on a pole , and I couldn't help but notice a younger man who held a briefcase , but seemed really tense . First suspect acquired !
I walked over to him , sitting next to him , not sure of what stunt to pull , but I knew it had to be a seductress card , I wasn't good at it , if only I had Liz here with me , but no ! Liz was definitely out of my business , I didn't want her in danger .
" Hey ", I said sitting opposite him
" Uh - hello ", he replied , looking away , as if searching for someone .
" Are you waiting for someone ", I asked him .
" Yes ", he responded .
" Oh , I see , do you have crack in the suitcase ? " I whispered so only him could here , but he simply burst out laughing .
" This isn't crack young lady , it's way more stronger , and it's more expensive , it had only one supplier , but now we supply it as well ", he said
" Oh ", I said , acting like a curious little child .
" Can I try some ? ", I asked him .
" This one is for someone , maybe I can get you some next time ", he said .
" I really need it today , how about I go with you to your warehouse , and you give me some ", I said , and he looked as though he was confused on whether or not to give in .
" Okay ", he said , with a glint in his eyes as if he had other plans
" Thank you sooo much ", I responded , getting up and walking back to the bar stool where I was initially .
I watched him intensely from there . Soon an der man came dressed in a black suit , and he sat next to the guy , the guy gave him the suitcase , and he gave the guy another suitcase , I assumed it was money .
After the man left , the guy walked over to me .
" Let's go ", he said , and I nodded .
" Okay , give me a second , I need to use the bathroom ", I said , and I walked over to the restroom , just like you expected , drink people all over , some puking , others making out , you could even hear moans from the toilet . I walked into an empty one , took out my phone and dialed Maximo .
" The job is done , I'd text you the location when I get there ", I said
" Thanks you so much Vienna ", he said .
" You're welcome ", I hung up , getting out from the bathroom .
I saw him still waiting for me , so I walked up to him .
" Let's go now ", I said , and we walked to his car , and he zoomed off . The drive was silent aside the radio that kept us company . I stared outside the window observing the location .
" You didn't get to telling me your name ", he said .
" Was I supposed to ? " I said
" I guess not , but it wouldn't hurt to know , now would it ", he said , looking at me , and at this point , I was fighting back the urge to punch him , but I kept myself calm .
" You didn't tell me yours either , so it's only fair ", I said , and he parked the car , infront of an abandoned building , which I assumed to be their store .
" I'd be right back , let me just get it ", he said , and went into the building , the I sent Maximo the location .
I stared outside the window impatiently . I could hear voices inside , almost as though they were arguing . I just couldn't make out what they were saying . I opened the car door quietly and went inside , the place smelt of drugs . There were oil barrels and cartons lying around helplessly , and huge pillars situated at a certain interval .
I tiptoed into the building , thankfully my shoes were noiseless . I could see the back of one of the men , he was holding a gun pfft ... I had seen bigger and more scarier guns , who could that gun scare ? I couldn't see the rest because they were obstructed by another pillar . I hid behind one of the pillars , bending down so a carton would cover me , while I went behind another pillar , now I could hear them clearly .
" How could you bring a random person , here , she could be a spy ", the one I saw with the gun earlier scolded the guy who had brought me here , and I couldn't deny the fact that he deserved it , he was so foolish and gullible .
" Just chill out , it's just a girl , what can she do , moreover she wanted to buy some and I thought we could have some fun with her as well ", the guy that had brought me here defended himself , and I felt like giving him the beating of his life . How could he think of taking advantage of a girl ? That was so wrong , not only did he lack training , but he had no respect for women whatsoever ever . I clenched my fist in anger , ready to leave the warehouse , because I had certainly heard enough . As soon as I moved my feet , it tough one of the carton boxes , and it lost balance , it made to fall but I caught it just in time . What a close call ! Until I heard the ones above it fall to the floor as well . Great ! Just great !
I stood up from where I was hiding , walking out to the confused and surprised faces of the four men . They turned their attention to me instantly , and their first instincts were to point a gun at me . Such weaklings !
" Such weaklings ", I said " you are so scared of a mere girl that you can easily kill with your bare hands , so why point guns ? " I said , walking closer to them , and they lowered their guns moving backwards .
" Get back , or else we'll shoot ", the guy who had brought me there warned .
" No need for that , I was thinking we could do it the old fashioned way , hand to hand ", I said , with an evil smirk forming on my face .
" A girl , challenging us ? ", They seemed pretty astonished .
" Challenge accepted ", the one with the gun that I had seen earlier said . I had only heard two of the guys speak , the other two were almost useless , one was really , tall and big , your typical definition of huge . But I hadn't heard him say a word yet . The other was really tall , but skinny , I feared that I might break his bones .
" Whose first ", I asked
" You make your choice ", the other one who had driven me there said .
" How about you ", I said pointing to the huge one , and their eyes widened , probably amazed at the fact that I chose the guy that looked most intimidating.
He stepped forward lounging at me , but I moved away quickly , and he hit the pillar behind me , oops ! I ran up to him , throwing him punches , first at his stomach , then at his head , and I finished him off by kicking his crotch , he placed his hand on that area rolling back and forth in pain .
" Who's next ? " I asked , turning back to meet the horrified faces of the remaining three .
" We'll take it from here ", I heard Maximo's voice say , and I turned to see him walk in with some of Francesco's men .
" Thanks again , your car is outside btw ", he said , and I nodded , steadying my shades on my nose bridge , and walking out of the place .