The mind of this minion was empty - and he wasn't being rude; just factual. It was empty in here.
There were no stars, no lights, no webs that connected things together - nothing. Just one or two few glowing green embers that only held three or four words each maximum.
These weren't souls. These were husks. He supposed it wasn't as much of a crime to reanimate dead bodies as it was to completely hijack someone still alive - but Azier was certain he understood why his Azrael used the dead; they had nothing to fight back with.
What a dick.
Well, as long as he was here...may as well have a little fun... What was life without a little fun?
He called out into the blank mind and listened for an echo. It was brief, but it was there - and immediately he let out a small chuckle as the sound died quickly.