When she woke up, she was confused. She swore Azier had been here. She smelled him. She heard him. She felt him.
. . . So where was he?
At first, she stayed still as her yellow orbs opened and adjusted to the dim light. Her ears took in every single detail it could; the whisked wind outside, the lovely sound of waves as they crashed, and the shuffle of feet that scraped the ground frantically. Perhaps Azier had been here after all - and her heart raced.
Still aware of what surrounded her however, Yrsula opted to stay mostly still as she turned her head to find the source of the sound. To her disappointment, it was Tobias who made the noise, and with the silence that permeated around them, Azier was not there.
She had never known Azier to be silent for a long time, and by now he would have cracked a joke to freshen the stale air. Her heart broke under her rib cage as tears crawled out of her, dragged down her temples and absorbed into her hair.