Marigold continued holding on to Beau's arm tightly. Beau thought to himself, 'She's holding my arm… She's actually holding my arm… I'm so happy and nervous all at the same time.' He glanced down at her, seeing her face buried into his chest. He thought, 'I want to stay like this forever. To have her close to me, to be close to her. I want her to stay by my side, I want to stay by her side for the rest of my life. She's a dream come true, my princess.' She felt his arm, feeling his muscles, and she thought, 'He's so strong… And when I'm near him I feel so safe… Like there's nothing in the world that could ever hurt me. I wish we could stay like this forever. He's so sweet, so handsome, so amazing… I've never met anyone like him… He's really something different, a Blessing. I can't focus when he's around me… I can't stop thinking about him. He's always on my mind. No matter what.' She moved her head, laying the side of her head on the side of his shoulder, and she thought, 'If only we could stay like this forever. It's like I'm daydreaming every time he comes around me.' She felt the muscles of his arm begin tightening, and she loosened her grip thinking, 'Oh, I had his arm gripped so tightly. I was probably killing his arm. How did I not notice how tightly I gripped his arm? Why can't I stay focused around him? He's such a distraction.' He put his opposite hand on his shoulder (to the arm that Marigold grabbed), and moved it in circular movement while thinking, 'Who would have thought that her of all people, as tiny as can be, would have such a tight grip. It's like she was cutting off circulation to my arm, but I loved every moment of her holding me. I shouldn't complain, I guess. This is the first time she's held me like this, for this long. I should just be happy that she's letting up a little bit and starting to actually enjoy life.' She looked at Beau, seeing him staring at her, and said, "Wow Beau, you just broke a record." He chuckled, saying, "What record did I break?" She said, "Your own…" He said, "My own? I don't think I understand." She laughed and said, "For the longest stare time. You have been officially staring at me for a solid 7 minutes, which is way longer than you've stared at me in the past. So, you have officially broken your own record." He rubbed the back of his head with his hand as his face turned red, and he said, "I guess you're right. I did break a record. Speaking of records, I think you broke one on your own, too, Miss Marigold." She chuckled, saying, "Oh yeah? What record did I break?" He said, "For the longest hold time. I mean, you haven't let go of my arm since take off, and it's been a solid 20 minutes. So yes, Miss Marigold, you've broken your own record too." She quickly let go of his arm, and she said, "I'm sorry, I got carried away. Ugh, you keep distracting me, Beau.' He smiled and said, "And you keep distracting me. You make me lose my train of focus whenever you're by me. You take up all of my thoughts. You distract me just when you look at me with those stunning crystal blue eyes." She said, "Oh, and what about your warm gray eyes." He asked, "Warm gray eyes?" She answered him, saying, "Yes, warm gray eyes. Every time I try to think, every time I try to do something, there you are with your perfect eyes staring at me, making me forget what I was doing. Every second you get, you stare at me, and you take away my focus. I feel your eyes staring at me, and then I can't think of anything else." He chuckled and said, "I feel the same way about you and your eyes, Miss Marigold. Every time I see you looking at me, I feel my heart stop. It skips a beat. Your eyes are my weakness. When you look at me I can't help it, I forget everything." She said, "I'm amazed that my crystal blue eyes can do that to you." He said, "I'm not. They are stunning. You are stunning both inside and out." Her cheeks turned red, and she said, "T-Thank y-you Beau."
17 hours passed, and the plane landed in an airport in Paris. Beau and Marigold got off of the plane and left the airport, standing outside the front glass doors to the airport.
She looked at Beau, holding the clothing he got her in her hands, and she said, "Now Beau Bax, where are we going?" He smiled at her, saying, "Don't worry about it." She said, "Well, how are we going to get to wherever we're going? We don't have a car and what about a hotel? Don't we need reservations?" He said, "Don't worry about anything, Miss Marigold. I have everything covered. I wouldn't just fly you out, halfway across the road, without knowing where we are going to stay and having transportation to get there." She said, "Oh really well, I don't see a car… How are we…."
The sounds of a shiny, black sports car engine interrupted her. The car pulled up next to them (on the street), and Beau said, "There's our driver. Right on time." He walked up to the car, opening up the back passenger's side door, and said, "Alright, my princess, let's get going." She got into the car, and Beau closed the door behind her. He walked over to the back driver's side door, opened it, and got inside, closing the door behind him.
The inside of the car had black leather seats, a touch screen stereo, and black flooring. The aroma of vanilla from an air freshener filled the car, filling Beau and Marigold's nose with its sweet scent.
Beau said to the driver, "Take us to Grand Plots Hotel," and the driver said, "Right away, sir," and drove off heading to the hotel. Marigold's eyes widened as she thought, 'Grand Plots? That's a 5 star hotel and extremely expensive. I can't believe we're actually going there. I've always wanted to go.' Beau looked at her and said, "I hope you like the Grand Plots, it isn't my first go-to hotel but the one I normally stay at is fully booked for the night so it's the next best thing." She said, "Beau Grand Plots hotel is a 5 star hotel and it's expensive, like very expensive." He chuckled, saying, "I know how much it costs, and I know it's 5 stars. I wouldn't want you staying anywhere else other than a 5-star hotel. You deserve the best that I can give you. I wouldn't want you to settle, I want to give you the best I can offer." She said, "Beau, you are so sweet, but you don't have to go out of your way like this. You are always trying to spoil me." He said, "Because you deserve to be soiled. You have been through so much, Marigold. You have always put others before yourself, you are always taking care of other people before yourself, etc… You give everything you have to people and still try to keep giving and you do it without complaint and without expecting something in return. You do so much all the time Marigold, now it's time for someone to do it for you. Now it's your turn to be taken care of. You deserve to get spoiled, and I'm going to give you the best that I can offer you." She smiled and said, "Awe Beau, you are so sweet and good to me. You are always trying to make me happy even after everything… You are too kind and sweet. Thank you, Beau." A soft smile came to his face, and he said, "You're welcome, Marigold."
They rode in silence for the rest of the car ride. After 45 minutes, the driver pulled up to a tall 27-story building that had a solid 7k gold sign that had the words Grand Plots on it.
Marigold and Beau got out of the car, Marigold still holding her clothing that Beau bought for her in her hands, and they went inside the building while the driver took off.
Inside they saw shiny white flooring, beige walls, two gold elevator doors, a high white clock that hung behind the white marble front desk, a vase of roses that sat on the front desk, and the lights built into the ceiling. A man dressed in a black suit with a name tag with the name Henry on it stood behind the front desk. Beau and Marigold walked up to the front desk, and Henry said, "Welcome back, Mr.Bax Jr." Henry handed Beau a Platinum colored door key card while Beau reached out and took it. Henry said, "Enjoy your stay," and Beau said, "Thank you."
Marigold and Beau walked over to the elevators, and Beau pushed the button. They stood by the elevators waiting for one to come. She glanced at Beau and thought, "This place is so beautiful. It's one of the fanciest places I've been. I've never seen anything like it, and the fact that Beau was/is willing to pay for us to stay here is amazing. I never thought that Beau was ever this big of a sweetheart. To put me before himself, to spoil me the way he does… He's amazing, and he's kind." Beau smiled at her and said, "What is the beautiful Marigold thinking about right now?" Her face turned rose red, and she said, "Thinking? I wasn't thinking about anything." Beau chuckled, saying, "I saw the look on your face." Marigold asked, "What look," and Beau smiled while saying, "The look you get when you're in deep thought. It's the same face I make when I'm really deep in my thoughts. So what is the beautiful Miss Marigold thinking about?" She smiled and said, "Alright, you caught me, I am deep in thought." He said, "I knew it. What are you thinking about, princess?" She said, "If you have to know, I'm thinking about you." He thought, 'She's thinking about me… She's deep in her thoughts about me. I wonder what she's thinking about… What she's drifting away in her thoughts about,' and said, "Oh, so you're thinking about me… What about me?" She looked down, thinking, 'Why is he so interested in my thoughts about him…' and she said, "Well it's just you're so sweet to me and you're so willing to get me everything I want despite everything. I mean, you just flew me halfway across the world in first class to a 5 star hotel. Nobody has ever done anything like that for me before, and yet you are so willing to do it without hesitation. It's like you are sparing no cost when it comes to me. You are going above and beyond for me. You're even going as far as to buy me an entire wardrobe for this trip. You keep giving me the best, so I've been thinking deeply about that." He smiled at her, saying, "Because you deserve the best, my princess. I know this is a very drastic change for you. Your whole life just changed completely, but remember, princess, you are an heiress now. You are the wife of a CEO. Whatever I can get you, whatever I can get my hands on, if it's the best for you, I'll get it. Because you deserve the best, Marigold. You deserve to have nice things, you deserve to be taken care of for once, you deserve the best, and I want to give you the best." She smiled at him and said, "You are amazing, Beau. You are truly amazing…"