Our brain is a complex loop of neurological nerves that constantly try to assess and analyze things or events to make predictions to anticipate what will happen in the future. Some researchers have associated deja vu with the deficiencies in human memory. According to them, sometimes our brain is subjected to recordings of past events but in a reconstructive process that is influenced by factors such as our emotions, biasness, and expectations.
While most scientific explanations often provide valuable insights, they do not fully satisfy the complex nature of deja vu. Perhaps there's more to the idea of deja vu than just a temporary glitch in the brain's ability to recognise the occurrence of an event. I can't help but wonder, could it be possible that deja vu is actually a glimpse into a parallel universe or a tiny ripple in the fabric of time? Time, in itself, is an intriguing and enigmatic force that focuses on our literal existence. Among the concepts and theories related to time, the time loop theory is what interests me the most.
The feeling of being trapped within a perpetual cycle, like reliving and experiencing the same exact events repeatedly, is somehow linked with the theory of deja vu. In this journey, we will explore the idea of how time loop theory is linked with the fascinating concepts behind deja vu.
According to my theory, time moves in a loop similar to electrons around the nucleus .This constant circle of time sometimes overlaps each other, creating momentary visions if another phase in a time. This forms the basis of my hypothetical instrument and deja vu.