"Aye aye, Captain," Draken said, shrugging his shoulders in the face of Sir Amon's anger.
"Now that we have confirmed the students' safety, we can be a little more at ease," said Mira.
Earlier, they had been on edge due to the sudden intrusion of the One-Horned Wolf, but now that they were on high alert, they were confident that no accidents would occur under their watch.
"If you bastards don't get serious right now, then I'm going to sneak into your room when you're sleeping and pour Sneasle's blood on your bodies," Sir Amon threatened with a serious face, clearly implying that he was not joking.
Draken and Mira shuddered at his words. The blood of a Sneasle is one of the most foul-smelling substances ever found. If it's poured onto something or someone, the smell could last for days. And the smell is so disgusting that you would prefer being burned by fire instead of smelling that.