Chereads / Basilisk / Chapter 41 - The dawn of the twentieth century and the advent of the cano.nical events

Chapter 41 - The dawn of the twentieth century and the advent of the cano.nical events

"Another blind alley, is it not? Which is all too familiar by now; how did we come to embark on this quest for the creature in the first place?"

Alfonso sighed deeply, a melancholy and wistful expression on his face, as he poured a generous measure of brandy into a glass, nearly to the brim, and downed it in a single long draught.

"For the one hundred and sixty-seventh time we find only evidence of his deeds, but still we cannot lay hands on him!"

I was so frustrated that I almost spat on my friend's carpet. The damned thing was elusive! It was 1920 already, and in the past I had managed to make a lot of changes for the better in history, as I foolishly disregarded the potential consequences of failing to see the big picture.

Despite my best efforts to avoid having a global impact on history, it was impossible to stay away from it. And if I did, then the barn would burn down, and the hut would burn too!

Guided by such a mindset, I rolled up my sleeves and started cutting the world order as I pleased, because no one could stop me from doing so on the territory of the Western world. I did not go to India, China, or Africa for other reasons, not because I wanted to evade problems with locals, but because there was nothing interesting there. Unless the knowledge of ancient Egypt could have been useful to me, most possible sources of expertise in ancient Egypt had long been destroyed first by the Greeks and then by the Romans.. The bulk of the knowledge pertaining to their original school of magic, which was strong in the realms of death magic, maleficence, healing, ritual, and apostolic sorcery, had already been accessible to me courtesy of the repositories of the Vatican.

The most egregious and fundamental violation of Christian tenets was sanctioned polygamy. The most challenging aspect was not even convincing ecclesiastical officials of the propriety of such a move, nor that it was nothing more than the Lord's will, but rather obtaining legal recognition for these unions from secular authorities, a stance vehemently opposed by numerous European states.

In essence, we encountered resistance where we least expected it. Nonetheless, we managed to navigate through these challenges, albeit at the cost of changes in governance in certain countries, which were their own doing! When the Vatican strongly advises against erecting obstacles and doing as instructed, it is imperative to follow the guidance and not deviate. The petty kings and princes of the minuscule kingdoms of the erstwhile Holy Roman Empire had completely lost their sense of fear. It remains unclear where these individuals derived their sense of honor and audacity.? Completely devoid of incest, they fell in love, giving rise to generations of offspring from close kin.

And only recently did I begin to be plagued by doubts. Was my former world truly devoid of the supernatural and magical?

My thoughts were sparked by the fact that the idea of blood purity began to captivate the minds of magical societies around the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. By the fourteenth century, it had permeated into the mundane world, affecting even the royal houses of Europe.

If magicians, thanks to their abilities, were able to mitigate the consequences of inbreeding over five or six generations, the mundanes did not have such advantage. As a result, the noble houses of the mundanes began to manifest their characteristics much earlier, inspired by their magical counterparts.

Can humans, without justification or example, abruptly disregard the laws of nature and engage in reckless behavior?? Regardless of what one might think about our forebears, they possessed a keen and discerning mind, albeit lacking in fundamental scientific knowledge. Had it come to them, for the sake of their best offspring, that it was necessary to periodically introduce a mare from an external herd into their own to infuse fresh blood in order to enhance and maintain the breed.

But what if, in the case of the northern tribes, who almost led a life of wildness, there was always a stranger who happened to pass through their camp, and if they were to plant a young maiden, or even multiple maidens, to produce offspring, were the European aristocrats bereft of such knowledge, which was accessible even to the uneducated nomads and their peasants and shepherds alike?

In this case, only a poor example could have led to such a consequence. And here we have a one-to-one correlation. The sorcerers will discover the flaws in their theory much later than the uneducated individuals who chose to enhance their bloodline in this manner. However, once the number of genetic malfunctions reaches a critical threshold and magic proves incapable of addressing them, a rapid decline in the magical community will commence, both in terms of power and cultural advancement. This is because, along with the damage inflicted on their own magical abilities by those who pursued promiscuous interbreeding, they will inherit a plethora of mental disorders in their subsequent generations. After all, the likelihood of these disorders manifesting in the offspring of individuals engaged in incestuous relationships is quite high.. The oligochaetes Krebs and Goyle, Malfoy's squires from the Harry Potter series, represent a predictable and foreseeable outcome of what lies in store for the next two to three generations of magical families that chose to follow the path of pureblood exclusivity and closely related matrimony. This accounts for approximately one-third of all current noble lineages. After four to five generations, the issue of severe degeneration due to genetic anomalies is projected to affect seventy percent of the magical community if no urgent measures are taken.

However, I have no intention of intervening or assisting these degenerate individuals. On the contrary, I find the current state of affairs highly advantageous for my own interests. As these individuals continue to degenerate on their own, I shall simply seize their place in magical Europe for myself and my witcher vassals, whom I serve as suzerain lord, god, and benefactor.

At present, I have achieved a near-absolute dominion over Europe, encompassing the former territories of the Russian empire, as well as Korea, Japan, and several Latin American nations.

My adventure, hatched on my knee with Yarik, unfolded with remarkable smoothness, such that the direct heir to Hrerik's throne in the Russian Empire was greeted with open arms. Particularly noteworthy was Jaromir's declaration of his full support for Patriarch Tikhon. Simultaneously, there were whispers among the common folk that the Russian Empire would repudiate the Western heresies that had afflicted our nation, returning to the traditions and customs of our ancestors. This garnered widespread approval among the grassroots population and peasants. Consequently, over eighty percent of the nation's inhabitants were delighted to have such a monarch, one who would live by the precepts of their forebears, which were both understandable and agreeable to them. The magical society, on the whole, was beyond elated at the prospect of returning to their ancestral homeland, considering the interruption of the Kholmogor family, and the fact that three prominent families in Russia had been disrupted altogether, a coincidence of extraordinary proportions.. They were accused of conspiring and attempting to destroy the future emperor's lineage. However, there was never any justification for these allegations. I kept my promise to Yarik, ensuring that all those responsible faced the consequences they deserved.

I showed mercy only to children under the age of eleven, erasing their memories of childhood while preserving general information and skills. These children were deprived of their personal identities and then cut off from their familial roots. I entrusted them to our educational institution for their upbringing. They were no longer affiliated with the family of Yaromir's adversaries, thus preventing their transfer for punishment in his hands. Otherwise, he might have taken action against them based on their youth.

This is how the foundations of my new identity from a previous existence influenced me, leading me to believe that infants are eliminated in their cradles when they are deemed a threat to the future.

In an alternate reality, the Great War did not take place, though it was a distinct possibility had I not been preoccupied with my quest for the demon, and had not struck a bolt in my initial resolve not to meddle globally in the course of history in this world.

In this alternate reality, the Russian Empire, under the heel of Jaromir, had not joined the Entente. This development was met with vehement opposition in both London and Paris, with genuine feelings expressed behind closed doors only, but public sentiment remained cordial.

Indeed, if not for anger, there was also extreme indignation, which could be felt beneath the surface.? At the court of the Romanov dynasty, two factions held sway: Francophiles and Anglophiles. These factions periodically clashed, with one pulling the blanket over itself and the other pulling it in the opposite direction. During these periods, our nation worked not for its own benefit but for the interests of the nation that managed to advance its projects with our emperor.

Rarely, when our nation followed its own path, rulers would suddenly meet with unforeseen circumstances. Both the British and French would then invite a Russian to retrieve chestnuts from the fire, but the fool refused. England and France, acting in our best interests, sought to assist us in making the right decision. This ultimately led to the detection of several threads leading to a demon, who was caught in the act. However, the demon managed to escape, leaving only his puppet agents behind.

This entity has already undergone a meticulous process, orchestrated by a select group of influential individuals within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Intelligence services of both England and France. These individuals, despite their elevated positions, were instrumental in facilitating the entry of this entity into the inner sanctums of the Prime Minister's office in England and the presidential chambers in France.

Through these channels, the entity was able to influence decision-makers, purportedly acting on behalf of the German Empire, by orchestrating provocative acts and acts of terrorism aimed at inciting Russia and drawing it into an impending conflict on the side of the Entente, including the Russian Empire. Both France and England were not pleased with the intentions of the Germans, necessitating swift and decisive action on their part.. Germany, with its inherent sense of Ordnung (order), under the capable leadership of Bismarck, was able to swiftly develop its industry and embrace high-tech advancements. This allowed the nation to quickly catch up with and surpass France and England in terms of industrial production, significantly impacting their position in the market for expensive industrial goods.

However, their greatest transgression was their attempt to challenge England's maritime supremacy. This act was not easily forgiven, as England's global dominance was heavily reliant on its colossal naval might.

Naturally, the conspirators' plan to involve this method in the Entente against Russia did not come to fruition. French and British intelligence, without any significant difficulties and with the assistance of their sympathizers among the Russian nobility, initiated several futile attempts on high-ranking individuals, including the Minister of War. However, their primary miscalculation was targeting the imperial family itself.

Predictably, the attempt against Jaromir and his wife during their delivery failed, and the sorcerers swiftly apprehended the perpetrators, leading to their interrogation in a private location. Within three hours, they unraveled the entire conspiracy, tracing it back to the secretary of the English Prime Minister and the brother of the French President, who confessed and repented for their actions, not merely figuratively but literally.

All my sorcerers are endowed with spiritual authority and the right to receive repentance and conduct religious services.. Alas, those who had brought these two foreign powers to these decisions had no time to apprehend the Argali. Sensing danger, they set in motion a mechanism for self-annihilation, leaving behind only the remains of these demonic puppets.

For my agents, the swiftness of the investigation was not uncommon. Having apprehended all those implicated in Russia and having received representatives from the embassies of the nations that had commissioned the attacks on high-ranking officials and members of the imperial family in St. Petersburg and Moscow, the witch-hunters seized them by the throat. They then proceeded through the portal to those lands from which the orders for these acts of terror originated.

The surprise on the countenances of Paul Deschanel, President of France, and George VI, King of England, as they awakened from slumber was palpable. They found themselves not in the comfort and familiarity of their own beds in their respective residences, but in a dismal basement, shackled to a wall, suspended such that their feet barely brushed the floor, their hands reaching for the ceiling.

On that fateful day, it was made clear, albeit in opaque terms, that their roles had changed, and their games with Russia would no longer be tolerated. Failure or the discovery of errors would not be met with forgiveness. Their position was one of utter disdain.

George VI, in particular, bore a striking resemblance to the late Nicholas II, the last emperor of the Russian empire. This similarity was not surprising, given that George VI was the grandfather of Elizabeth II, who was a cousin to Nicholas II, and their mothers shared a sisterly bond.

As a consequence of an hour spent in the company of the witchers, the balance of power among those who deemed themselves celestials shifted dramatically. They no longer felt themselves invulnerable, realizing that even a single misstep could lead to their own demise, as well as that of their entire families, extending up to the third generation. The gravity of the witchers' threat left them stunned, forcing them to retreat to their homes amidst the onset of a quiet panic, triggered by the sudden disappearance of prominent figures from the state right under the watchful eyes of the guards and secret chancelleries.

The event in question occurred in the autumn of 1911 and was sufficient to bring an immediate halt to all activities in England, France and, consequently, Germany aimed at fomenting dissent in the Russian Empire. The situation was crystal clear.

Naturally, following the incident, Georg VI was enraged and promptly summoned the Speaker of the House of Lords, the English magi, who, while having retreated into obscurity due to the Statute, had not been relieved of their obligation of fealty to the royal family and remained subservient to the Throne of England. Georg's indignation was palpable as he, akin to a mere servant, despite his lofty position, had been subjected to humiliation in the dungeons, and his haughty pride demanded swift retribution for the insolent sorcerers.

It is worth noting that over a century had elapsed since the enactment of the Statute.. A succession of monarchs in England has not been without its share of change, and with the passage of time, the knowledge possessed by the English throne regarding the realm of magic has seen a significant decline in both relevance and credibility. With magicians deliberately distancing themselves from the realm of the mundane, there has been no pressing need for English kings and queens to keep abreast of the latest developments in the magical world.

When Lord McNair, the presiding officer of the House of Lords in the realm of magical clans under the English crown, was accused of dereliction of duty in his responsibility to safeguard the king's well-being (it was indeed the duty of magicians, the unspeakable of the Ministry of Magic in England, to provide magical security, who had failed to detect the stealthy infiltration of more skilled and potent sorcerers-witches into the palace), and the demand was made to immediately assemble a team of combat magicians to retaliate against the sorcerers.

Upon comprehending the gravity of the accusation and the identity of those who had angered George VI and issued the warning, Lord McNair elucidated to him the true nature of these sorcerers and explained that should England dare to take action against them, the royal lineage would swiftly find itself exiled to the Tin Islands, as the Vatican would launch a crusade against the nation that had chosen to confront the Catholic Order of Chivalry.. As the head of the Church of England is the sovereign of England, it does not take an oracle to foresee the outcome. The Vatican need not launch a campaign; a single Order of the Dragon would suffice to reduce the entire English magical aristocracy to the state of a drunken stupor in an instant.

While it may have been distasteful for Lord McNair to acknowledge and proclaim such a truth, his fear of potential conflict with the frosty witchers outweighed his hubris.

This sobered George quickly, and as he beheld the genuine horror of the situation on the face of Lord McNair, who was no less haughty than himself and spoke to him with a lip curl, he could not help but notice a certain bias in their interactions, as his mind and spirit were violently struck by ideas of pure bloodlines, making it difficult for him to communicate with those of lesser status.

Supposing that his equanimity and haughtiness, which he did not particularly fear to display to his superior, had broken the impasse of a potential conflict with the Order of the Dragon, who promised English wizards the desire of their king to seek retribution for his humiliation, it was worth considering whether or not George VI should become involved.

Approximately the same message was conveyed to the French President, with the aim of removing Russia from the political intrigues and squabbles of European politics. As a consequence, she has not been involved since that day. She has not ascended any further, for in the Russian Empire, the rapid reformatting of societal consciousness utilized a drastic alteration of certain Christian tenets, purges within the official ministries and palace administrative apparatus, and within the church itself.

This was accomplished by the hands of witchers who had flooded Russia, and it was done meticulously and effectively, as the Dragon Knights prepared for themselves in their new homeland. After all, every member of the order fully understood that once a witcher took control in Russia, it would be for centuries, if not millennia, and they would not allow such a valuable asset to slip through their grasping fingers. Moreover, all of Emperor Jaromir's wives underwent the initiation process.. They became witchers, of course, by taking the corresponding oaths of fealty to me, for themselves and for their heirs. Thus, the current generation of the reigning dynasty of the Kholmogorovs may sit on the throne for centuries to come. A curious incident has arisen: how will they account for the longevity of Russian monarchs with their wives, given that Europe is governed by the law, and Russia is not? But that is a matter for another time, and it is not my concern, so I have foolishly put it out of my mind.

In the course of the past fifteen years, substantial progress has been made towards enhancing not only the welfare and overall situation of witches and Russia, now recognized as the homeland of our Order, but also towards unraveling the mystery of the demon that poses a threat to this world.

Alfonso and I have summoned the Scorpion Man on six additional occasions, yet, similar to the initial encounter, he has failed to provide any insights into the demon we seek, nor offer any enlightenment regarding its nature.

I had an idea that I put into practice, regarding how to expedite the search. I opted to create hundreds of thousands of phantom duplicates of myself and dispatch them globally to commence an intensified quest for the entity that had been vexing me with its evasiveness.

In light of the imminent threat of demonic invasion, I reasoned that the larger my contingent of archmages, the greater my sense of security. However, there was a catch. My capacity for generating duplicates was limited, and I was restricted to a maximum of approximately seventy-five thousand plus or minus a few hundred. This figure fluctuates, and while a year ago it stood at 75,127, this year it stands at 75,069. Daily, this number fluctuates by a few hundred points. I am attempting to discern the correlation between these fluctuations in my maximum illusion capacity.. Nonetheless, as their number nears the ultimate value, I sense a pressure on my very being, akin to diving to great depths in the ocean. The world appears to protest against my vast presence, for my illusions — which are the product of my deceptive gift — are, in essence, a part of me. Reality, however, categorically opposes my grand scale on the tapestry of the universe.

Consequently, I was compelled to abandon plans for an endless army. Now, only forty thousand of my illusions engage in the search for the demon, while thirty-three thousand remain in reserve within the domain. A few thousand more are occupied with various tasks: some conduct lessons and training in the Citadel; some are ensconced within artifacts provided by my closest vassals for support; and some are constantly engaged in studying and assimilating knowledge from goblins, the Vatican, and other sources.

Alfonso's voice brought me back to the present moment, where we were in his manor in Vienna, sipping fine spirits.

"And?" I asked, distracted by the events that had unfolded since I had taken on Jaromir and the Japanese throne. With a threat looming over the world from an unknown demon, my attention had shifted to tracking the history of the possible canon and monitoring future characters in J.K. Rowling's universe. There was always something to do. I had only informed my closest confidants that I would appreciate news about Gellert Grindelwald and Albus Dumbledore, without revealing the precise reasons for my interest. It was enough for me to keep an eye on the situation. I purposefully avoided asking anyone to search for information about them or sending illusions in their direction.

Recently, a goldfinch has joined my guild, having passed the examination for the position of master of numerology. He requested an audience with the head of the guild, which was granted. Masters are afforded this opportunity once a year. Few enjoy such privilege, as it is not without consequence. What if my attention is misplaced? After all, they know that it is best not to approach me when I am not in a favourable mood.

You wish to hear of my interactions with the members of my guild. What was it that Gellert sought from me? If he is unrestrained, Alfonso will embark on a journey through memory, beginning so far back that by the time he reaches the topic, I will have forgotten my question.

You are always in a rush! I must say, this rogue has discovered the name of my family and my lineage, and with this information he thought he could manipulate me. The Brans family traces its roots back to the ancient Roman Brantia line of magicians, whose specialty was demonology. Imagine my surprise!

At the same time, he attempted to intimidate me with his physical strength and aura. Admittedly, he caught me off guard. He possesses the power of a minor practitioner on the Sumerian scale. This is remarkable considering his background, which includes inbreeding and a lack of proper education. These factors may have hindered his development, but they also contributed to the manifestation of his potential. Despite this, he managed to achieve remarkable strength.

It was a combination of luck and genetic anomalies in his paternal and maternal genomes that led to such an extraordinary result.. Alas, such fortune has fallen to such a fool. It is only due to my interest in him and my esteem for his achievements, which set him apart from the current conjurers, that I have allowed him to live.

As Alfonso recounted his encounter with what would appear to be the future Dark Lord, my curiosity was piqued. How, in the original tale, if indeed it occurred, did Gellert manage to escape death at the hands of my sister-in-law's husband after such an assault on a demonologist, one who could even make archdemons weep? I once required the tears of an archdemon for a curious potion. I confided in a friend about my predicament, to which he responded, "There is no need for concern," and a day later I witnessed an image in his ritual chamber, writhing within a pentagram, which could alleviate constipation and roared loudly, begging me not to allow a terrified man to approach it with a kitten.

Alfonso's subsequent revelation provided me with a clearer understanding of what I had witnessed. He had discovered the personal vulnerability of a Lord of the Dark Realm, who harbored an intense aversion to cats. This aversion was not merely physiological but also spiritual in nature.. It is difficult to say how it came about, but the daemon was viscerally terrified of cats and concealed this vulnerability from all, which my companion became aware of.

"And you simply let him go after that?"

Well, I could not imagine that Grindelwald would leave Alfonso unscathed.

"Of course not! What do you think I am? I am a respectable wizard! Naturally, I instilled in the young man the proper etiquette when addressing those older and stronger than him, both in years and power, wizards."

"How intriguing! And what did you do?"

I was certain that Alfonso had committed some extraordinary act, if not in design or execution, then through sheer foolishness. He is a man of extremes.

"I banished him to Hell for a week."

My assumptions nearly choked me, along with my own tongue, at this revelation.

I thought I had heard correctly, but you say you sent the unfortunate fellow to the very Hell you mentioned, the one from the Old Testament, Goetia's dark realm? Have I understood you correctly?

The term "Goetia" is derived from ancient Greek and is often associated with sorcery, magic, and witchcraft. However, its origins can be traced back to a dark and multilayered dimension, from which demonic entities first emerged, seeking to exchange vitality and souls for magical powers and the fulfillment of human desires.

In essence, the early practitioners of dark sorcery on Earth were individuals who established contact with the entities of Goetia. This realm represents one of the most potent demonic planes in terms of power, surpassing even the Lang, which was known to the Sumerians, in terms of its relative insignificance. If the energetic landscape of our reality were not akin to concentrated acid for the beings of Goetia, they would likely have already seized control.

Within our world, only the elite members of the infernal realm can operate relatively unharmed, yet they also find their true home in the realm of Goetia, surrounded by a multitude of loyal minions.

— Well, you see, heh-heh! I may have overreacted a bit,» he averred his eyes shyly, like a mischievous child caught by his father, «in general, I maintain a reasonable and mutually beneficial relationship with Marquis Andras, who owed me a favor. So I contacted him and requested that he conduct a week-long tour of Goetia for Gellert, who was eager to delve into forbidden knowledge. After all, Gellert had asked me for knowledge of demonology, so I shared it with him generously.

My mind was in turmoil. Even in the original narrative, Grin lacked reasonableness and sobriety. He was allowed to accompany the Marquis of Hell on a tour of Goetia! The poor fellow must have been driven mad, and I am still here in this world! Can I not damn his canon and exterminate the cockroach before it does anything?

No, I will not rush into it just yet. I have given it some thought and have decided that I shall simply place spies upon him! Precisely. And simultaneously, as it were, for the sake of redundancy, on Albus as well, and then, lo and behold, this individual will find himself compelled to ascend, if not Alfonso's path, then Venenzo's, and instantly he will be imbued with faith in all that is good and bright, where the Common Good lay hidden.

"I see. And what of our return to our reality?" I inquired.

Alfonso responded in a hushed whisper, "Well, I stumbled a bit and trembled at any sudden noise." By the end of his reply, had it not been for my keen hearing, it might have been difficult to discern anything at all. "Can you please speak up, or I cannot hear you clearly?"

Now his words became altogether unintelligible.

"You see, he appears to have become grey. But do not worry! He was blonde before, so it is almost imperceptible…," and then, in a whisper: "and his complexion appears unhealthy."

"And what happened to him then?"

"What will happen to him now? I left him somewhere in Austria, he seems to come from there. Andras, true to our agreement, fulfilled his part of the contract, and Gellert's health is not in jeopardy, he is unharmed."

Indeed, what does his health matter? I am afraid to imagine what the mind of one who has been through Hell might do. Eh… it seems to me that if I had not been in this world, with the witchers, and all the changes that have taken place in this reality due to me, and which have benefited humanity, the Second World War here would have been far more bloody than in the original narrative. How fortunate that I exist and can, if necessary, muzzle the local Grindelwald.

"Well, then. Thank you at least for not forgetting to inform me about this matter. You might as well tell me this: when do you intend to propose to Lubava?"

"Why did you jump straight to this topic, and why should I suddenly propose to her? What are you talking about?"

"Alfonso, are you truly attempting to deceive me, an archmage of mentalism, a rational individual with nearly a millennium of experience? What on earth is the matter now? Do you believe I am blind and incapable of seeing the way you two look at each other? I should have proposed to her long ago. I do not understand you. She is a remarkable young woman, and you avoid all social circles."

"That's it! There's no point in hiding anything from you!" He raised his hands in surrender, then clenched them and slapped his knees, dramatically continuing: "But she's so, so… just… and I… and everything."

Yes… The situation is clear; my friend has been caught.

«That's it, tomorrow we'll woo your bride! And then I'll organize my family life, while you're still wandering around in disorder!»

Indeed! At the same time, I will assist Wolda, for the poor fellow is already climbing the walls in the neighbourhood, with a daughter who is sexually mature and, due to hormonal surges, engages in all sorts of foolishness, coming up with new ideas every day to attract her parents. Agnieszka will be quite delighted when we arrive to woo tomorrow. How they will not immediately hand their daughter over to us, along with a dowry prepared for who knows how many years! And if one thinks about it, they and Alfonso deserve each other, both obsessed with their own business and the nonsense of sorcerers who cannot see the obvious. I wonder who could possibly be born from such a union of hell!

But then we were diverted from our plans for tomorrow, the impending matchmaking, and my melancholy musings about the future progeny of Alfonso and Lubava, who upon their birth would fall under my jurisdiction as their sovereign, aided by my faithful patron in the form of an enchanting dragon slightly larger than the span of a palm, who bore a striking resemblance to Alduin from the Scrolls, who with the voice of my loyal companion, began to chide:

"My dear, return to your domain without delay and put an end to this situation! That reprobate has managed to convince your 'shoe-laces' to take your daughter hunting in the deepest caves, and you are now lingering with them somewhere in the bowels of the earth!"

In general, it was something to be concerned about. I had long since understood that Fesalia harbored a grudge after she had listened attentively to an order in silence, not voicing any objections, even though she might not have liked it. After all, she had done things her way in the past.

Thus, as soon as this young woman, accompanied by her friend Susan — the granddaughter of Marcus and Iolanthe — began to plan escapades from the surveillance of the elders in Rocky Shelter, climbing with Peverell's daughter and a group of manticores, venturing far beyond the territories known and controlled by our Order in the magical realm, I presented this pair of inseparable companions with a set of artifacts that served not only as visible protection but also as repositories for my clones. These clones monitored the surroundings in real-time and could leave their containers in case of need, either to protect them or to evacuate them.. Thus, I did not concern myself with her safety, for she possessed as many as four Archmage clones. Indeed, it has not been an insignificant period of time. Even formally and physiologically, theoretically speaking, she still needed to mature mentally for a considerable duration, even prior to adolescence.

Nonetheless, due to her upbringing among a rapidly growing race, her intellectual development was likewise swift. The physical form now strives to keep pace with the mental aspect of her soul. Why does she now correspond mentally to a twenty-year-old, while physiologically resembling a fifteen-year-old? A highly developed fifteen-year-old! Also, she is exceptionally witty and enjoys teasing her adoptive father, constantly seeking to place him in awkward situations, orchestrating our interactions in such a manner that their meaning becomes ambiguous. It is even difficult for me to comprehend how to intimidate her or exert influence over her.

A few years ago, when she learned something else, I threatened her with a rod. In a languid tone, she agreed to be punished immediately, biting her lip. She jumped onto my lap, so that her delectable ass was on top of me. While I was trying to figure out what was happening, she had already taken off her pants and underwear, revealing her alabasterwhite and shameless bottom.

It took a great effort for me to restrain myself from embarrassment and control my penis, which was already erect and ready to touch her stomach.