The bus came to a stop after about fifteen minutes but it was really fast. Ordinarily, it would take a normal bus twenty five minutes to get to Green Field . Walking out of the box, Alessie was stunned by the beautiful scenery in front of her . ' wow ' was what she wanted to say but it came out as a whisper. On the other hand, June screamed

" OMG! I can't believe my eyes "

Everyone immediately turned to her with angry glares.

" um, let's get to class "

Alessie said chuckling a bit. June who was embarrassed enough nodded immediately and so they walked unaware of where their class was resided

" which way to go now Alessie ? "

June asked tired from walking around .

" must be new here "

A blonde girl said moving towards them. June immediately adjusted her glasses.

" um kind of "

Alessie said laughing

" We know our way here thanks "

June cut in staring at the girl in front of her. The girl smirked

" But it seems you've been walking in circles and you're getting tired "

" in circles? "

Alessie said with a frown. The girl was Catty and Alessie understood immediately that she was merely teasing them.

" Didn't notice, guess Green Field's too big for your imagination "

Catty said looking directly at June .

" yeah we're lo.... "

" Although Green Field's huge, we can manage. Right June "

Alessie cut in pinching June with a forced smile

" um, ye..s "

June replied stuttering. The smirk on Catty's face was replaced with a glare

" watch your backs Missy "

" How I hate that name. Common, we could be friends right? "

Alessie said with a small smile surprising Catty

" Ales... "

" right "

She asked pinching June again. Catty's eyes trailed Alessie down and she let out a chuckle

" You? "

she asked mockingly

" of course. it's bad to be mean with others so why don't we just befriend each other"

"for your information newbie, I don't just befriend people of your class. I only befriend high.... "

" and sophisticated people,Tssk! I knew you'd say that "

June interjected with a frown.

" Alessie, let's get going "

she said pulling her but Alessie didn't budge

" just a sec June, "

she said turning to Catty who glared at her

"you shouldn't judge a book by its cover "

Alessie said turning, leaving Catty furious

" I'll get you for this "

" love to see you try "

June said rubbing her reddened palm.