Chapter 60 - After noon of boringness

All Might ran off, after he congratulated everyone for the efforts put into todays exercise. 'To pop like a balloon...' He smiled a chuckled to cope with the fact that they were returning to this basic boring acts, when the teachers were bland and didn't know how to actually catch someone's attention, he was forced to literally force his curiosity. The students were transported back to the main campus, while Etheral was left alone to think of what to do after things are done here. Maybe just fall asleep, but it was more likely that he wouldn't be in need of sleep immediately, perhaps create something just to keep himself busy. Did all this motivation to find happiness just faded after he released the tension create from the desire of something more exciting. 'Nah, I ain't letting myself freeze again. I will find something, someone that would make things more interesting.'

He stood up from his desk with a smile on his face and went over to Mina before apologizing to her for earlier. She was surprised by it, but she accepted it.

Now with clear consciousness, he went over to his desk and rest his head, thinking, about something that could be the cure to it all...

"Nah, this is boring..." He said, thinking about using his creation, but he really didn't need it. It was just that he felt bored, his friends seem to be talking about something, but no one of them is laughing. So he believed there was nothing worth his time.

He created himself another pencil with alive ink, and duo to the lack of a note book began drawing on the desk which went smoothly for the most part. But then Ida came up to him.

"Hey, Don't draw on the school desks, this isn't your property!"

"Don't even worry about it." He said as he finished his little drawing of a humanoid creature. "Check this out." Eth signaled Ida to come closer and take a look.

"No! I will not respect your act in vandalizing school property." Ida denied his request, keeping his distance. To which he was struck with lifted shoulders and the words "You lose."

"Hey guys! Check this out." He said yelling out and pointing to his painting, which has already began moving. Some actually gathered, surprised to see the painting actually moving, and wondering is this another one of his quirky powers.

"Oh please, it's just another normal day for me, no need to open on this subject so much." He said giving a chuckle and shaking his head. But at least he was now part of the conversation, joining in on some subjects that were quite boring. From time to time having to say another joke just so he can have a reason to laugh.

But there was a problem... The afternoon classes were about to start. The bells rang and class was back in session... Which allowed him to think clearly, since he didn't pay any attention over this boring subject.

His mind boot up as he began with his creativity, he remembered his small trip on that train, perhaps he can make one, a smaller version, a trolley of sort. Perhaps he can add a limit to his level, some more quirks. This made his thoughts rush as to what he should add, the trolley is one of them, and he was planning on connecting it to level 9 and 11 for even easier access, or just to improve the atmosphere. But first he would need a blueprint to visualize how it would look. Or at least a sketch of one so he can copy and paste it all over the level.

He created himself a sketchbook, before taking another life bringing pencil and beginning working on it, it was quite easy since the ink straightened itself allowing him to not draw absolutely perfect. He was close to finishing until his name was called out, it was one of his friends, as the teacher called him, but he didn't hear them. "Huh?" He looked to his side. "Mr. Aizawa is calling you." His friend said. "Yeah? What is it?" Etheral replied with a calm tone, but on the inner layer he felt annoyed to be interrupted from his work.

Aizawa just wanted to grab his attention since he saw that Etheral hasn't been listening for fairly the whole time. Aizawa asked a question to see if at least a bit of knowledge has entered the kids head, and to his surprise. Eth replied with the correct answer, and didn't even need to listen it.... Because he managed to logically connect the dots about this knowledge.

The class continued on, and he didn't catch the warning as he finished his painting, the rails were set, the trolley was fully drawn and so it became alive, the rails moving showing an animation of a moving vehicle. He nodded satisfied by his work and closed the sketchbook before joining back in class mentally. Understanding the material from the first time Aizawa explained it made it easier, but sometimes he can't help himself but to do what he wants without a care in the world.

And after just a bit, the class was dismissed again, Aizawa wished them a great evening and left. "Anyways, does any of you know where we left off the conversation?" He asked as they gathered up some out of the group and vice versa. None of them really had any clue, it was something they talked about, but what exactly was a whole another deal.

In the meantime Midoriya returned, which broke the conversation apart, as the others went to introduce themselves to him and compliment him for his move on the exercise. He smiled, they seemed happy, so he didn't mind staying in his own silence. But then, strangely enough Izuku ran off after Bakugo... For some reason?

Most of the students went out of the room and looked through the window at what was happening at the entrance of the school.

Etheral didn't really care about it and the feeling eating him from inside was pushing him towards beginning his work on the level and the backrooms in general. "Welp, goodbye, I have no reason to stay." He said as he simply dived in the ground like a professional swimmer for comedic effect before appearing in his level, looking down at it like he did the first time it was worked on. Worthless plane of nothingness, being only a canvas for him to paint on.

Construction was back in session, as he made some random placements in his park. Where he replaced trees and other with stone, concrete and steel rails. Placing random stations here and there, and finally adding the limit he wanted for the park, being a few hundred kilometers and then a area for someone to take a walk, with the chance of finding a station and wait to go either from this sub-layer to the other part, level 9 and on the opposite side level 11. The paths on the walking area were simple material, just some small cobblestones and concrete to hold things together, and some areas didn't even have this. Just a dirt path for those who want to feel connected to nature.

So the final result was a smaller version of what was then, having the mountain being an extension to the extension, and now the final touch, working trolleys amongst nature, with a natural move cycle. 20 minutes apart and the outside touch, the final stop of a trolley. The loop, he might add a house for them later.

And with that, he was happy with todays work, walking through space into his room and resting up.