'Why should I go to the frontrooms?' A beam of light fell down onto the kids body who was reaching out. 'What is my purpose.' A glitched clone of him appeared behind him holding his chin and looking up. 'What am I fighting then I refuse to listen the voices in my head.' Both of him asked themselves, It was a scene that played in his mind, adding on some drama. The purpose, he was so desperate to know, was right before him. Motion, moving towards understanding alongside the happiness along the way, via action, drama, conflict... Desires.
"Well here's the answer folks, finding something that will make me happy..." He said to himself towards the invisible audience in his mind. As this happened he bowed, before falling forward and noclipping back to the frontrooms, a place which shares too much of the backrooms. Except entities, phenomena and glitches on the side of physics.
"Hello World! I am back!" He yelled with open arms towards the sky, he felt himself as a performer in a theater. Everyone looked at him and many just looked at him weirdly and walked past or away from him. "Oh yeah, that..." He said as he glitched his face into the one he remembered from far back, but now, it refused to settle in place with glitches appearing all around his head. And he felt it happening, numb places switching off and on.
"Well, Guess I will make them remember me." He said as he switched back to his new looks, a whole new person. He can do another crazy stunts involving the backrooms, or do another crime that can't be stopped so there is an evidence of him... But why would he bother doing this, when he is standing on the main stage. But what will the act be? Another random villain with problems... This was annoying, when he never truly had a reason to fight. He could just sit, be a part of the world and reflect upon his existence... 'What do I lack?...' He thought to himself as he created a wound in reality towards his little creation. The lobby, The summary of the backrooms. The one connected to all.
He could bend the rules that weren't even there. For the sake of entertainment. It was about the journey, not the destination. Did he lack the capacity to reach his goal? He felt as if he wasn't getting even a bit closer toward understanding himself.
When he talks with other entities, he is happy, because he never focuses on himself unless he is asked a personal question, but it never truly happened with the gentleman on level 5, he knew who he was and didn't push it. "Society... A combination of people driven by unknown motives and desires. This is what brings us together." He said to himself while facing a while, People looked at him as if he was a schizophrenic. But they were far from the truth, he just was... And there is nothing to it. He came here with a fine goal, cool the cubes of royal rations. He simply needed to find a place where he can do that, a fridge? Maybe ice from somewhere.
So he began walking renewed, focusing upon the world around him. As he walked for a few more minutes he reached a convenience store. In which he entered before pulling out the cubes from his pockets and molding them back into a bigger cube, before moving towards one of the refrigerators and making way to put the cube in there. "Hey you can't do that!" An employee said stopping what they were doing and walking over to him. "Don't worry, it's worth it." He said as he smiled at the refrigerator before looking towards the employee with that same smile.
"Huh? What the fuck do you mean? This is a convenience store, not your house." The employee said looking at him angrily. "Shh, Just pretend i am not here." The child said as he sat down and waited for the jell to cool off. "Don't shush me, I am the manager here. I would like to ask you to leave." The guy said looking down at the child as he reached towards the handle of the refrigerator door, but his hand passed through it. "You...! Don't tell me, you are!?..." The manager pulled backwards away from the child.
"Don't worry man, I am peaceful. All I want now is just to cool off this jell, I will give you some, I promise it's good." The child said with a smile, knowing that there is nothing that could stop him. He simply exists to do as he pleases.
"Fine..." The guy admitted defeat, somewhat fearful for his life. The child was chaotic and unpredictable most of the times. The manager continued restocking the goods on the shelves.
After a few minutes of silence, in the meantime, from time to time people see him, just sitting there, The jell finally cooled off, The child stood up and opened the refrigerator eagerly to take another sweet bite from it, since he was beginning to get hungry. As he took it in his hands, he lifted it up as he heard an ironic angelic singing at the back of his mind, as if to create more anticipation in his mind.
From the perspective of the cameras he looked weird, and really goofy in a way. After he enjoyed the moment of having the perfect chill portion of jell in his hands. He split them into cubes and went to the manager with a smile, before grabbing a cube with two fingers and handing it to him with a smile of his face before he left the store, with his portions of cubes. 'How am I supposed to keep them in this state?' A question emerged in his mind. "Welp, eating them while they are still cold is the best I can do... Unless I am able to get an item which can keep them cold... Create?"
'Can I create items? I literally reformed the perfect void, can cut through reality with my mind... And... Wait? I can't think of anything else.' He thought to himself as he threw a cube of relay rations in his mouth and began walking alongside the street.