Chereads / Naya The Witch Hunter / Chapter 50 - Chapter 48: Aleria's Church

Chapter 50 - Chapter 48: Aleria's Church

It wasn't difficult to find the Aleria church, with its tall spires poking high and the lack of other buildings in the vicinity. It was surrounded by well-kept bushes and tall trees, then circled by beautiful flowers. There were even some that glowed.

The building itself was majestic, almost as much as the Rozen palace. It had many spires jutting from the roof, a large circular glass window depicting a holy tree, and a large double door that stood domineeringly above a flight of stairs.

Naya nodded in approval.

--This used to be for Thuphiroan, but he fell out of favor long ago. --Verala said.

--What? --Lia asked in shock.

--You didn't know? Heh.  --Though she wanted to sound arrogant, the trepidation in Verala's voice was hard to disguise.

[Explain it to me. ]

It was no wonder. Naya intended to seek Verala's removal at some point, and the church represented a possible avenue. However, Naya didn't have confidence in a human's ability to understand mental magic done to Elves. Even Naya didn't understand fully how it could have happened.

The amount of power it took was absurd, but for it to be possible at all wasn't a pleasant thought. 

--Thuphiroan is... was the god of light. His people were the ones responsible for elevating healers to the upper class. However, without their god present, it was easy for Aleria's followers to usurp their position. Heh, they even purchased this building with little resistance. --

--That... is a tragedy. --Lia spoke sadly.

[I'm interested to know more about these mortal gods.]

--Oh? --Lia sounded shocked. --That's a surprise. --


--It's a mortal affair. -- 

[I'm merely curious about Aleria's old competitors.]


--Competitors. --Verala's light laugh interrupted. --That's a very apt way of putting it.--

Rula suddenly tugged on Naya's arm, "I'm still here, you know."

Naya cleared her throat. "I apologize; let's go." 

--Well, these aren't matters we need to be concerned with. --Lia said, but still, she sounded a bit sad.

A short ascent up a small set of wide stairs led Naya to the massive doors of the church. On the left and right wall, there were two normal-sized doors.

Naya moved toward one of those.

She picked up some movement from inside; she only hoped there would be a healer. 

It felt weird to step into a church dedicated to her god in mortal lands, and it filled Naya with a solemn feeling. She still wasn't sure if Aleria accepted it. But the humans were obviously dedicated to her worship; even the wife of the city lord was a follower.

The interior was a long hall lined with benches and a beautiful red carpet with forest green outlines, which led to a majestic tree. The tree was behind an altar and stretched to the top of the building, with its roots extended below ground. The church was at least two stories. Naya saw bookshelves lining the upper floor walls. There were people still before the shelves with open books in their hands.

Everyone wore similar white and gold robes, with the same pattern she saw on the priestess at Rozen's gate. 

"Sorry, but-" Naya heard a familiar voice, and light footsteps came from her side. "Madam Naya!" 

It was Elizabeth Morthall, the priestess who healed her when she first got to Rozen.

"It's you!" Rula exclaimed.

"You really came!" Elizabeth quickened her steps and arrived in front of Naya.

Her brown hair was tied into a ponytail, and her hazel eyes appeared tired. However, the glint of excitement was hard to hide.

"I need her healed." Naya gently pulled Rula forward, pushing her injured arm out to show the gash.

Elizabeth's eyes widened. "By Aleria, that's a nasty cut! Come, come!" She wasted no time and gestured for the two to follow.

By then, most eyes in the church were on Naya. 

They made her uncomfortable. Those stares were like she was Aleria herself and were similar to how Rozen's wife looked at her.

Elizabeth led them through a door into a hallway decorated with golden patterns depicting tree roots. The floor was the same red as the carpet in the main room. It was extravagant. 

Eventually, Elizabeth pulled them into another unassuming door, which held a small room with a long table in the center. One chair on one side and multiple on the other.

Similarly, the pristine white walls were decorated with golden trees.

The privacy meant she wanted to talk as well, which did grate Naya. She already had people vying for her time.

--It would have to happen sooner or later; might as well get it all done in one go. --Lia said.

"Please, take a seat!" Elizabeth moved to the side with a single chair and sat down, then gestured toward the empty chairs.

"Naya needs healed too!" Rula exclaimed as she pulled out one of the chairs to sit.

Elizabeth snapped her head over to Naya and looked her up and down with a worried look.

[Very unpleasant.]

--It is a bit creepy, isn't it? --Verala spoke, though she sounded amused.

--Well, we've discussed it before, but Elves are likely seen as the closest to Aleria. --Lia explained.

[Even so... I don't like it.]

Elizabeth looked at her like she was a priceless treasure she had to take care of. In fact, Naya wouldn't be surprised if Elizabeth completely ignored Rula's wounds to heal hers. But of course, that would just upset her, and hopefully, the priestess wasn't that stupid.

Naya pulled out a chair and reached down to pick up Rula's injured arm.

"My injuries are not severe; heal Rula." She placed Rula's arm gently on the table.

"It doesn't hurt that bad!" Rula put on a brave face, but Naya caught the slight hissing Rula tried to hide on the trip to the church.

"It would be my pleasure." Elizabeth looked like it was a struggle to take her eyes off Naya, but she did regardless. 

Elizabeth leaned into the table and held out her right arm. Interestingly, her palm did not face Rula's arm but her body.

It made Naya feel a little foolish. But she hadn't seen a healer not place their hand directly over a wound. Though the way Elizabeth was doing it would be better. She didn't want to expose her skin to the priestess.

--You worry about silly things. --Lia said.

An ethereal hum filled the room, a noise Naya couldn't describe as anything less than mesmerizing. It seemed to occur when magic circles were created. However, the noise from Elizabeth's was akin to a soft lullaby, lulling those who listened to a peaceful slumber. 

Moments later, a golden magic circle formed inches ahead of Elizabeth's open palm. It would appear as if the circle formed instantly for most. But Naya was able to catch the gold flash, which indicated otherwise. 

--This girl is a lot stronger than she looks. --Verala sounded impressed.

--Is it difficult to create them that quickly? --Lia asked.

--Of course. Speed is the first and foremost thing a mage must work on, lest they die before even casting a defensive spell.--

[It's limiting. ]

--Well, Elves are able to do any magic instantly, so it's not something you would understand. But your companion... --Verala stopped, but her meaning was clear.

Rula was a summoner, so she needed to train her speed. Naya would figure out how to do that along with physical training.

A bright light stopped Naya's thoughts.

The contents of Elizabeth's magic circle became obscured by a bright golden glow. Threads emerged from the center, hundreds of minuscule strings that spread out toward Rula's chest.

"Woah~" Rula gasped and leaned in a little closer.

"Please, don't move," Elizabeth spoke with her eyes closed.

--I see. --Verala lightly chuckled. --She's trying to impress you.--

The threads touched Rula's chest at once a moment later and began to enter it as if there was no obstruction.

"It feels so weird..."

Then, a light golden glow seemed to spread throughout Rula's body until nearly every part of her glowed.

--This woman is a powerful healer. That spell Is a high-level one, and the Thuphiroan Church used to charge a hefty price for it. --Verala said. --This woman must be of higher rank in this church.--

[She doesn't look like it.]

Naya would describe Elizabeth as pleasant but certainly not someone she would expect to be in a powerful position. Though perhaps that was better. 

The stable glow within Rula's body gradually began to lose its luster.

"It feels like I'm flying!" Rula raised her arms and looked at them like inspecting a treasure. "My arm feels perfect!"

Rula waved her arm and tightly opened and closed her fist. "Amazing!" 

Elizabeth smiled softly but sighed, quiet enough that Rula likely wouldn't hear, but Naya caught it.

--It may not seem like it due to the lack of theatrics, but that spell cost a ridiculous amount of mana. --Verala said.

"I can heal you immediately, Madam Naya." 

"Just Naya."

That made Elizabeth look ecstatic, "Yes, Naya!" 

"It'll feel amazing!" Rula said from the side, still investigating her body. 

"I'll get started; please be still." 

Naya looked forward to it. To feel what the human magic would be like within her body. 

Elizabeth took a deep breath. A noticeable difference in the level of concentration she put into it compared to healing Rula. She slowly raised her arm so her open palm faced Naya.

The golden magic circle formed nearly instantly, and once again, a bright golden light hid the contents of it. The hundreds of threads emerged a moment later. 

Seeing them from the front, Naya could barely determine the tips of them and it looked as though a flood of individual dots was moving toward her chest.

--I wish I could feel this. --Verala spoke with an envious tone.

The threads converged on Naya's chest.

A warm feeling spread from the converged point of contact, one that spread throughout her body. It felt amazing. It was like standing near a fire after spending hours in a biting cold.

The moment couldn't have ended sooner because the feeling vanished a few moments later.

"And done." 

It felt like mere seconds, but it had been longer. Rula was watching Naya with a knowing smile. Elizabeth looked exhausted, with a tired smile on her face and sweat on her brow.

After a breath, Elizabeth spoke, "That was the best healing spell I have."

--Some nobles used to pay just to have that feeling extended. --Verala said.

[Disgusting. ]

"Sadly, that was all the mana I have." Elizabeth leaned back in her chair.

"Such a spell was not necessary," Naya said.

It was good, but it wasn't necessary for the little injuries they had. She clearly had only done it to impress Naya. 

Elizabeth shook her head. "As long as you're fully healed, then the price is one I am willing to pay."


That level of devotion was ridiculous to Naya. She could not connect Elizabeth and her church to Aleria. Nor could she offer anything to them. It felt like they wanted something from her based on her race, which was more grating than anything. 

"Because you are Aleria's creation." 


Elizabeth leaned in again and looked Naya directly in her eyes. 

Again, Naya saw the fanatic look, though slight.

"We may worship her, but we are not Aleria's children. You, the Elves, are." Her tone sounded envious, something Naya hadn't heard before.

[She's... jealous of my race?]

--Of course. You are born more powerful than most mortals will achieve in their life. --Verala said.

"Fine," Naya didn't want to continue that avenue of discussion. "Thank you for your assistance; I am in your debt." She stood.


Elizabeth jumped from her chair and nearly stumbled in the process. She quickly recovered and ran over before Naya. "Please, I would like to talk with you!"

"About what?" Naya had a busy schedule and didn't have time to engage in meaningless conversations.

"We can help you find Witches!" 

Naya was stunned and stared at Elizabeth's pleading hazel eyes. "Explain." 

Elizabeth should not have known her purpose. 

Then, she remembered. [The City Lord's wife.]

--Marie. Of course. --Lia spoke as if she had a revelation.-- Do you remember what you told her?--

Naya did recall. Marie had asked if she was hunting Witches for Aleria, to which she affirmed. 

[Is that really...] It was only a single offhanded comment, not even a conversation. Naya thought nothing of it at the time.

--They misunderstand your intentions... they probably think you're doing something directly ordered by Aleria herself...--

Naya wasn't sure how to take that. Witches were technically the enemies of Aleria, but it certainly wasn't her direct orders to hunt them. However, it would be beneficial to have their assistance. But that would require lying about her god's will.

That alone made her decision easy.

Elizabeth watched her, eagerly anticipating her response as if it were a given.

"Hunting Witches was not Aleria's decree."

Elizabeth's eyes widened, "Wh-what? But-"

"She misunderstood. I do it for Aleria, not because she demanded it of me." 

A silence took over the room, and Elizabeth looked upset as if someone had delivered the worst information.

--Aleria gained prominence mainly because of her verifiable presence, but even that is crumbling. --

[Aleria is still alive.]

--I'm not arguing that, but she rarely speaks to even your people. --

Naya couldn't argue; it was true. Aleria's words were scarce, and she only spoke to the tribunal. 

But still, she had no doubts about her existence and presence in the world. Though she did briefly wonder why Aleria wasn't more active. 

Perhaps it was similar to how the Elves shut themselves off from the world.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Elizabeth's face changed from depression to conflict.

Another minute and Naya was losing patience. She had to remind herself that Elizabeth healed her and Rula's wounds at no cost. However, she also wasn't sure what Elizabeth would ask of her.

Finally, Elizabeth released a deep sigh and sat on a chair. She stared at Naya with a newfound resolve, "We thought perhaps Aleria led you to us so that we can offer you our aid in the hunt for the Witches."

"She did not."

Elizabeth nodded, "But you still do it for her."

Naya slightly quirked a brow, "Yes." 

A quick glance to Rula, who looked bored and fidgeted with a golden coin between her fingers. Her tiredness caught up with her, and her eyes were drooping.

[I want to sleep, too...]

"Then... we still want to offer our aid." Elizabeth stood again and moved before Naya, maintaining her resolute eye contact.


"For now, all I ask is your permission."

"That's it?"

Elizabeth nodded with a solemn gaze.

[It can't be that simple. What is she playing at?]

--A common goal brings the church together. --Verala said. --You're the closest to Aleria; your approval would mean the Elves, and by extension, Aleria herself, are okay with mortal worshippers. If handled properly, it could be used to bolster the Aleria church further. Especially in an age where the other gods are seemingly gone.--

In other words, it wasn't a decision Naya should make hastily.

"What would you do if I accepted?" 

At first, Naya didn't like the idea of mortals worshipping the Elven god. However, she couldn't find any logical reason she shouldn't allow it. She doesn't speak for Aleria; such a thing would be sinful. 

"I'll be truthful, Madam Naya." Elizabeth's address changed, and her tone became much more respectful. She bowed slightly, "I- we hope to show our followers that Aleria recognizes us, that we aren't a mere group of fanatics worshipping another race god."

"Which would allow you to gain more influence in the mortal world." Naya stared at the top of Elizabeth's dipped head. 


Naya thought it sounded like a good thing. Aleria gets a solid hold in the mortal lands and all it took was Naya's approval. It sounded simple, but Naya felt like her decision here would have a profound impact.

--I believe your only concern is how much they want you to do. Your aid here will only make their path faster, but the destination is the same regardless. --Lia said.

--People will still flock to Aleria once word of your deeds gets out; this would only speed it up. --Verala added.

It was hard to believe Verala was once a Witch; she behaved more like a teacher. But Naya didn't want to think about that.

Truthfully, Naya only had one concern with allowing it. She would care about human politics, but it was her god they wanted to use.

She made a decision a moment later.

"I will allow it."

The time Naya spent considering, Elizabeth spent with her head maintained in a bowed manner. But she snapped it up with a beaming smile and excited gaze. "Thank-"

"However!" Naya's face became cold as ice, and she glared, "If I find your people misuse Aleria's name, I will personally hunt every one of you." Her tone was dark. 

"I-" In the silent room, Elizabeth's nervous gulp was audible, "I vow to you, Madam Naya, we only wish for the betterment of the mortal world."

"For your sake, I hope so." 

Rula was still playing with her coin and looked tired, so Naya pulled on her arm and prepared to leave. Elizabeth didn't try to stop her that time.

Naya couldn't feel happy about it. But Verala and Lia were correct. If what it took for people to flock to Aleria was her presence, then it would happen regardless. This way, she could at least be involved directly with its growth. 

But the world was vast.

She could only hope the decision wouldn't come back to bite her.

For now, her path was clear as ever: kill all the Witches, then go home.