Chereads / The man in the chair / Chapter 10 - puzzles

Chapter 10 - puzzles

The next day jonathan goes to school. He walks the corridors looking a bit disoriented and then his friend cal comes up to him. "U good?"

"Yeah i just didn't get enough sleep"

"Yeah i know its tough but you know matthew...they're gonna find him"

"I hope so" jonathan replied as he stopped by his locker and proceeded to unlock it. He grabbed a book from inside the locker and put his bag inside then headed off to class. His first period was history. Like usual the history teacher announced some pop quizzes for the class to test their knowledge and comprehension of the subject so far. Mr galito walked around the classroom handing out pop quizzes to each and everyone present in the class. He sat a timer on his phone and sat on his chair to take a nap while the class finished their quiz. Jonathan flipped the page over to a new one after filling in his name and noticed something off about the questions there. He looked around for a bit to see if anyone else would notice or think those questions were strange. "Why lie about what you saw?"

"What did he say to you?". He double checked his questions to make sure he wasnt seeing things than called out to mr galito the history teacher.

"Sir i think theres a mistake with my paper"

Mr galito got up from his chair and walked over to jonathans table then took out his reading glasses from his pocket then looked at the paper. The class went silent as he took his time reading the paper.

"I don't see anything wrong here"

He said as he handed jonathan the paper to look over once again. Jonathan took the paper and looked but the questions were different. Compared to the previous questions these ones were more related to the topic and asked questions relating to history facts and previous work that they had done. "But-"

"No buts finish your quiz" mr galito interrupted frustrated that his 10 or so minutes of napping had been wasted for a student which he assumed had not studied. Already feeling embarrassed by the stares of the class Jonathan decided to leave it at that and finish his quiz. After about 30 minutes or so Mr galito's timer went off and he got up from his chair and started collecting the quizzes. Done or not done he still took it. Jonathan got up and went to his locker. As he walked the corridors heading for his locker he realized that he was the only one there. Jonathan went back to his class and found no one present there. He started to panick and ran around the whole school searching each and every classroom but there was no sign of anyone there. Jonathan took out his phone from his back pocket and called cal. The call went straight to voicemail, adding on to his fears. As he continued roaming around the school he caught a glimpse of a shadow passing by.


He walked toward the direction he had seen the shadow passing to. "I want my mommy" a voice said from a distance. Jonathan walked closer to see who it was. At a distance by the stairway he saw a kid sitting and looking away from his direction. The kid kept repeating the same phrase. Jonathan walked closer to the kid and tapped his shoulder from behind. The kid stopped talking and slowly turned his head back. Half of the boys face was badly burnt and he had a creepy smile on his face. His nose was disfigured and his eyes were pitch-black.

"Are you my mommy?" The kid said smiling even wider. Jonathan stumbled back in fright. The kid startrd laughing in a creepy manner and then Jonathan woke up. He was still in history class and Mr galito had been trying to wake him up for the past 20 minutes.

"You're really asking me to give you detention"

"Sorry sir"

Mr galito took in his quiz and dismissed the class.