Naruto began to understood why the situation is noisy as the spymaster after he explained the situation on enemy.
"Silence…Silence…Silence…!!!" Order house of speaker as he cane knock to the ground very hard.
As he emperor look at the people on this council, "please continue Spymaster what the enemy of other side of gate!" order emperor.
As he began to explained everything "that not at all my liege" said the Spymaster to the council, "what do you mean by that Taichi" said the emperor.
The other side of the gate according to our spy inside the army they will be fallback what shock them is the language is the same as our language" said the spymaster.
This shock the entire council room like arrow piercing their heart.
"You mean on the other side of gate their language like our" said Prince Naruto.
" yes, prince Naruto" said Taichi, "are you sure the enemy doesn't Konoha " ask naruto.
"no Naruto sama the otherside gate country is called japan" said the Taichi, this make naruto happy as he look at the taichi, "father I think we need to contact this Japan ? " ask naruto to the emperor, "I will take the expedition to the alnus Hill, their we will contact the Japan people" said naruto to his father.
"Is our spies actually exposed to the empire" said the emperor, "ie my liege because after they, caught they being interogated I order them cooperate at the Japan government" said Taichi top the emperor
The emperor who pragmatic began to calculated about the impact of war and then he began to order the entire council to take a vote.
As the council take vote naruto began to think what should he do swince this is his first battle again enemy especially Sadera he doesn't know that if the japan actually friendly or hostile.
Suddenly Poff. There a snake with two head appear, on the council room.
"Taichi Sama the minatour agent have gift you a message" said the hydra who began spew the scroll" said the summoning Taichi nod and he began to read it.
"What inside the scroll is Taichi" said Naruto on taichi "the japan governmant appear want to communicate at us and want to our delegate to appear on their government meeting at the japan" said Taichi, this made the emperor happy and entire council happy.
As the vote finish, the emperor stand up 100 percent vote againt no is 0 percent as the emperor look at the room, "we will give the enemy to know us to not messed with the Uzumaki" said the emperor this make the entire room cheer.
On 302 AE Mark the day where the Neo Uzu Empire Declare war on Sadera.