"It's unsettling to learn that someone like you has been observing me from a distance. Please, if you genuinely care, you shouldn't do that," my master said, clearly displeased.
I regretted admitting that I had been watching him from afar; I had only done it to ensure his safety, but he misunderstood my intentions.
"M-master, I only wish for you to be safe! I never intended to stalk you," I explained, my voice tinged with concern.
My master shot me a skeptical glare, he clearly didn't believe my explanation.
"Stalking is when someone watches you from a distance without your consent," my master declared.
His words weighed heavily on my heart, and I didn't know how to respond. I looked down, my ears flattened against my head.
"I-it was to ensure your safety, master. I meant no harm to come your way," I replied, feeling remorseful. "A-and I only wanted to protect you, master!" I continued, looking at him with teary eyes.