Everyone present in the room felt stunned as their minds were confused by this situation.
They never expected Tang Yin's reaction to this situation to be so harsh, but they wondered what would they do in the situation Tang Yin was in? They would probably become so arrogant because of their change in status that they would humiliate and harshly mock all these guys, so in the end, they simply kept silent and said nothing.
They only watched Gu Hong fall unconscious down the wall, and no one went to pick him up. Even Elder Pan was surprised and a little annoyed, as those two were his subordinates, but he still said nothing.
Tang Yin also didn't care about the reactions of these worthless people, instead, he looked at Ma Feng and nodded to him.
This time, as soon as Ma Feng arrived in front of the elders who had the exams, they obediently handed them to him, and he handed them to Tang Yin.
Tang Yin then took the exams and looked at them for a moment.